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Strauss Group removes support for IDF from website
11/18/2010 12:46
BDS group says Israeli company took down support for military after internet clip criticized Israel's "human rights abuses."
Talkbacks (30)
An Israeli company that co-owns Sabra, the number-one selling hummus brand in the United States, has removed support for the IDF from its English-language website after a video circulating the internet criticized the company's support of Israel's "human rights abuses," according to a press release issued Thursday by the Philadelphia branch of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Strauss Group, which recently highlighted its "adoption" of the Golani Reconnaissance platoon and other Israeli soldiers on its website, has taken down its support for the IDF, according to the press release.
Turning the tables on BDS
BDS: Nuisance or genuine threat?
Kate Zaidan, a spokesperson for BDS group said, "We notice that while Stauss's English-language website no longer makes these claims, the Hebrew-language part of the site still includes them."
She added, "Philly BDS is asking that Strauss Group clarify whether the removal of the references means that Strauss no longer supports the Golani brigade, or whether it is simply an acknowledgment that support for the Israeli military is no longer seen as beneficial to Strauss's international image. We hope Strauss will confirm that the company now supports the 2005 Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel."
Last month, Philadephia activists staged a dance around a local supermarket as part of a campaign to pressure grocery chains to stop carrying Sabra Hummus products. The activists urged the supermarket and its customers not to "buy into Israeli apartheid," and shouted "No Justice, No Chickpeas!"
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30. As Strauss products aren't Organic I don't buy
* Author: Tee Gee
* Country: ISRAEL
* 11/18/2010 18:34
them anyway. Another reason I buy Organic, apart from its health benefits,is because a lot of our organic products come from Judea/Samaria & they're of the highest quality & taste. What I'd like to become active in is an Israeli organization which BDSs products from any country which lets such groups rampage against Israeli imports, harassing businesses which sell them & people who buy them. Therefore, if there are any imports from Philadelphia being sold in Israel I'm going to BDS them. Note: Philadelphia means 'Brotherly Love' in Greek but not much of that is to be found there it seems!

* Author: Daniel
* Country: Israel
* 11/18/2010 18:26
Can't see a valid reason to boycott and divest from Israel
28. Strauss
* Author: Tommy
* Country: Ire
* 11/18/2010 18:20
When any congressman or organisation said anything against Israel out came AIPAC from the wood to destroy them not when it's done to the IDF the most immoral army in the world all these talkback cry foul shame on you people.
27. Give them an inch...
* Author: Makevet
* Country: Israel
* 11/18/2010 18:03
'"Philly BDS is asking that Strauss Group clarify whether the removal of the references means that Strauss no longer supports the Golani brigade, or whether it is simply an acknowledgment that support for the Israeli military is no longer seen as beneficial to Strauss's international image. We hope Strauss will confirm that the company now supports the 2005 Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel."' Strauss, you silly b----rs. Didn't you realise before embracing these hostile bedfellows that having given them an inch they would want the whole mile?
26. BDS without pride or loyalty
* Author: J. Grodin, MD
* Country: USA
* 11/18/2010 17:48
I and my family have always used Sabra products, but NO MORE!
25. Support the IDF
* Author: mimi
* Country: USA
* 11/18/2010 17:38
I will never by their products again...either you are with us or against us, and you made your choice. Go to their website and get a list of all the products they sell, then mark them off your grocery list. SUPPORT ISRAEL!!
24. Strauss
* Author: Henri
* Country: Israel
* 11/18/2010 17:32
This is one sure way to lose loyal customers. The Strauss brand will assimilate and be lost in the world similar to those who assimilate and lose their identity.
23. win customers and
* Author: shushan
* Country: dubai
* 11/18/2010 17:25
lose customers
22. Tit for tat
* Author: Philip Crown
* Country: Israel
* 11/18/2010 17:04
Strauss has the temerity to boycott the IDF so I heartily beseech the Israeli populace to boycott this company's products.It should be possible to bankrupt Strauss and good riddance.There are plenty of other products from which to choose.
21. These are all the same people
* Author: harrisonford
* Country:
* 11/18/2010 17:03
This is the same person wirting all these posts, you can tell by the immature writing, Please pull all these message down and leave one, this is a gross mispresentation, shame on jpost for letting these clown post the same message in this process of blogging ..... STUPID and PETTY KIDS Grow up clowns and I don't even know the company or ever heard of them and don't relly care, but I hate stupid petty people like this!!!!!
Strauss Group removes support for ...
BDS group says Israeli company took down support for military after ...
BDS Strauss Group Sabra Hummus Philadelphia Golani Kate Zaidan website boycott chickpease