This is Great Joe from India. Great to be in this wonderful forum of Jews and righteous gentiles telling the truth about false religion Islam and its consequences to the world. i like Zionism very much. I love the Jewish people very much and i stand for their right to live in their land Eretz Israel, the land G-d has given to Jews.
Throughout history G-d has not forgotten his people and he is much concerned about his children.
"I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curse thee" Genesis-12:3
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall Prosper that love thee" Psalms-122:6
"for out of Zion shall forth the law,and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" Isaiah-2:3
"For Zions sake I will not be silent,For Jerusalems sake I will not remain Quiet,Till her righteousness shine out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch" Isaiah-62:1.
First time i learned about this JTF is when i was surfing youtube "Real Islam Revealed" That clip was really truthful and i now i have downloaded hundreds and hundreds of JTFs videos made by Chaim Ben Pesach and David Ben Moshe.
This is the time Jews,Hindus, Christians unite together to eliminate Radical Islam. Last but not the least I wish the Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach live long life and may his voice of truth be heard all around the world and become a mass movement so that righteousness of Israel shines.
G-d Bless Israel
G-d Bless India
G-d Bless each and everyone of you...