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Just Joining

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  BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA LOL ;D :laugh:

Well, YouTube brought me to u, so i gues it works.  Thanx for the welcome.  If you make it clear u oppose coon and [censored] behavior, u will get lots of new members.

Well they are at it again in Toronto murdering each other.....  at least it is each other, like the Arabs, and not us...


--- Quote from: coonhunter on May 26, 2007, 10:53:57 PM ---Hi Dudes. I'm Catholic but definitely support what I see here so far. I knew nothin bout JTF til I saw a Youtube video by Allen where he like told the truth about coons. I cant stand schvartzas because so many are in my school and I know what there really like. So its nice to see people who arent so PC that they ignore the truth. Hope to learn lot more here.

--- End quote ---

I hate coons.

G'day mate,

Welcome aboard the truth express!


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