Obama stated that he's going to "work" with the new Republican congress. I think the economy is going to improve like it did in 1994 when Clinton faced a new Republican Congress. Back then Clinton went along with the Republican congress to give the public the idea he was improving the economy and thus he got re-elected. The danger here is Obama may do the same. The Republican congress is going to drastically cut taxes and promote much more capitalism, greatly improving the economy, and Obama can get the credit for it. If Obama goes along with this congress on everything, it could make him look good and get him re-elected. If Obama goes against them and fights with them it could hurt his chances greatly IMO. Is Obama going to go with the flow or stand against the tide here? Also if Obama keeps making statements like he did about the ground zero mosque and Guantanamo Bay, that could sink his chances, so I hope he doesn't keep his mouth shut about these things.