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Ask JTF for Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dear Chaim:
Shalom. Here are my questions or comments for the week:
(1) One of the parties fielding a candidate for Governor in NY is called "The Rent Is Too Damn High." Have you had a chance to see a picture of video of its leader Jimmy McMillan? Maybe you can describe to the great JTFers in your unique and eloquent way what Jimmy McMillan looks like.
(2) I was riding on the #6 train from the court house in lower Manhattan this past week. I was just got out of a tough court case and was sitting and relaxing. Low and behold an "african queen" got on the train screaming (please use your shfartza princess voice) "excuse me for interrupting your pleasant train ride. But I am from the united homeless organization ("uho") if any body is homeless and hungry I got some fresh sandwiches and drinks in my bag!". I could see she had green bologna sandwiches - with mildew - and some sort of punch or bug juice. Very disgusting. Quite honestly, I was secretly hoping her "grub" was laced with hemlock or arsenic to cut down on the human vermon problem in the subways.
(3) Is there a homeless problem in israel? Do arab cockroaches pose the same problem with vagrancy in israel like their simian cousins in new york.
(4) You once responded to a question of mine on a past jtf program referencing how you personally witnessed in prison shfartza and/or muslims engaged in horrific animal cruelty. At the time you answered my question you did not want to go into details of these events. I do not know if you were traumatized by the event but I think it is important to know the barbaric acts our enemies are capable of. If you can muster up the courage, please expose the barbaric deeds.
(5) Do you have any Lyn Samuels stories? Do you know if she is a dyke? Where is she these days?
All the best,
Dear Chaim,
If JTF was in power in the U.S How would you change the system of goverment? Should government get smaller or larger and why? one more week untill voting begins. What are your thoughts on Bill White? What story do you ahve of Bill White?
The proud Jew:
Dear chaim,
1. Do you have any ideas on how we can accumulate the funds to transform our movement to an unstoppable mass movement?
2. Once we are in power in israel, How are we going to deal with the israeli arab filthy animals? I dont think they want to leave so i predict we will have to force them out.
Thank you,
Shalom Chaim.
What do you think about the organizations: Efrat, Yad L’Achim?
Did Christianity evolve from Judaism or from Paganism?
Did Muhammad create Islam accidentally or purposely?
By whom was the Canon of the Tanakh decided?
Did assimilation lead to the holocaust?
Should Israel nuke Mecca?
Todah rabah, thank you very much as always,
Greetings Chaim. In the next few weeks what do you suggest we do to start the campaign against Obama? What are some of the "talking points" we should use?
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