Author Topic: Traitor Kapo Hoeseph Lieberman (Yimach Schmo) Demands Amazon Remove Wikileaks  (Read 9017 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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This may rise to the level of a death penalty if people die as a result of the leaked information...
Yes... what a tragedy that Muslim Nazis might die if Israel decides to go ahead and bomb Iran because documents were leaked that gave her some confidence. What a great Torah pillar you are.

How is that that a Gentile understands what Jews don't?!

I think you are naive to think that this leak will give any strength to Israel. If so, then it was a blessing, but I still do not see it like this. The damage which will be caused may be greater than any gain..

What damage?   Can you explain what damage was done to Jews or Israel by these leaks?   I see it has damaged our enemies, NOT us.

Offline muman613

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This may rise to the level of a death penalty if people die as a result of the leaked information...
Yes... what a tragedy that Muslim Nazis might die if Israel decides to go ahead and bomb Iran because documents were leaked that gave her some confidence. What a great Torah pillar you are.

How is that that a Gentile understands what Jews don't?!

I think you are naive to think that this leak will give any strength to Israel. If so, then it was a blessing, but I still do not see it like this. The damage which will be caused may be greater than any gain..

What damage?   Can you explain what damage was done to Jews or Israel by these leaks?   I see it has damaged our enemies, NOT us.

I hope so... But my initial feeling about the leak is that it will do great damage to diplomacy between America, Israel, and the arab states.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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I find it odd that you single out Lieberman... Many have spoken out against Wikileaks... And I too am against Wikileaks.


I explained it multiple times in this thread. I do not see it helping Israel... Maybe I am wrong on this, but my perception is that this will damage relations with Israel. It will damage the ability of America to act in any way with any country in the world {because they will suspect American diplomats of being leakers}. 

But that would only be good for Israel because it impede's America's ability to twist the Israeli PM's arm.  Especially an aggressive muslim american like Obama.

As I said before... I don't see anything new which these documents reveals which was not already known.

If it was all already known, no one would be against it.   Neither would you.   You are being self-contradictory with this statement.   There are a bunch of secret correspondences that were leaked which no one knew about except the participants.    And now the world knows.   I think what you said here is just false.

Now that it is public knowledge there will be a pull back from those nations which were cooperating.   

Cooperating with whom?   To do what?    What will they now want to do anymore in light of their own lies and hypocrisy being exposed to the public?

Are you saying that since Barak has been exposed to be a phony liar, now he'll want to cooperate less with America and actually not surrender land?   I doubt that, but why is that bad?   I really don't know what you're saying.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Now will you curse this one also:

Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group

The incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says WikiLeaks should be officially designated as a terrorist organization.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the panel's presumptive next head, asked the Obama administration today to "determine whether WikiLeaks could be designated a foreign terrorist organization," putting the group in the same company as al-Qaeda and Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese cult that released deadly sarin gas on the Tokyo subway.  

I honestly think this "Peter King" character should do us all a favor and jump off a cliff.

I have no idea who he is, I simply used him as an example of someone on the other side of the aisle who also supports shutting down the leak. I have heard Mrs. Clintons discussion on the topic also... There is overwhelming support in the ranks of the government to shut down these kinds of leaks.

If it is this easy for people to obtain classified information I wonder what information the terrorists have already on us...

Muman, this Peter King wants to discard the law, discard the constitution, throw away freedom of speech and autocratically declare a group he doesn't like as a terrorist group so he can feel free to persecute them unhindered.

Do you not see that people like P.King and Lieberman are a great danger to JTF?![/size]

What happens when they stifle OUR freedom of speech, Muman?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Now will you curse this one also:

Congressman wants WikiLeaks listed as terrorist group

The incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says WikiLeaks should be officially designated as a terrorist organization.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the panel's presumptive next head, asked the Obama administration today to "determine whether WikiLeaks could be designated a foreign terrorist organization," putting the group in the same company as al-Qaeda and Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese cult that released deadly sarin gas on the Tokyo subway.  

I honestly think this "Peter King" character should do us all a favor and jump off a cliff.

There is overwhelming support in the ranks of the government to shut down these kinds of leaks. 

It is no surprise that when hypocrites and liars are exposed, they will want to shoot the messenger.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Wikileaks exposes the treason of Israeli leaders and the Nazi leaders of the Nations - especially those of the United States since they are the most relevant nowadays (unfortunately).

When Wikileaks exposed the fact that the Nazi Sunni Muslim countries wanted to bomb Nazi Shi'ite Iran's nuclear facilities immidiately (either by the IAF or the USAF), it might have convinced the cowardly traitor Bibi to strike. Many other so-called "news" made Jews understand what the Kahanists have been saying for decades.

Wikileaks are Nazis Muslim-lovers who couldn't care less about Jews. But unconsciously, they are helping Israel. Hashem's Mercy is shown once again by these evil Muslim-loving pigs.

The sole reason you detest Wikileaks is because you fear "What will the Gentiles say?!". You fear the Gentile more than you fear the elimination of Israel. Same reason you voted for Bush - because you don't give a rotten damn about about Israel. You cared about your pocket more than you cared about your fellow Jews. The same self-hating, selfish, unforgiveable crime the Jews of America did during the Holocaust when they voted the Nazi Roosevelt in office. Why? because it was good for their pocket. $$$$ were more important to them than their brothers and sisters who were slain like ducks in Nazi Europe.

I honestly don't know much about wikileaks except for the latest documents that came out.  How do people determine that the guy is a muslim-lover?      By the looks of this latest collection of leaks, I was almost suspecting he's a closet zionist on a personal mission to help Israel!

So you think that the accusations of Rape and of being a homosexual are not true?

Did these come out today, by any chance?   (I did btw see on the front page of the paper today at a diner a headline saying "rape warrant" and that interpol is searching for the wikileaks guy with a big picture of his face on the cover.    YEAH, it just so happens he raped a girl right after he pissed off every world govt especially the US govt which is fuming about it.   I REALLY believe that!

LOL, I bet he was framed and set up because the govt is shitting a brick right now and they want to vilify him as the beginning of their extra-judicial onslaught.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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How do people determine that the guy is a muslim-lover?      By the looks of this latest collection of leaks, I was almost suspecting he's a closet zionist on a personal mission to help Israel!
I believe that he himself  has admitted it. Who cares--his actions are helping Israel more than harming.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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My fellow JTF'ers,  I used to think that a certain member here was a little paranoid, and I seriously doubted his dire warnings to the forum about how the constitution is being thrown away and how they will eventually turn their sights on us, just as they currently attack other law-abiding groups - once they can get away with it, it will set a deadly precedent that could target us.   I now think this member was probably correct and thinking along the right lines basically.   This is something we need to take seriously.   Not to impede our work in anyway or put us in fear, but to be cognizant of the fact that there are people in congress and the US state Dept who ARE WILLING AND ABLE to use the laws already on the books for dealing with terrorists but turn these laws against law-abiding groups like us who they see as a great danger to their "diplomacy" and "peacemaking" efforts.        

It's quite likely that whoever leaked these documents to wikileaks broke the law.   But up until this point, wikileaks itself has escaped prosecution because what THEY are doing is not technically illegal (as far as I know, that's how I understand the situation).  If the law is on their side, then Muman, how can you or any other JTF member call for them to be punished like al qaeda operatives?

Let's also point out that the blatant lies by various individuals in the US govt about how the leaks are going to endanger US troops or innocent lives by exposing secretive security information have turned out completely false and all the leaks thus far have not endangered anyone except the criminals in power and the myths that give credence to their hegemony

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I curse all those who stand in the way of the Jewish people attaining their goal of a Jewish state, safe and secure from attacks from enemies. All of my actions, all of my thoughts, and all of my prayers for the last six-seven years has been directed for this purpose. While I do have to make a living I do spend an inordinate amount of time involved with Israel and Israeli issues. I do have the intention to make the move and have actually investigated real-estate in the North, around Tzfat...

Unless you consider bashing Christians nonstop, defending scum of the earth like Lieberman, and insulting virtually every single Jew on the forum who disagrees with you in the slightest "an inordinate amount of time involved with Israel and Israeli issues", this post, which you have dodged every single time it has been addressed, says otherwise:,46698.msg446265.html#msg446265