Author Topic: AZ Governor: Obama, Calderon Both Want Illegal Immigration to Continue to Increa  (Read 1306 times)

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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer told that she believes neither President Barack Obama of the United States nor President Felipe Calderon of Mexico wants to secure the U.S.-Mexico border because they hope illegal aliens will increase liberal voters in the United States.

“I think it’s just amazing that the Mexican government, along with President Calderon and the bordering governors that interact with us, they do not want our borders secure,” Brewer said in a telephone interview today. “I mean, they have made it very, very clear.”

When asked why she believed Calderon does not want the U.S.-Mexico border secured, Brewer said, “I believe that he believes that he is helping out the federal administration and they are looking at it in a political mode to bring in newly registered illegal immigrants to register to vote.”

Brewer, a Republican, also said Calderon “wants those dollars that they are raising here in Arizona and in all America being sent back to Mexico to push up his economy.”

Asked whether she thinks Calderon wants Mexican citizens to vote in U.S. elections after they have been given an amnesty and have become citizens of the United States or while they are still illegal aliens, Brewer said: “Probably both.”

Brewer said she does not believe President Barack Obama wants to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and that he wants both an amnesty for illegal aliens and a continuing flow of illegal aliens across the border because he believes that will increase the liberal voting bloc in the United States.

“You think President Obama would like to amnesty the illegal aliens in the United States today because, for one thing, he believes they would become liberal voters and support candidates and politicians who would advance his views of what America should be?” asked Brewer.

“I do,” she said.

“And you believe he would like to continue the flow of illegal aliens into the United States, for among other reasons, to increase the potential voting bloc of people who would support his agenda?” asked.

“I do,”said Brewer.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt