Author Topic: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-  (Read 6574 times)

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Offline Boyana

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 07:33:25 PM »
80,000 people executed after World War II”
10 June 2009 | 11:59 | Source: B92
BELGRADE -- The Partisans are believed to have killed some 80,000 people throughout Serbia between 1944-1946, according to figures from the Contemporary History Institute.

Following the decision to make the documents on the execution of Chetnik leader Draža Mihailović available to the public and opening the dossier on those who were killed for being on the losing side in World War II, the Institute states that about 80,000 people were executed in Serbia in this period.

Their graves were usually kept secret. Institute Director Momčilo Pavlović told B92 that these people were killed just because they were not members of the anti-fascist movement.

“There are people who were not convicted of war crimes by any court, while, at the same time, the majority were those who no court could have found guilty, because they were not members of any resistance movement, or because they were simply passive during the war, and the majority of people in Serbia fell into this category,” Pavlović said.

“These were mostly the best known people of these qualifications—leaders of the old regime, reactions and such like—but those were people who were considered part of the elite,” he said.
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Offline Boyana

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 09:36:31 PM »
Regarding the Big Meeting in Belgrade
Miloslav Samardzich writes:

Today's demonstrations in defense of Kosovo & Metohija greatly remind me of the demonstrations in defense of Kosovo & Metohija from Milosevich's era. The centralized one held in Belgrade on the 21st of February, came like the one held at Gazimestan, St.Vitus Day in 1989. Only, Milosevich gathered a larger public. It was said - a whole million. And for what it is, the place was more suitable, after all.
Interestingly enough, only one man all these years completely stayed within the first plan: Emir Kusturica. He didn't speak at Gazimestan, as he did in Belgrade, but he spoke and still speaks the same story. They criticized him for supporting Milosevich, and now they will criticize him for supporting Kostunica, Nikolich or whoever. The truth is, however, the man comprehends the substance of the real story. And, in essence, it's all the same: the Great Powers are taking away Serbian land. The highlighting of the first plan by the politicians and their respective party's is nothing more than a halation around the real story.
Twenty-some years ago, it wasn't quite clear what the intent of the Great Powers were, and then fury was directed towards the Croatian and Slovenian politicians, who supported the Albanian separatists. The Communist role in that process was known even then, as it is known even today, but it is somehow limited. For that reason, it would have to be explained who opposed the Communists the most. Because of the Communist past, and the comprehension of its complexity, it is inexpressible for politicians.
Opposing them, therefore, were the Serbian soldiers and politicians with General Drazha at the forefront. This is what Drazha wrote at the end of 1943:
"Yugoslavian Communists promised Kosovo to Albania in order to bring into their ranks Albanians, against the Serbs. This promise was given by Tito, and that same resilient Croatian who in association with Pavelich is systematically eradicating the Serbian people in Lika, Kordun, Banija, Dalmatia, Hercegovina and Srem.Tito today promises the Albanians the glorious Serbian Kosovo, pride of our history, and tomorrow he will promise the Bulgarians Southern Serbia, Bachka and Banat to the Hungarians, so as to reduce the Serbs to a Belgrade Pashalic".
He wrote this as well:
"In order to confront this evil in its path, I decree: First, that in the entire country, in all our frontiers, to be declared: that all Serbs are to rally in a unified battle against our most dangerous adversary, the Communists, in whose ranks can be found Ustashi and the entire scum of this country".
The chances that the Communists would defeat Drazha were the same chances that Thaci had to defeat Pavkovich. But, the Great Powers intervened.
Again, Drazha writes: "Observing current events in the country, we thought that the British propaganda didn't know what it was doing.However, we are currently uncovering that the British are aware and are calculatingly working on the formation of a Croatian block.This entire block would have a Communist form, or as they put it, a Partizan form for the sake of legitimacy in front of the Allies.
In this way, the Great Powers placed before the legal army and political structure, one terroristic paramilitary group.
The political structures, assembly and the government, nevertheless, were doing their job, continuing from where their predecessors left off. They requested that, at the new peace conference, to be returned to Serbia what was taken from her at the previous conference, after World War One: access to the sea via Skadar. At that time Nikola Pashich was at the forefront of the Serbian delegation. He stated that the Serbian Army in 1912 liberated Skadar from the Turks, and that she had to relinquish it due to Austro-Hungarian threats. The "Black-Yellow" monarchy no longer existed; nevertheless, the Great Powers solidified her acquisition. The Great Powers were united even back in 1878. The Serbian Army liberated Kosovo from the Turks. Under pressure of the Great Powers, the Army had to retreat, regardless that it was well known that the Serbian population on Kosovo & Metohija were facing the largest scale of genocide against them to date.
In that effect, there is a single line from King Milosh Obrenovich and his best diplomat Jovan Ristich (1878), across to King Peter Karageorgevich (1912), Nikola Pashich (1918), Drazha (1944) and Milosevich (1989), to Kostunica and Nikolich today, as there is a single line from Bismark, Lord Beaconsfield, across to Franz Joseph and Lloyd George, Churchill, Roosevelt and Hitler, to Clinton, Bush and the rest. It's better to know that everything didn't start from the 5th of October 2000.

Miloslav Samardzich is the editor of "Pogledi" magazine and is an author of numerous books regarding General Dragoljub "Draza" Mihailovich, the Chetniks and WWII in Yugoslavia in general. Miloslav is considered an expert in this field and has been called upon on many occasions to debate the Communist and Fascist versions of actual events in the region.

This article was translated from Serbian to English.

Kosovo: Key Dates in the Century Long Goal to Create Greater Albania

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2009, 09:40:54 PM »

Our North American broadcasters admit that they are towing the party line when it comes to reporting truth about Serbs during the Wars of Yugoslavian Secession of 1990's saying that they know which side of their bread is buttered and where the renewal of their broadcast license
comes from. (Washington and Ottawa)

Author Alexander Dorin tells that truth:

It's good to know that truth about us WILL eventually surface in the Western media but at what cost? How will that eventual truth restore disrupted Serbian lives, restore our lands lost, restore our collective national belief in ourselves?

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2009, 09:46:24 PM »
Serge Trifkovic, author of The Sword of the Prophet

Defeating Jihad: How the War on Terror May Yet Be Won, in Spite of Ourselves

by Serge Trifkovic

Four years after 9-11, the backbone of the Islamic terrorist network is far from broken. Al-Quaeda and its offshoots are fielding a second generation of terrorists -- many of them Muslim immigrants and their offspring in the West. "Bin Laden's network may have been damaged and disrupted," writes Serge Trifkovic in Defeating Jihad, "and his cause may in many places be in the hands of self-starters and amateurs, but he could never have dreamed that the world, years after 9-11, would look so favorable to his objectives." Now, in this follow-up to his bestselling exposé of Islam, The Sword of the Prophet, Trifkovic outlines a comprehensive new strategy to defend the West against an enemy that, increasingly, threatens us from within.

The first step, says Trifkovic, is to stop misidentifying the struggle we are in as a "War on Terrorism" -- a phrase that confuses the enemy's preferred technique (terrorism) with the enemy himself (resurgent Islam). As Trifkovic shows, only Islamic terrorism -- that used by Muslims in pursuit of objectives inspired by Islamic teaching, tradition, and historical practice -- is a global phenomenon requiring a coordinated global response. "The squeamishness of Europeans and Americans alike in naming the enemy is but one sign of a shared malaise that hampers a coherent effort. Had Scipio issued a rallying call for a 'War on Elephants,' Hannibal would have marched into Rome. Had World War II been waged as a 'war against Blitzkrieg, the Reich would still have 927 years to go."

Yet Trifkovic, the longtime Foreign Affairs editor of Chronicles magazine, argues against more military interventions abroad in favor of measures designed to keep us safe at home. "The victory will come not by conquering Mecca for America but by disengaging America from Mecca and by excluding Mecca from America. Eliminating the risk is impossible. Managing it wisely, resolutely, and permanently is something attainable."

Highlights of Serge Trifkovic's plan for Defeating Jihad:

* How the sacred texts of Islam, its record of interaction with other societies, and the personality of its founder, Muhammad, provide the clue to the motives, ambitions and methods of modern terrorists

* How jihad -- war in the path of Allah, with the objective of converting, killing, or else subjugating and taxing the "infidel" -- was in Muhammad's view the most important work a man could perform

* Why the acceptance by Western elites of a large Muslim diaspora within the West as an unalterable given is both flawed in logic and disastrous in results

* Three main objectives that a comprehensive American anti-terrorist strategy should have in relation to Europe

* Survey: how Muslims are the immigrant group most likely to support their home country in a war with the U.S.

* What percentage of American Muslims agree that Islamic shari'a law should be the law of the land? 50 percent? 60 percent? 70 percent? (Keep going, you'll get there)

* Restricting Muslim immigration: why effective homeland defense depends on denying actual and potential terrorists a foothold inside the United States

* Why spying on U.S. Muslims is justified and necessary

* Why Islamic activism should be treated as grounds for the loss of acquired U.S. citizenship and deportation

* No security clearances for Muslims, period: why the Islamic faith is incompatible with the requirements of patriotic loyalty and unquestionable reliability

* Why we must supervise mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S. -- and how that will help reduce their numbers

* The urgent need for "profiling" all prospective visitors to America -- and systematically re-examining the behavior of all resident aliens

* Rethinking our military deployments: Would American soldiers make us safer by patrolling the border with Mexico rather than the streets of Fallujah?

* Why continued attempts to project our power offensively -- especially in the Middle East -- are self-defeating

* Why ultimate victory can only be won in the realm of culture -- in a West that has regained its awareness of its moral, spiritual, and civilizational roots

* Why Iraq was the "wrong war, wrong enemy" in the global struggle against Islamic terrorism

"Cuts through the foolishness that has blinded Westerners for so many years." - Brian Mitchell, Investor's Business Daily

"Trifkovic pursues a plan to neutralize jihadism by acknowledging its organic connection to so-called Islamic 'activism,' strictly regulating Muslim immigration to Western societies, and rediscovering Western cultural and moral values. An indispensable work." -- Andrew G. Bostom, author of The Legacy of Jihad

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2009, 05:34:38 AM »
Послао: Сре Авг 05, 2009 3:10 pm    Наслов: НОВА КЊИГА О ЧЕТНИЦИМА - на енглеском   

Kurapovna, Marcia
Shadows on the Mountain
The Allies, the Resistance, and the Rivalries that Doomed WWII Yugoslavia

Detailed description
An in-depth look at a crucial, little-known WWII episode-the failed Allied policy in Yugoslavia and its ramifications in the Balkans and beyond

Winston Churchill called it his biggest wartime failure-the shift of British and U.S. support from Yugoslavia's Dra_a Mihailovi_ and his royalist resistance movement to Tito and his communist partisans. This book illuminates the complex reasons behind that failure through the incredible story of the largest single rescue of Allied airmen from behind enemy lines in WWII history, a rescue executed, incredibly, with minimal support from the U.S. and none from Great Britain.
* Recounts an unknown chapter of WWII history and the single largest rescue operation of the war
* Starting with Serbia's triumph and tragedy in WWI through civil war in Yugoslavia during WWI, focuses on the history of the Balkans, a tragically misunderstood part of the world
* Sheds new light on the OSS-SOE relationship and manipulations of intelligence that profoundly altered policy decision-making
* Reveals how failed Allied policy set the stage for Yugoslavia's breakup in the 1990s
* Details the wartime camaraderie of unlikely warriors who became fast friends, comrades, outcasts, and heroes in executing the rescue

Written with the drama of a novel and the insight of serious history, Shadows on the Mountain is essential reading for anyone interested in World War II, European history, and the Balkans. 

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 08:45:16 PM »
I would recommend this website... :dance:
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2009, 02:51:05 AM »
Excellent site!
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2009, 04:14:16 AM »

       ПОГЛЕДИ Форуми -> Pogledi - English

 :serbia: :israel:

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Re: Visit Pogledi-editor Miloslav Samardzich-
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2009, 01:56:29 AM »
lets join our forces :dance:
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,