Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Alex Jones on Serbs

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Are you crazy man do you know anything about history or councils?
Procitaj ovo prijatelju crkva je bila jedna samo na papiru i rim je sve vreme hteo prevlas ali funkcionisali su odvoje i ako je postojala neka saradnja ali to su price za malu decu!


--- Quote from: Novakovic on December 20, 2010, 09:00:24 AM ---crnitrn,

Please stop posting Vatican propaganda. We all know that before 1054 we had an united Church. We did not have papacy before 1054. We did not have Vatican as a Roman Catholic institution before 1054! Get used to it! The masons are everywhere. They are in the Catholics, Protestants and yes they even inflitrated our societies as well. Stop focusing to much on one side. The masons do not care about your religion and backgrond. They only expect from you to serve their interests.

--- End quote ---
Pope Marcellinus (d. 304) is the first Bishop of Rome shown in sources to have had the title "Pope" used of him. From the 6th century, the imperial chancery of Constantinople normally reserved this designation for the Bishop of Rome. From the early 6th century, it began to be confined in the West to the Bishop of Rome, a practice that was firmly in place by the 11th century, when Pope Gregory VII declared it reserved for the Bishop of Rome.

Pravoslavni nikad nisu bili isto sto i rim niti ce kad bitii ako Bog, barem prvi prvoslavci!


Please learn history. Before 1054 papacy did not exist. So it is very funny to claim that the Roman Catholic Church existed before 1054. This is because the Christian Church was united and the traditions as well as the confessions were the same on both sides.

Please learn also to speak English, because sometimes I cannot understand you.


--- Quote from: crnitrn on December 20, 2010, 02:44:18 PM --- Pope Marcellinus (d. 304) is the first Bishop of Rome shown in sources to have had the title "Pope" used of him.

--- End quote ---

He was not a pope but a patriarch or just a bishop. Learn the definition of ''pope''. Dam, you talk just like Catholics.


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