is the ad AFDI/SIOA will be running in Seattle to counter the blood libel campaign against the Jewish people that is currently running in Seattle. The Seattle Mass Transit is now trafficking in blood libels. "War crime" libels against US allies. Even the murderous Muslim Hamas leader admitted that Israel killed mostly terrorists in Gaza. Think about that.
Remember, I had to sue Miami and Detroit transit to get freedom bus ads up helping Muslims under death threat flee to safe places. But Jew hatred? The left is down with that.
Behind the Seattle Goebbels-style propaganda campaign is today's typical vile antisemite, Ed Mast. Same nazi, different day. Years ago he was with the notorious terror-linked Islamic group, ISM.
Mast was an activist with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and more recently he has been involved with the “Palestine Online Store.” He is a founding member of the Seattle-based Palestine Information Project which also goes under the name Palestine Solidarity Committee, which has campaigned to boycott Israeli products and produces propaganda (pdf) that declares that:
“The racism and colonialism of the Zionist movement, with its quest for an ethnic supremacist state, remain the fundamental causes of the current conflict.”
Back in March 2003, Ed Mast and Susan Barclay both of the ISM and both residents of Seattle, were in “Palestine” when Rachel Corrie – also of Seattle - positioned herself in front of a bulldozer and got killed. Mast was a “volunteer coordinator” for ISM, and was responsible for planning activities of Western activists. At that time, Barclay had been previously deported from Israel. She had openly boasted to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that she knowingly worked in February 2003 with representatives of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hizbollah. Barclay said: “We are open to working with any political party as long as they are interested in non-violent resistance. It's almost irrelevant who is participating.” (more over at FSM)
My organization, American Freedom Defense Initiative, will be running king-sized pro-Israel ads on the Seattle buses to counter the Jewish blood libel advertisements that the left wing city accepted with debased hunger. I am running the minimum buy -- there is no way I will enrich or reward this city of moral depravity for promoting Jewish genocide and incitement to violence.
Jew-Hatred Bus Ads Run in Seattle
I asked for the same deal as the Jew haters received, but was told that the price in the article was "misquoted." So of course they are charging me more.
Huge thanks and props to Big Fur Hat for putting my creative together for me. I speak, he creates. He is, simply, the best.
If they reject my ads, a lawsuit will be filed that day. Donate to the campaign. You can Paypal the funds to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. I think we should roll it out nationwide, don't you?
Seattle Metro's "Israeli War Crimes" Bus Ad Draws Complaints -- Keith Ervin
An advertisement alleging "Israeli war crimes" slated to appear on Seattle Metro Transit buses has ignited a political firestorm. Metro spokeswoman Linda Thielke said the transit agency received 600 e-mails as well as a large number of phone calls protesting the ad.
Richard Fruchter, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, said Metro shouldn't have accepted the ad. "We feel that this violates Metro's own policy that running ads shouldn't insult specific groups," he said. "This is an ad that's designed to insult Israelis and the 50,000 members of the Jewish community, many of whom support Israel." Fruchter said the Jewish Federation was "particularly sensitized" by Naveed Haq's fatal shooting of one woman and wounding of five others at the organization's buildin g in Seattle in 2006. (Seattle Times)
Jewish people are commenting on the blood libel bus ad article. At least two Jews of the people commenting on the article said it was no longer safe for them and other Jews to ride Seattle buses.
Is it safe to wear a Star of David? A kippah?
Good, good [and I like!]... but they should have included this picture, and others from Mufti Al-Husseini [I think the one at the far right is him, but its pretty much left open to uneducated interpretation; who is this nameless Muslim?].

The Islamic element of the Holocaust can never be understated.