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Gun-rights advocate Aaron Zelman dies


Confederate Kahanist:

Aaron S. Zelman, a longtime executive for the organization Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has died at the age of 64.

"He had written many fine and persuasive articles in support of our 2nd Amendment rights, including a seminal article that exposed the 1968 Gun Control Act's direct connection to Nazi gun control law and by exposing the stupidity of Gun Free Zones," said a tribute posted on the Ammoland website.

"Aaron had a take no prisoners way of thinking and challenged everyone from the NRA, to Washington bureaucrats to Ted Nugent in the name of the second amendment," the organization said.

He was 64 and died just before Christmas. His funeral was Christmas Eve in Hartford, Wis.

His title at JPFO was executive director and he worked in support of the organization's goal to destroy "gun control."

The Wisconsin-based organization was founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the dangers of being forcibly or voluntarily disarmed.


Gun-rights advocate Aaron Zelman dies
Described as having 'take no prisoners' attitude regarding 2nd Amendment
Posted: December 29, 2010
8:09 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Aaron Zelman

Aaron S. Zelman, a longtime executive for the organization Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, has died at the age of 64.

"He had written many fine and persuasive articles in support of our 2nd Amendment rights, including a seminal article that exposed the 1968 Gun Control Act's direct connection to Nazi gun control law and by exposing the stupidity of Gun Free Zones," said a tribute posted on the Ammoland website.

"Aaron had a take no prisoners way of thinking and challenged everyone from the NRA, to Washington bureaucrats to Ted Nugent in the name of the second amendment," the organization said.

He was 64 and died just before Christmas. His funeral was Christmas Eve in Hartford, Wis.

His title at JPFO was executive director and he worked in support of the organization's goal to destroy "gun control."

The Wisconsin-based organization was founded by Jews and initially aimed at educating the Jewish community about the dangers of being forcibly or voluntarily disarmed.

(Story continues below)


The organization always has welcomed those of all religious beliefs who share the goal of opposing and reversing disarmament policies.

JPFO is a non-profit tax-exempt educational civil rights organization.

Among the campaigns it has announced include those to battle the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which it says "is to instill fear into gun owners and dealers."

It also seeks to "re-establish a Bill of Rights culture."

Read more: Gun-rights advocate Aaron Zelman dies

Shalom Achi, I am a Life Member of JPFO, BEEN One for a L O N G Time. I was Achi Aaron's go to guy in Geaorgia, anything I could do for him I'd do.                                                                                                                                                                                             G-d Bless Aaron Zelman                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


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