Author Topic: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence  (Read 11163 times)

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:49:44 PM »
Southern Europeans have a Negroid strain

North/Eastern Europeans Mongoloid strain

Romanians and Anglo-Saxons have Indian blood(India)

Anglo-Saxon actor Rowan Atkinson shows an Indian strain

the left girl has Indian blood more than Romanian Dacian. The Gypsies were enslaved and reslut racial admixture took place!

Foregin admixture in  "White" Americans, from African/Aremindian bloodlines. Few tracial groups have melted into the larger Anglo-Saxon culture of America Melungeons, and the Lumpee people. They often show very minor of the visible forgein strain but their overwhemingly Caucasiod.

Heather Locklear is of the Lumbee people are trical admixture of European,Native-American,African

Tom Hanks Melungeons who have been abosrbed by the Anglo population, they are also trical racial of European, African,and Native American

The reason why many WN's of American decent are against the one drop rule:

a Negorid strain can be seen in her, esepcially the cheekbone areas where it buldges, she admited on several WN sites she has distant Negorid ancestory.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 06:54:37 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline mord

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2007, 01:53:56 PM »
good post althought heather locklear an the last wn girl are pretty hot!! :o :o ;D
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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2007, 01:57:08 PM »
Genetics prove that Europeans are not pure. From the WN's owns mouth

Anglo-Saxon blood has been mixed with Indian blood from the times of colonization


Above: The White Empress of India. Queen Victoria , the longest reigning British monarch (reigned 1837 -1901) was declared Empress of India in 1876. This imposing statue was erected in Calcutta, long the capital of British India.
In 1837, the 18 year old Queen Victoria took the throne. Becoming one of the longest reigning British monarchs, Victoria oversaw a renewed growth in the British Empire and the reformation of the political system. The British occupation of India also reached its height under Queen Victoria, to the point where she was eventually declared Empress of that land.

 The occupation of India also however led to a significant amount of racial mixing between British officers stationed in that country and Indian women - and many of these Indian wives were taken back to Britain (and Ireland, as Irishmen served in the British army at that time, the latter country also being controlled by Britain). The product of these mixed unions can still be detected amongst the modern day British and Irish populations.

Gentic evidence of modern day British people showing Indian blood: Hemoglobin D is a genetically transmitted blood disorder which originated on the Indian sub-continent, and which spread to England, Scotland and Ireland during the colonial period when many soldiers – Englishmen, Scots and Irishmen – took Indian wives back to their homelands.

It is worthwhile to review the hemoglobin D case study because it proves two things:

- Firstly, that genetically inherited conditions, such as sickle cell and hemoglobin D, are transmitted directly by racial mixing; and

-Secondly, to show that it is not just southern Europe that has been affected by racial mixing during the course of history, but that northern European lands have also fallen prey to this phenomenon, albeit in smaller overall numbers.


“HEMOGLOBIN is the oxygen transporting substance found in the red blood cells. There are hundreds of different hemoglobin variants identified in all races and populations of people. The kind of hemoglobin we have depends upon our genetic inheritance. Genes are units of inheritance passed on from our parents. These messengers determine characteristics such as eye and hair color, and they also determine hemoglobin type.” - The Virginia Sickle Cell Awareness Program (VASCAP),
 “Most people have the type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin A (also called normal or adult hemoglobin). However there are many different types of hemoglobin found in people throughout the world. Hemoglobin D is one type; sickle hemoglobin is another type.”- University of Rochester Medical Center, Division of Genetics,


Carriers of hemoglobin D are at little risk themselves, but if they should have children with other carriers, there is a 25 percent chance that their children will have either sickle cell disease, or milder variants known as hemoglobin SD or just be carriers of the trait.

The University of Rochester’s Medical Center, Division of Genetics, explains it this way:

“If you and your partner have hemoglobin D trait, there is a 25% chance with each pregnancy that your child will inherit both hemoglobin D genes and have homozygous hemoglobin D. Homozygous hemoglobin D is not associated with health problems.

You should not be concerned for your own health, but if your partner has sickle cell trait, there is  a 25% chance with each pregnancy that your child will have hemoglobin SD disease, which can be serious.

A person with hemoglobin SD disease may suffer from anemia and bouts of pain called crises. These crises can occur without warning, affect any part of the body and last hours or days. There may also be problems with frequent infections and unexplained fevers. Daily doses of penicillin and folic acid are required.”- University of Rochester Medical Center, Division of Genetics,


“Hemoglobin D is uncommon in North America, occurring in less than 1 of 5000 persons. In the Punjab region of India and Pakistan, approximately 3 percent of the populations have the hemoglobin D Trait. This trait is more common in people of English, Irish, or Scotch ancestry than in those of other ethnic groups.” - The Virginia Sickle Cell Awareness Program (VASCAP),
“Hemoglobin D is found in people whose ancestors come from Pakistan and Northwestern India and occasionally Europeans, especially the British and Irish” – University of Rochester Medical Center, Division of Genetics,


“This trait is more common in people of English, Irish or Scotch ancestry than in those of other ethnic groups. The high frequency of hemoglobin D Trait in this population is believed to reflect the large number of Indian wives brought home to England by British troops during Britain's long occupation of India.” - The Virginia Sickle Cell Awareness Program (VASCAP),

The proof is thus clear that during the colonial era, (circa 1850 -1950) racial mixing between soldiers in the British Army and Indians took place. Like sickle cell disease, Hemoglobin D was transferred to a White population through interracial contact.

Offline mord

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2007, 01:57:49 PM »
More good looking women :D
« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 02:02:22 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2007, 02:12:52 PM »
Y chromosome variation in 457 Croatian samples was studied using 16 SNPs/indel and eight STR loci. High frequency of haplogroup I in Croatian populations and the phylogeographic pattern in its background STR diversity over Europe make Adriatic coast one likely source of the recolonization of Europe following the Last Glacial Maximum. The higher frequency of I in the southern island populations is contrasted with higher frequency of group R1a chromosomes in the northern island of Krk and in the mainland. R1a frequency, while low in Greeks and Albanians, is highest in Polish, Ukrainian and Russian populations and could be a sign of the Slavic impact in the Balkan region. Haplogroups J, G and E that can be related to the spread of farming characterize the minor part (12.5%) of the Croatian paternal lineages. In one of the southern island (Hvar) populations, we found a relatively high frequency (14%) of lineages belonging to P*(xM173) cluster, which is unusual for European populations. Interestingly, the same population also harbored mitochondrial haplogroup F that is virtually absent in European populations - indicating a connection with Central Asian populations, possibly the Avars.


1: Hum Genet. 1988 Nov;80(3):207-18
Characteristics of Mongoloid and neighboring populations based on the genetic markers of human immunoglobulins.

Matsumoto H.

Department of Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College, Japan.

Since the discovery in 1966 of the Gm ab3st gene, which characterizes Mongoloid populations, the distribution of allotypes of immunoglobulins (Gm) among Mongoloid populations scattered from Southeast Asia through East Asia to South America has been investigated, and the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Mongoloid populations can be characterized by four Gm haplotypes, Gm ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3, and can be divided into two groups based on the analysis of genetic distances utilizing Gm haplotype frequency distributions: the first is a southern group characterized by a remarkably high frequency of Gm afb1b3 and a low frequency of Gm ag, and the second, a northern group characterized by a high frequency of both Gm ag and Gm ab3st but an extremely low frequency of Gm afb1b3. 2. Populations in China, mainly Han but including minority nationalities, show remarkable heterogeneity of Gm allotypes from north to south and contrast sharply to Korean and Japanese populations, which are considerably more homogenous with respect to these genetic markers. The center of dispersion of the Gm afb1b3 gene characterizing southern Mongoloids has been identified as the Guangxi and Yunnan area in the southwest of China. 3. The Gm ab3st gene, which is found with its the highest incidence among the northern Baikal Buriats, flows in all directions. However, this gene shows a precipitous drop from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia and from North to South America, although it is still found in high frequency among Eskimos, Koryaks, Yakuts, Tibetans, Olunchuns, Tungus, Koreans, Japanese, and Ainus. On the other hand, the gene was introduced into Huis, Uyghurs, Indians, Iranians, and spread as far as to include Hungarians and Sardinians in Italy. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the Japanese race belongs to northern Mongoloids and that the origin of the Japanese race was in Siberia, and most likely in the Baikal area of the Soviet Union.

 Alsu famous Russian singer with Mongoliod strain
    Aslo Anna K show a slight Asiatic admixture

Offline Carlyle

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2007, 06:54:47 PM »
Iam only using it for anthropolgical presepctives and showing she is not a pure Caucasian if we look at her. Iam not Fruit of Thy loins.
You should stop posting about anthropology as you know nothing about the subject.

Locklear looks completely Europid and yet you claim that "the picture shows that she is not a pure Caucasian."

Offline Carlyle

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2007, 07:01:12 PM »
BabylonianJew's most ridiculous assertion is that Rowan Atkinson is partly Indian.  :laugh

He is racially Paleo-Atlantid and completely Europid.

Offline LWB123123

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2007, 07:11:36 PM »
These kinds of arguments are meaningless. Take the Jews. They are among the most mixed peoples on the face of the planet, but that does not mean, I would not support their purity, and advocate for a pure heritage and the self-worth and moral nature which comes along with that.
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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2007, 07:43:32 PM »
Iam only using it for anthropolgical presepctives and showing she is not a pure Caucasian if we look at her. Iam not Fruit of Thy loins.
You should stop posting about anthropology as you know nothing about the subject.

Locklear looks completely Europid and yet you claim that "the picture shows that she is not a pure Caucasian."

Look lear might look completely Europid but she is, from the Lumpee people their triracial, she has Armenindian cheekbones mostly like she is biracial, iam talking anthtroplogy thank you.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2007, 07:47:43 PM »
BabylonianJew's most ridiculous assertion is that Rowan Atkinson is partly Indian.  :laugh

He is racially Paleo-Atlantid and completely Europid.

Indians are Caucasiods he shows an Indid strain. Plus read about Racial Admixture in Anlgo-Saxons from a WN owns mouth, and he himself is Anglo. The disease Hemoglobin D was limited only to the people of the Indian sub-contient, it was transfered into thr White population by race-mixing, this is fact.

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2007, 07:55:20 PM »
The bones shtick is nonsense. Facial features is what determines race. Lots of those so-called racialy mixed women are attractive Caucasoids.

Bone structure and facial features determine race. If you the Portugesse phenotypes they have slight Negorid ancestory within their facial structure and bones. The same in the Eastern Europeans, who have the slight Mongoloid ancestory, and its appareant in their bone structure and faces. Yes alot of mixed race people are Caucasiod racialy Heather Locklear who is the Lumpee people a mixture of Armeindian,Europeans, and Africans, in the past she admited those bloodlines. Also the bottom WN girl has posted on Stromfront,Vnn,and other WN sites and admited being 1/32 Negroid, and show slight admixture in the cheekbone area, where it bulges, however she is Caucasiod. When we determine race, is by facial structure and bone structure.

Offline mord

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2007, 06:39:44 AM »
Maria Sharapova tennis player very attractive 

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2007, 11:49:25 AM »
Maria Sharapova tennis player very attractive 

Yes this woman is pure Caucasiod possibly with a heavy Nordic strain. a Russian showing a Nordic/Mongol admixture, I guess Gengis Khan did have some fun with the Russians.


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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2007, 12:28:43 PM »
Yes in the bottom 2 i see some asiatic features #2 heavy asian influence
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2007, 09:41:32 PM »
Thats true Yacov the Mongols took over Eastern Europe and halted the Arab advancements into it. Well the Arabs took all over Southern Europe, and were driven off officaly until 1606 as the Moriscos were expelled.

Offline Masha

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2007, 01:16:24 PM »
What's the big deal if the Europeans have an admixture of other races? Have I missed some important discussion strand on this forum?By the way, Alsu is not Russian. She is a Tatar and a muslim.

All ethnic groups are mixed to some extent. Jews have also mixed with other people. I disagree though with the statement on the previous page to the effect that Jews are the most mixed nation today. There are DNA studies that show that Jews are relatively homogeneous. Jews were very strict about intermixing. Yes, some women raped. But not in overwhelmingly huge numbers.

If I remember correctly (from reading reports on these DNA studies), the group that the Jews are related closer than to others is Kurds - another very ancient ethnicity that has remained relatively homogeneous.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2007, 03:16:04 PM »
Babylonian Jew, why do you care what race these women are ???
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Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2007, 05:07:45 PM »
Babylonian Jew, why do you care what race these women are ???

I was only pointing racial admixture in various populations.

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2007, 07:00:07 PM »
I think Jews are most related to Kurds and Armenians. The first Jews were from Kurdistan and Aram (Now Turkish Mulsim Nazi occupied areas of Armenia.).

I posted article that todays Jews the majorty of Ashkenazim are infact related to Kurds,Hitties,and Armenians who adopted Jaudism since antiquity and mixed with the Israelities. Well the Shepardim are closer to Arabs and North Africans, suggesting that Shepardim have kept their blood pure and mixed with Arabs and other Semities. Also Genes have shown that Phoncieans are not Semitic ethinc group but originaly Indo-European that adopted Semitic traditions, when they Semities began to move out Arabia, the Phonceians are Mardaites originaly an Indo-Aryan group that mixed into Semities to form the Phoncieans.

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2007, 03:26:30 AM »
I don't know whether this is the right topic to post this question in. But could anyone tell me who exactly the Moors were? I know that this was the designation for the population of North Africa. They were not Arabs, but arabized. But were they the same as the berbers (Google gives conflicting information)? If not, does anyone know what their ethnic, racial, linguistic, historical composition was?

A Moorish Lady

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Racial admixture in Europeans, pictural evidence
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2007, 04:54:34 PM »
I don't know whether this is the right topic to post this question in. But could anyone tell me who exactly the Moors were? I know that this was the designation for the population of North Africa. They were not Arabs, but arabized. But were they the same as the berbers (Google gives conflicting information)? If not, does anyone know what their ethnic, racial, linguistic, historical composition was?

A Moorish Lady

The Moors are mixture of Arab men and Berber females. The term Moor meant half breed usually having an Arab male ancestor and Berber female ancestor. The Moors are mixture of Arabs and Berbers who conquered Southern Europe and brining Islamic faith to it.