Author Topic: Israeli official: Collapse of Aqsa Mosque is imminent  (Read 6311 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Israeli official: Collapse of Aqsa Mosque is imminent
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2010, 12:56:20 PM »
Reminds me of the times of Babri Mosque demolition 1992. In 1989 people had started to make slogans "Baccha baccha Ram ka, Ram mandir ke kaam ka", and oath to build the Ancient temple back. Jews should start making similar slogans.. like the one written in Hindi.  "Every child in israel is ordained to do G-d's work, the work to rebuild the Temple Mount"

Religious Jews need nothing new... We have been mourning the destruction of the Temple for 2000 years. On Tisha B'AV we mourn and learn about the Temple. All Jews need to do is to observe their religion and we would have the Temple built today...

Actually Muman I think you are completely wrong about this and Hindu Zionist has a good point. We DO need something new.  Something is not wrong just because it's new.   We need to reinvigorate the personal responsibility for the Temple Mount which has been lost from the Jewish people.    Most Jews are under the illusion that we do not need to do anything about it, and G-d will just come and fix it for us.   All their mourning in that context doesn't solve anything.   

The view you joked about, the reason I didn't even pick up that you were joking is because that exact statement could be said seriously without any hesitation by probably hundreds of thousands of religious jews. 

We need to wake up the religious Jews and we also need public pressure put onto the israeli regime which is deathly afraid of Jewish ownership of Temple Mount.   A campaign of slogans and teaching children would go a long way toward both of those things.

Why then did the sages not create such a slogan? I generally believe that everything which Judaism needed was codified and written by the sages after the Chorban...   

Are they going to build the Temple in Minsk?!

And first before you can build the Temple you actually have to come back to Israel, and yes the rabbis are criticized who did not return with Ezra, and all the more so the modern day rabbis who can't even wipe the feet of those of Ezra's time, they also have collectively failed.   I really don't know what you're getting at.   Increasing awareness for a mitzvah is not a challenge to Judaism or a desecration of Judaism, or anything like that.   In fact, it's precisely the job of rabbis according to Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg (Seridei Aish) to renew the invigoration for mitzvot in every generation and to derive new understanding and new reasons for mitzvot and to get people excited in their spirituality that goes hand in hand with actually doing the mitzvot.     

Doesn't chabad run around with "mitzvah tanks" ?   And Mitzva mobiles?    Where did chazal say to make mitzvah tanks?     Where did chazal say to find Jews on the street and throw tefillin on them?    Chazal didn't' say that but I don't see you criticizing chabad, because chabad are not doing anything wrong by trying to inspire the Jewish people!

Also, is the rebuilding of the Temple not inferred from the 14th blessing in the Amidah where we pray for the rebuilding of Jerusalem?

LOL.   You completely miss my point.    I never said no one knows about a concept called a Temple.    Indeed everyone prays for it.   But who actually thinks we have to do something OTHER THAN PRAYING to make it happen?   For this, we require better education programs.

I am not against the idea, but I believe for it to be accepted on whole by Klal Yisroel we would need Rabbinic support... 


Offline syyuge

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Re: Israeli official: Collapse of Aqsa Mosque is imminent
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2010, 01:51:56 PM »
I hope that the Third Temple falls from the sky and also the Third Temple is built, will ultimately be one and the same divine phenomenon that may be understood then and there itself.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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Re: Israeli official: Collapse of Aqsa Mosque is imminent
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2010, 12:51:03 AM »
My only dissatisfaction with Al-Aqsa falling down on its own is that it prohibits the world witnessing strong Jews demolish the structure who would exhibit a position of strength to respect [or fear].

re:Dr. Dan... agreed on all points.
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