Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Warning to Serbs in America concerning FEMA laws
The US government is preparing something bad. It already established detention camps throughout the USA. Those camps will be used to exterminated so called people whose names are put on the red and blue lists.
People who are capable of guiding and organizing people will be found on the red list. The followers of the people whose names are placed on the red lists, will also be send to FEMA camps. These people will not leave those camps alive and will be exterminated under horrible circumstances. History repeats it self. When the communists arrived to Yugoslavia. The first thing that the communists did in Yugoslavia was the elimination of skilled, educated and smart people. Nowadays, we know that the US and Western-Europe are the main responsible parties which brought the communists into power in Yugoslavia during WW2.
My advice to the Serbs is to contact your local Serbian Orthodox Church and start thinking about this before it will be too late. Remember, the US government sponsored fascist, separatist gangs throughout Yugoslavia and ordered them to commit terrible crimes particularly amongst Serbs.
Do not think that they will not do that within the USA. They will.
The same thing counts for Jews and patriotic Americans, who are not obeying the American establishment. You and your leaders will be send to FEMA concentration camps as soon as they introduce new laws.
Coffins located at FEMA camps:
FEMA camps waiting for you
FEMA trains? Your new home?
This counts for the entire continent of North -America.
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