Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Would serbia ever try to take back kosovo?
--- Quote from: Novakovic on December 02, 2010, 09:24:36 AM ---
--- Quote from: crnitrn on December 02, 2010, 09:03:39 AM ---This is a very important because this a telling to us that soul of the saints are not alive so we cant pray to them and the to their Icons.
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Lol.. Typical Adventist propaganda! O my G-d! ;D
And you dare call your self an Orthodox Christian. LoL!
I am glad that Serbian priests are warning us for these sects...
Father Joilo on the Adventist sects [so called Subotari]:
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I did not expect that I will said this but I must agree with some people here who said that you are stupid!
Typically for theological non educated person when hear that someone say for Saturday is the holiday they immediately says for you Adventist,Adventist,Adventist,Adventist..[so called Subotari].
But for those things Adventist are guilty they think that this is a central issue in theology, than other things are less important, and like a parrot they repeat Saturday,Saturday,Saturday,Saturday...
I am a true Orthodox Christian without paganism and you can say a thousand times Lol but that is just a laughter of the intoxicated man!
I must to tell you something, Orthodox Christianity is not based on Holy Fathers or on the priests stories and explanation than Bible!
Your theology is in contrast with Orthodoxy. You present Christianity according to the Adventist perspective. So if you talk like an Adventist, then you should not be surprised that people will call you one of them. It is extremely obviously that you have much in common with the sectarian doctrine of the Adventists, Subotari.
This explains your hostile attitude towards the Serbian Orthodox Church and Orthodox Russia.
--- Quote from: Novakovic on December 02, 2010, 12:24:19 PM ---@crnitrn
Your theology is in contrast with Orthodoxy. You present Christianity according to the Adventist perspective. So if you talk like an Adventist, then you should not be surprised that people will call you one of them. It is extremely obviously that you have much in common with the sectarian doctrine of the Adventists, Subotari.
This explains your hostile attitude towards the Serbian Orthodox Church and Orthodox Russia.
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Holidays, Icons,food .... and stuff are not central issue of theology, That what are you doing is matter your moral acts!
Irinej could call self a Orthodox million times, when he is a big sinner, orthodoxy is a spiritual not materially thing! Gods loves more some Chinese who lives morally by His law than irinej ecumenists and hypocrite!
Did you checked out anything of this what I said or of that you claim! Did you?? Do Research and than we can talk!
Ma koj se djavo ja sa tobom raspravljam !
Mi ovde treba da se svadjamo oko perifernih stvari adok nas zapad utire u korenu ! Daj te da radimo na tome kako npr, smeniti tadica , kako spreciti izvesno odcepljene vojvodine i raske!!
Ne znam da li je M.Petrovic danas andventista, ali znam pouzdano da je bio clan adventisticke crkve. On je iz Odzaka ,tamo su svi adventisti. Znam da mu se brat bavio necim oko mesa(prodavao meso ili je imao mesnicu,pa su ga zvali Karneks),a Miroljub je nesto petljao oko prodaje CD-ova.
Inace, Miroljubova teologija jeste u potpunosti adventisticka po svim teoloskim pitanjima.Tacnije, to je teologija koja dolazi od verske zajednice zvane Adventisti sedmog dana ili sabatnog dana. Za mene je logicno da on objasnjava Sveto pismo kroz adventisticku teologiju ,jer je u toj verskoj zajednici stekao teolosko znanje. Uostalom, naucnik kojeg cesto pominje(a kojeg i ja veoma cenim kao naucnika) je Robert Dzentri.Dzentri je adventista i ima ista teoloska ucenja kao i Miroljub. Nije nikakav problem odati priznanje njihovoj vesrkoj zajednici na naucnim doprinosima u dokazivanju istinitosti Svetog pisma. Ja nemam nista protiv toga i ne mislim nista lose,naprotiv. Korisno je to u danasnjem vremenu kad je manipulacijom naukom zestoko napadnut Bog i ljudi koji su Bogu naklonjeni. Ali treba reci cije teolosko ucenje se koristi(bez obzira da li je neko clan verske zajednice ili ne). Svako ko poznaje teoloska ucenja razlicitih denominacija moze to lako da zakljuci.
Sto se tice mog pogleda na Petrovica mislim da je patriota, da imamo zajednicke poglede na Vatikan i EU, postujem njegova uverenja o nekim teoloskim ucenjima po kojima se razlikujemo,a ono sto mogu da mu zamerim je sto ne pokazuje na delu oo sto prica,tj. poziva sve ljude da zive na selu(sto nije lose), ali onda se mora dati primer onoga na sta se covek poziva. On zivi u Beogradu i to je malko dvolicno.
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