Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Questions about ex-Yugoslavs on the exile

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Do Serbs and Croats and Bosnians live often in the same neighborhoods ?

Does it happen that someone mistook you for a Croat/Bosnian/Slovenian ?

How do the different folks of Yugoslavia get along in the exile in general ?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 24, 2010, 04:06:29 AM ---Do Serbs and Croats and Bosnians live often in the same neighborhoods ?

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Yes but not in the same extent as before the civil war.
That counts for Croatia, because Croatia is particularly ethnicly clean.
Before the war Serbs constituted about 20% of Croatia's population. Now the Serbs have been reduced to 3% of the total population.

As regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, that so called state comprises three political constituent nations, Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims. That country, actually a NATO protectorate, is mixed. Still the Serbs posses their own entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is called the Republic of Srpska. The situation in that state is not stable. The Serbs of Bosnian and Herzegovina want more autonomy, while the Bosnian Muslims want to centralize the state.

--- Quote ---Does it happen that someone mistook you for a Croat/Bosnian/Slovenian ?
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We all have the same looks. Only on the dialect you can know who is from where.

--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 24, 2010, 04:06:29 AM ---How do the different folks of Yugoslavia get along in the exile in general ?

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But in exile they can a bit more get along with each other. Because in exile it is different. At the end we realize that fighting is stupid and that we actually have a lot in common. We used to say: if two parties fight, they both lose, the 3th party wins.

Damn Novakovic, you really are stupid. He's asking you do you live in the same neighborhood in Germany with Croats and Muslims, and how do you get along.


I told you not to mix antidepressants with alcohol, it will only make you more depressed.


--- Quote from: voo-yo on December 24, 2010, 06:20:27 AM ---Damn Novakovic, you really are stupid. He's asking you do you live in the same neighborhood in Germany with Croats and Muslims, and how do you get along.

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I really did meant to ask about neighborhoods in the exile like America or Germany. I didn't want to start more infighting though.


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