Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Genocide of children in the Independent State of Croatia

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--- Quote from: Edward on November 11, 2010, 06:03:43 AM ---Yeah, I heard that even in Czechoslovakia there was a racist Catholic priest, I forgot his name, and he supported the Ustasha beasts... He hated Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs and many other nation.
How can a priest be a racist? Isn't it against Jesus' teachings? Isn't it against G-d? I just don't get it!!

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You are thinking of Jozef Tiso who was a priest and ruler in Slovakia (Czechs and Slovaks were broken up in WWII).

I don't know that he said anything about Serbs, but Jews and Roma were certainly persecuted under his rule. In fact, his henchmen actually paid the Nazis to take away Slovak Jews to the camps.

Contrast that with Nazi-allied places like Hungary and Bulgaria, which were certainly antisemitic, which refused to deport their own Hungarian and Bulgarian Jews to the camps in Poland. Hungary's Jews ended up being deported in 1944 when there was a change in leadership, and Bulgaria's were never deported.


--- Quote from: Slobodan on November 11, 2010, 09:41:35 AM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 10, 2010, 09:20:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Edward on November 09, 2010, 01:49:10 PM ---The Roman Catholic Church hated the Serbs and the Jews and that's why they were so silent during the war... While those Croatian Catholic savages did crimes that even made the toughest S.S officers wanna vomit. Shame on the Vatican! The pope is supposed to be a rightious man, a man who resembles Jesus... But during the WW2 he didn't say a word about all the mass murders of so many innocent kids...
That only shows us, how divine is the Catholic clergy...

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Vatican always wanna to destroy serbs and jews because they want not  to become roman catholics and that driving crazy all popes! WWII is just one of episodes of that!

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И Протестанте.

And Protestants.

--- Quote from: Edward on November 11, 2010, 06:03:43 AM ---Yeah, I heard that even in Czechoslovakia there was a racist Catholic priest, I forgot his name, and he supported the Ustasha beasts... He hated Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs and many other nation.
How can a priest be a racist? Isn't it against Jesus' teachings? Isn't it against G-d? I just don't get it!!

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Римокатоличка црква није Хришћанска већ антихришћанска (сатанистичка) црква. Ово не кажем зато што мрзим Ватикан (иако га мрзим) већ зато што је то, веровао или не, чињеница.

Roman Catholic Church is not Christian but an anti-Christian (satanist) church. I dont say this because I hate Vatican, but because it is, believe it or not, the fact.

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The main enemies of the Catholic Church are not utterly false religions like Islam or Hinduism. Their main enemies, and victims, are Orthodox Christians, Protestant Christians, and Jews.

Let us not forget that on St. Bartholomew's day in France there was a massacre of tens of thousands of Protestants and Protestantism was completely exterminated in France. Most Protestants of today have forgotten and do not know this, but historically their greatest enemy was the Vatican.

Protestants are destroyed!!! All are under popes command!

That dirty pig Jozef Tiso was a close friend of Ante Pavelic. They met a lot, and there was a military agreement between the Croatian Nazis and the Czechoslovak Nazis.


--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 11, 2010, 06:16:27 PM ---Protestants are destroyed!!! All are under popes command!

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Not true. There are still some Baptists and Presbyterians and nondenominationals that reject the Vatican. David Hunt, a Protestant commentator, argues very cogently against ecumenism and against the Vatican, see Part 1:

Check out parts 2-6 as well.


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