Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Would serbia ever try to take back kosovo?
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 22, 2010, 01:40:47 PM ---
--- Quote from: voo-yo on November 22, 2010, 01:35:12 PM ---Ti se sigurno ne pravis glupim, zato sto stvarno jesi glup.
Ponavljam, Crkva nema proroke (ljude koji vide buducnost) zadnjih 2000 godina, da li je taj starac prvi?
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Pa ti mjesas kontekst. Pa znas dobro da nema proroka [profeet] nakon Mesije.
Po tvojoj logici onda bi mogli zakljuciti da je Muhamed bio prorok? To su gluposti.
Pa nije ovo vrijeme starog Zavjeta. Uloge proroka su preuzeli svestenici, svestenstvo, Crkva. Mislim, ti se pravis glup ali nisi ti glup, ma imas ti mogza.
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Izbegavas da odgovoris na jasno pitanje, i to svi vide. Ponovicu jos jednom.
Crkva nema proroke (ljude koji vide buducnost) zadnjih 2000 godina, da li je taj starac prvi?
Odgovorio sam na pitanje. Naravno da ima ljudi kojima je Bog da neki talenat.
Ali ja ne koristim pojam ''prorok'' jer to spada u kontekst starog zavjeta. Znaci nema prophets nakon Mesije. Ali dali ti razumijes da postoji razlika izmedju uloge proroka prophets iz starog zavjeta i ljudi koji zbog Bozije milosti imaju odredjene talente, kao gledanje u buducnost.
--- Quote from: Novakovic on November 22, 2010, 01:56:35 PM ---Odgovorio sam na pitanje. Naravno da ima ljudi kojima je Bog da neki talenat.
Ali ja ne koristim pojam ''prorok'' jer to spada u kontekst starog zavjeta. Znaci nema prophets nakon Mesije. Ali dali ti razumijes da postoji razlika izmedju uloge proroka prophets iz starog zavjeta i ljudi koji zbog Bozije milosti imaju odredjene talente, kao gledanje u buducnost.
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Ako je njemu Bog dao "talenat" da gleda u buducnost, onda je on jedinstven slucaj u istoriji Crkve. Cudi me da vise ljudi ne zna za to "cudo".
Serbian Canadian:
The Russian issue has been brought up numerous times in the past and has created a lot of tension. You can read some of the older threads. So let's not go there. There is no question that Russian Jews have faced tremendous persecutions, antisemitic attacks and pogroms throughout history. This is something that needs to be acknowledged.
However, JTF recognizes Russia's closeness and ties to Serbia and the fact that they have aided us in the darkest of times. Not to mention that they were the closest thing we had to an ally while we were being mercilessly bombed by NATO. Therefore, JTF has no problem with Serbian-Russian relations. That is JTF's official position on this issue but it does not mean that Russians' treatment of Jews is forgiven.
I have to tell You I don't think Russia has been such a good and loyal ally to Serbia/Yugoslavia since WW2. You can thank Russia for bringing up Tito who is really the one most responsible for the eventual disintegration of Yugoslavia and then Serbia. Had Yugoslavia remained after WW2 the free republic it had been between the wars than Serbia would not lose Kosovo, Kraina, etc.
Then later on in the 90s onwards didn't Russia sell arms to Bosnia and Kosovo ? Maybe they did it indirectly through the Arabs but I am sure the guns were made in Russia not made in Egypt.
And what about the Russian response to Kosovo deceleration of independence ? Their response was that since the West carved out the Islamic state of Kosovo out of Serbia, Russia carves out two states out of Georgia- Ossetia and the Islamic Abhazia.
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