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Ask the Noachide

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The Noachide:
Great suggestion on revisiting.

The Noachide:
I had a Ben stiller moment XD

I have a question about Noachides. Do Noachides pray and if so how? What kind of relationship do you have with Hashem?
I don't know if Noachides have any set prayers like Jews would have the Amidah or Shema. I mean you have 7 laws to follow but any blessings or prayers?
I've just always been curious.
Thank you

The Noachide:

--- Quote from: IsraeliHeart on April 15, 2012, 03:23:56 AM ---Hello,
I have a question about Noachides. Do Noachides pray and if so how? What kind of relationship do you have with Hashem?
I don't know if Noachides have any set prayers like Jews would have the Amidah or Shema. I mean you have 7 laws to follow but any blessings or prayers?
I've just always been curious.
Thank you

--- End quote ---

I spoke to a Jewish woman who gave me advice, Any human can pray but if one is a Noahide, you should at least recite the word Hashem during "prayer" without prostration usually that's the case. One would close their eyes, focusing only to the creator with their heart, and requesting Hashem for a better livelihood. There is no specific way to pray for Noahides.

In my situation, being a Noahide is insufficient for me because I know I found the truth, I want to serve the creator in becoming righteous including to pray in the Shul, however it is extremely difficult/impossible to leave my relatives to declare openly I left Islam.
This can't happen anytime soon as I wish to.

Wow that's very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I've always wondered this and have wondered if Noahides say Psalms as well.
I did hear that there is or might be in the future a Shulchan Aruch for Noahides. I've always wondered what kind of a relationship a Noachilde has with Hashem.

Thanks again for your reply. 


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