Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian Riots On My Blog

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--- Quote from: Novakovic on October 22, 2010, 12:05:48 AM ---Voo-joo if you condemn all ex-Serbs who are islamized, only because they are a part of an other religion. You can not say that every ex-Serb is a criminal, right?
According to that mentality we Orthodox Serbs can also condemn you Voo-joo. You are not an Orthodox Serb, but a protestant [Evangelist]..
So what is the difference between you and a Serb who converted into Islam or Catholicism? No difference, you both decided to leave Orthodoxy..

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I'm not a Protestant, you utter imbecile.
Shut up.

Ljudi nema potrebe za svadjom i vredjanjem ako smo srbi i pobozni smo, mi barem ovde na ovom sajtu moramo da pokazemo jedinstvo i slogu a ne da se svadjamo k'o cigani nego da polemisemo kao braca. Da bratski jedan grugog pitamo i kazemo misljenje a ne da dozvolimo malim nesuglasicama da stanu izmedju nas i  postanu najbitnija stvar to rade samo fanatici!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on October 22, 2010, 06:58:24 AM ---Ljudi nema potrebe za svadjom i vredjanjem ako smo srbi i pobozni smo, mi barem ovde na ovom sajtu moramo da pokazemo jedinstvo i slogu a ne da se svadjamo k'o cigani nego da polemisemo kao braca. Da bratski jedan grugog pitamo i kazemo misljenje a ne da dozvolimo malim nesuglasicama da stanu izmedju nas i  postanu najbitnija stvar to rade samo fanatici!

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serbian army:

--- Quote from: voo-yo on October 21, 2010, 05:06:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on October 21, 2010, 02:19:18 AM ---
--- Quote from: serbian army on October 20, 2010, 06:28:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on October 20, 2010, 02:53:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ron Ben Michael on October 20, 2010, 11:09:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on October 20, 2010, 10:56:53 AM ---There is only oneTanach and Torah thta one uses Jews!!!

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This is not what Islam teaches.

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I did and he is right. It clearly states that Jews are the worst enemies of Allah and that if you take a Christian for the friend you committed sin. Only way to have any relationship with Christian is that all other muslim "brothers" are nowhere to be seen (distant foreign land). Also it advocates how muslims must make a Christian women part of islam if they get married.

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And in other part says that Christian and Jews are they brothers!
you take that from the concept . Its true that Quran have some disputed parts but only valid 100% Gods book is the bible! Quran says that Thanakh and New Testament(Renewed Covenant) are true!
What says in Talmud about Christians ? Many Christian Churchs says that Jews betray Jesus!!
Its normaly that woman become muslim if she is in marriage with muslim, same thing doing Jews!

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You can't just pick and choose from your religion. Islam says Muslims must conquer other peoples' lands and that's it. No peace with them is possible.

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I agree. We can see from the historical perspective how good move Greeks made by kicking those animals out of their lands.

Let moderator delete all those posts not being related with the subject of the topic, because two thirds of this topic are irrelevant and leads to unnecessary fights over ridiculous things.
I ask the divided members to show little more respect and understanding toward each other.If you don't have common views on certain questions, than step aside and don't fall into foolish arguing.

The subject is forceful integration of pure satanic destructive ideology into our society by the criminal groups of EU leaders which is directed against our families and against the possibilities of creating new families and new people.
EU representative in Serbia, Vincent Deger, was one of the leaders of the sick parade.He stated(and was broadcast on all occupying TVs with national frequencies) that "Serbia needs to accept and integrate into the EU's system of values".
That system of values is clearly anti-family spreading spiritual genocide throughout the nation.

And that's not all.The Council of Europe(maybe it should be called "The Council of Babylon") proposed to all its 47 members to ban using of the word "mother" in official documents as it is allegedly "sexist" and disrespectful to women.Of course, this lie is only a mask which hides the preparations in the areas of legislatives and mentality of the(already brainwashed) masses for the uprising of destructive homosexual ideology where individuals infected with this homosexual disease will be able to adopt kids as "normal" couple in the union of holy marriage.When two men, in so called "marriage", come to adopt a child, there is no mother.So,they want to adopt the "climate changes" for their plans.

We have to fight it.The time is up for further talking.We have nothing to say anymore to the occupying system.They crossed all the lines and the time for fight has come.

Hard times are waiting for us in Serbia.I should dare to say - even much more harder times than in the `90s. EU is preparing secession of Raska region where Muslims live,they are canceling our Army and our economy is rapidly declining.They are preparing new round of talks falsely with Albanians,but truly with small group of EU rulers where it will be asked from our people in the northern part of Kosovo to accept occupation and integrate into EU governed Albanian so called "country".Of course, the pressure to accept it will be huge, but the Serbs in the north won't accept it and I think we will see another expulsion of the remaining Serbs from Kosovo.

If we don't stop the occupation immediately, this scenario is certain and we'll lose much of our territory and we will struggle for our existence for who knows how many long and who knows will we prevail.

The situation is very hard in the country.Lethargy, apathy and the feeling of weakness is dominant among the people.The occupying media are trying to intensify those feelings throughout the nation representing the politics of "not having alternatives"(meaning on the obedience to Vatican controlled EU) so that any kind of major resistance could not occur.
One of the most saddest things is the situation considering young people.Young people in our country are completely beheaded.They don't know where they are going , majority is convinced that EU is the solution for their problems instead to realize that the EU and the acceptance of its system of values and the way of life is the source of their problems.When and how they are going to start a families, have kids if they accept the system of values which includes slavery,pitiful payments,complete dependence of banks and credits,harlotry(not being respective to the G-d given institution of marriage),drugs, and other destructive and anti-family,anti-life EU "values".Not need to mention of not having its own houses and place for living.They are coming in large numbers to bigger cities, every year, for studying.And after they finish(or not) they are almost pressured by the system to stay in bigger city to have any kind of work in order to survive.And that situation make them to live in small apartments paying rents which is not at all the condition where one could become capable of creating a new family.Plus uncertainty of preserving job results of complete uncertainty for its future and living in constant fear,so young people don't even think about kids and family.

The only solution is to stop once for all this destruction of our society that EU brings us.Our rulers, as they are brought by NATO aggression,by force, won't go peacefully.But , if it is needed to resist them by force,to over through them in the way they came - I say let it be! Because we have no choice if we want to survive.

Well, those are my thoughts about current ongoings.Let me hear what do you think?


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