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Ask the proud jew

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The proud Jew:
anything you want

Maybe you can explain your Nickname, 'The Proud Jew'...

Are you Proud, are you a Jew? What makes you proud? What makes you Jewish?

Start with those easy questions...


--- Quote from: The proud Jew on November 09, 2010, 07:22:42 PM ---anything you want

--- End quote ---

Do you like JTF?

What is your most important political issue that you're concerned about?

The proud Jew:
Yes Im pure blooded jew and im proud muman. What makes me a proud jew is that i love hashem. What makes me proud is that i have pride with my self and our people.

Rubystars, ofcourse i love jtf. The most important issue im concerned about is the boulshavic govt, supreme court etc we have in israel!

Do you think there's a good chance of replacing the evil government of Israel with a righteous one in the near future, or do you think it will take decades?


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