Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Genocide of children in the Independent State of Croatia
--- Quote from: Edward on November 09, 2010, 01:49:10 PM ---The Roman Catholic Church hated the Serbs and the Jews and that's why they were so silent during the war... While those Croatian Catholic savages did crimes that even made the toughest S.S officers wanna vomit. Shame on the Vatican! The pope is supposed to be a rightious man, a man who resembles Jesus... But during the WW2 he didn't say a word about all the mass murders of so many innocent kids...
That only shows us, how divine is the Catholic clergy...
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Vatican always wanna to destroy serbs and jews because they want not to become roman catholics and that driving crazy all popes! WWII is just one of episodes of that!
--- Quote from: Edward on November 09, 2010, 01:49:10 PM ---The Roman Catholic Church hated the Serbs and the Jews and that's why they were so silent during the war... While those Croatian Catholic savages did crimes that even made the toughest S.S officers wanna vomit. Shame on the Vatican! The pope is supposed to be a rightious man, a man who resembles Jesus... But during the WW2 he didn't say a word about all the mass murders of so many innocent kids...
That only shows us, how divine is the Catholic clergy...
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Their sin is not just one of silence. They actually had many bishops and archbishops cheering the extermination of Serbs and Jews and many, many priests who actually performed the killings. The commandant of Jasenovac was a Franciscan priest.ĊĦe
Yeah, I heard that even in Czechoslovakia there was a racist Catholic priest, I forgot his name, and he supported the Ustasha beasts... He hated Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs and many other nation.
How can a priest be a racist? Isn't it against Jesus' teachings? Isn't it against God? I just don't get it!!
--- Quote from: Edward on November 11, 2010, 06:03:43 AM ---Yeah, I heard that even in Czechoslovakia there was a racist Catholic priest, I forgot his name, and he supported the Ustasha beasts... He hated Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs and many other nation. How can a priest be a racist? Isn't it against Jesus' teachings? Isn't it against G-d? I just don't get it!!
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It are the people who want to act like criminals. You have people who misuse religion to conduct a criminal agenda.
Antisemitism and crimes against the Orthodox people used to be the official policy of the Roman Catholic Church.
--- Quote from: crnitrn on November 10, 2010, 09:20:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Edward on November 09, 2010, 01:49:10 PM ---The Roman Catholic Church hated the Serbs and the Jews and that's why they were so silent during the war... While those Croatian Catholic savages did crimes that even made the toughest S.S officers wanna vomit. Shame on the Vatican! The pope is supposed to be a rightious man, a man who resembles Jesus... But during the WW2 he didn't say a word about all the mass murders of so many innocent kids...
That only shows us, how divine is the Catholic clergy...
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Vatican always wanna to destroy serbs and jews because they want not to become roman catholics and that driving crazy all popes! WWII is just one of episodes of that!
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И Протестанте.
And Protestants.
--- Quote from: Edward on November 11, 2010, 06:03:43 AM ---Yeah, I heard that even in Czechoslovakia there was a racist Catholic priest, I forgot his name, and he supported the Ustasha beasts... He hated Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs and many other nation.
How can a priest be a racist? Isn't it against Jesus' teachings? Isn't it against G-d? I just don't get it!!
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Римокатоличка црква није Хришћанска већ антихришћанска (сатанистичка) црква. Ово не кажем зато што мрзим Ватикан (иако га мрзим) већ зато што је то, веровао или не, чињеница.
Roman Catholic Church is not Christian but an anti-Christian (satanist) church. I dont say this because I hate Vatican, but because it is, believe it or not, the fact.
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