Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro

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--- Quote from: Zelhar on January 06, 2011, 01:55:30 PM ---Yes I know that the Albanians are a trying to takeover part of Macedonia. If they stayed united with Serbia I think the Macedonians could defend their country better.

So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?

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Macedonians will never(at least in close future) approach to serbs because they are manipulated(and some serb to) from Western states, they our ecumenical, and some serbs are responsible for this loss!  Macedonian orthodox church dont have autocephalous,  FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia is territory under the Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbian Patriarchy) so other Orthodox churches cant have autocephalous(independence)!  Macedonians declare the autocephalous without legal act(on force) supported by Vatican(unofficially off course ).All this is done by ecumenic Macedonian's orthodox priests! So our orthodox priests(and that one who recognize the serbian Patriarchy) are hunted in Macedonia like a wild beast!
Same thing its done by Montenegro (with same background). Montenegro also change his Writing (few years ago), only few letters (nothing important, stupidity) and now that language have a name, nor serbian, not Montenegrian, than 'Native language' , funny is it not? ^-^
Just watch Montenegro and you will understand how had happened that we have Croats, Muslim(Bosnians), Macedonians... But not just serbia,you will understand how they change language,names,culture,history ....
Off course, Head Chef was a Pope, and thats why this eating is so bitterly!

Slovenians,for close history they  are not serbs but for long history, maybe?But, surely they are connected to us genetical, somehow! I can understand maybe 10-20% percent of Slovenian language not more, I can even better to understand Czecho-slovakian language , 40-50%, or more if he speaks slow!

The official history says that we are all Slavs, but i do not trust in official history, its made by western countries. There is some suspicion that word serb=Slav. But that is just theory and this is so far from topic!
But one thing is for sure, serbs are not barbarians and they are came on Balkan before 6-7th century!....

Some Albanians also thinks that they are ancient macedonians, and that Alexander III of Macedon commonly known as Alexander the Great,was Albanian! LOL


--- Quote ---Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
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Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.

--- Quote ---Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
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Any source for this?

--- Quote ---Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
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Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.

--- Quote ---They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
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Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.

--- Quote ---So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
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Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.


--- Quote from: voo-yo on January 06, 2011, 03:38:18 PM ---
--- Quote ---Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
--- End quote ---
Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.

--- Quote ---Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
--- End quote ---
Any source for this?

--- Quote ---Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
--- End quote ---
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.

--- Quote ---They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
--- End quote ---
Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.

--- Quote ---So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
--- End quote ---
Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.

--- End quote ---

You see,  Zelhar,this the reason why we are Shred down, because always there some naive Serb who have trust in the West, like voo-yo.

I can call my house a palace of Alexander of Macedon, and than my house have macedonian history origin!LoL
Until Tito cames no one had that stupid Thought, the same thing is for Montenegro. Tito made this borders to!
Dig deeper Vo-jo! Do some comparisons!
I can understand more of you because i am from village, and i know some archaic words that you dont know!
Many serbs from Leskovac, Vranje ... go to study in Skoplje without classes for Macedonian!So do not write a foolish things here that they are closer to Bulgerian language.Bulgerian language is close to Russian language, I speak russian so i do know that , But even Bulgerian language we can understand a lot, especially if you do read or person speaks slowly !
Israel was occupied almost 2000years , is that means that Jews are know palestinians, Serbia was under turks 500years , are you Turk! Serbia lost Macedonia when Turks Ottomans occupied serbia!
Its true that Macedonians do not want to be serbs i said that, for couple years no single Montenegrian who will said that is a Serbian!
Yes there is a lot of fools in macedonia and in Croatia(what they done to us, bu they are genetical serbs)!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on January 06, 2011, 06:29:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: voo-yo on January 06, 2011, 03:38:18 PM ---
--- Quote ---Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
--- End quote ---
Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.

--- Quote ---Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
--- End quote ---
Any source for this?

--- Quote ---Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
--- End quote ---
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.

--- Quote ---They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
--- End quote ---
Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.

--- Quote ---So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
--- End quote ---
Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.

--- End quote ---

You see,  Zelhar,this the reason why we are Shred down, because always there some naive Serb who have trust in the West, like voo-yo.

I can call my house a palace of Alexander of Macedon, and than my house have macedonian history origin!LoL
Until Tito cames no one had that stupid Thought, the same thing is for Montenegro. Tito made this borders to!
Dig deeper Vo-jo! Do some comparisons!
I can understand more of you because i am from village, and i know some archaic words that you dont know!
Many serbs from Leskovac, Vranje ... go to study in Skoplje without classes for Macedonian!So do not write a foolish things here that they are closer to Bulgerian language.Bulgerian language is close to Russian language, I speak russian so i do know that , But even Bulgerian language we can understand a lot, especially if you do read or person speaks slowly !
Israel was occupied almost 2000years , is that means that Jews are know palestinians, Serbia was under turks 500years , are you Turk! Serbia lost Macedonia when Turks Ottomans occupied serbia!
Its true that Macedonians do not want to be serbs i said that, for couple years no single Montenegrian who will said that is a Serbian!
Yes there is a lot of fools in macedonia and in Croatia(what they done to us, bu they are genetical serbs)!

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What are you talking about?
Crnitrne, ocigledno ne razumes engleski dobro, jer onda ne bi odgovarao nesto sto nema veze s onim sto sam ja napisao. Drzi se srpskog.


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