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Observer fears Islamic takeover of France imminent

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had Groening OneNewsNow.comMay 30, 2007 Islamic_crescent_symbol.jpg

A U.S. national defense expert and Pentagon advisor says that, even with the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as France's new president, it may already be too late to stop the eventual Islamic takeover of that country and much of Western Europe.

Lt. Col. Bob McGinnis (U.S. Army-Ret.) has spent a great deal of time in Europe and has been concerned with the growing Islamic influence on the continent. Although with the election of Sarkozy the French people have turned to someone who plans tougher measures on immigration, Maginnis fears it already may be too late.

"It probably is too late for Great Britain and France and maybe even the Netherlands and Germany," the military advisor contends. "They have very sizeable minorities that refuse to integrate, that impose Sharia law on the ghettos, and as a result have created what I think is a series of smaller countries within a country," he says.

With a high Islamic fertility rate and "notoriously low" fertility rates among indigenous members of the population, these "little islands of ghettos of Islamic Sharia law" are going to continue to expand and eventually engulf the culture of the region, Maginnis asserts.

"And that's what Sarkozy in France is concerned about," the retired Army officer says, "but I'm just not sure that they're going to be able to get everyone in the right direction to reverse this trend."


Hail Columbia:
I really hope that the same cannot be said about our situation with the Mexicans.

Joe Schmo:

--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on June 01, 2007, 12:26:51 AM ---I really hope that the same cannot be said about our situation with the Mexicans.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, the situation with Mexico is quite similar. 

As long as our bellies are full, we'll never have Revolution.

Our gooses are cooked...destined to wither into oblivion.

Fixing the problem with Mexico is relatively simple.

We don't need armed guards, trenches, barbed wire or billion dollar fences either.

Ask yourself why do so many Mexicans take the hazardous journey to cross the border illegally? In some cases why would men leave their families for a year at a time to live in a strange country alone?  Why would a man leave home, however humble it is, to travel north to live in the crap hole of Los Angeles living 10 to a small rented house in a bad neighborhood?

Only one answer to this.  It's jobs.

Take the jobs away and they won't come.  It really is that simple.

Why should we, the American taxpayer, be coerced into paying more of our tax money to hire more border patrol agents because some American businesses and employers are exploiting the loopholes in the law to hire migrant labor at a fraction of the wages an American worker would command?

In the business community two things make an employer take notice like nothing else.  Fines and possible hard prison time for the CEO.

The first time an employer is caught hiring an illegal it's a $50,000 fine and if caught paying the employer under the table it's a $250,000 fine.   As a reward we strike the law so the fine would be split with whoever turned the employer in.  Whoever means anyone including the illegal migrant worker.  Think about it, he might feel better going back home with $25.000 or $125,000 in his pocket.  I would, wouldn't you?

This would strike terror into the hearts of any employer contemplating hiring an illegal and make it part of the law the employer can night hide behind a corporate shield.  Make it like payroll taxes; he can't hide and any unpaid fine can be taken from shareholders personal assets.

The second time they are caught is when the fines get big.  Make them big enough so even Wal Mart will pay attention.  I would propose a fine of $50,000 for every work hour an illegal ever worked.  This works out to $2 million for a 40 hour work week and an entire crew of Janitors in a dozen stores might even make the corporate board members of Wal Mart pay attention.  Of course, paying attention as well would be anyone who worked for Wal Mart who might want to split this fine that could do better then make it as if they were a lottery winner.

That would be as easy as it would be to stop illegal immigration.

Joe Schmo:
Taking jobs away would have worked 20 years ago, but its too late now.


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