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Leftist code pink advertisment of Eng muslim brotherhood site
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:38:56 PM »      



« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 06:17:36 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Leftist code pink advertisment of Eng muslim brotherhood site
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 05:49:47 PM »

Listen Now! »
Study Guide: Muslim Brotherhood and more on Egypt

Tuesday, Feb 1, 2011 at 5:35 PM EST

   1. Egypt revolt is ‘step towards Islamic Middle East’,+bone+marrow+disease,+liver+ailments,+cancer+and+depression+-+when+he+wasn%27t+playing+soccer,+raising+Arabian+horses+or+sneaking+into+Albani%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wn <,+bone+marrow+disease,+liver+ailments,+cancer+and+depression+-+when+he+wasn%27t+playing+soccer,+raising+Arabian+horses+or+sneaking+into+Albani%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&tab=wn>


   1. U.S. open to a role for Islamists in new Egypt government,0,2958266.story <,0,2958266.story>

Muslim Brotherhood Logos

    * 2 versions: Arabic & American
    * Arabic Version is a seal with 2 swords overlapping each other & Quran in the middle (visible in top right corner of this website) <>
    * American version: little girl with the word “freedom”

El-Baradei & National Association for Change <>

    * The National Association for Change (NAC) is a broad opposition coalition pushing for pro-democracy constitutional reforms created by former International Atomic Energy Association head Mohammed ElBaradei and a close group of supporters.
    * The association is the product of an initial meeting in February 2010 at ElBaradei’s home of approximately 30 politicians, intellectuals, activists, and other prominent figures in Egypt who identified with the renewed call for democratic reforms that the return of ElBaradei has prompted
    * The Muslim Brotherhood’s endorsement of the National Association for Change’s signature campaign has given the initiative a significant boost and engendered hopes for cooperation between opposition forces with different ideological orientations in the 2010 elections. It has also alienated some NAC sympathizers who are strongly opposed to the Brotherhood.

El Baradei Quote

    * “The Muslim Brotherhood is a conservative religious group, like Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem and Evangelists in the United States. They are a minority in Egypt and do not have power to undermine our constitution, which guarantees a civil government to lead the country”, announced ElBaradei

El Baradei SOT (CNN, Jan 30)

    * “The Muslim Brotherhood has nothing to do with the Iranian model, has nothing to do with extremism…They are part of the Egyptian society, as much as the Marxist party here. I think this myth that has been perpetuated and sold by the regime has no – has no iota of reality

Rosie O’Donnell SOT (“The View,” ABC, 2006)

    * Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam (applause) in a country like America


Egyptian Activists’ Action Plan: Translated <>

Egypt protest leaflets distributed in Cairo give blueprint for mass action <>

    * The leaflet includes aerial photographs with approach routes marked and diagrams on crowd formations. Suggested “positive” slogans include “long live Egypt” and “down with the corrupt regime“. There are no signs of slogans reflecting the agenda of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood. It advises demonstrators to wear clothing such as hooded jackets, running shoes, goggles and scarves to protect against teargas, and to carry dustbin lids – to ward off baton blows and rubber bullets – first aid kits, and roses to symbolise their peaceful intentions.
    * Diagrams show how to defend against riot police and push in waves to break through their ranks. “The most important thing is to protect each other,” the leaflet says.

Jodie Evans, Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn – Flotilla <>

    * Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, accompanied by the former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn – organized an inside-outside game of political theater to bring pressure on the Mubarak regime to allow the aid for Hamas to be delivered though Egyptian checkpoints.
    * Evans and Code Pink lobbied Mubarak’s wife for assistance, as well as the U.S. embassy in Cairo. On the other hand, the group led hundreds of Western leftists in challenging the Egyptian government with boisterous street protests.
    * Code Pink was not shy about its support for Hamas. The group bragged that Hamas terrorists guaranteed their safety in Gaza. <>
    * Code Pink had also allied itself with the Muslim Brotherhood. Code Pink took out banner ads on the Muslim Brotherhood’s official English language Web site asking jihadis to “join us in cleansing our country” <> of so-called war criminals which included former President George W. Bush and wife Laura.
    * Ayers & Dohrn participated in the Weather Underground’s 1969 “Days of Rage” in Chicago.  Last Friday’s rioting in Egypt was also called “Days of Rage.” It is telling that the protests Friday in Egypt were dubbed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a “day of rage.” <>  The Brotherhood said its members will demonstrate “with all the national Egyptian forces, the Egyptian people, so that this coming Friday [today] will be the general day of rage for the Egyptian nation.”

Code Pink Ads on Muslim Brotherhood Website <>
“Arrest the War Criminals” & “Women Say No to War”

Code Pink Statement published by Muslim Brotherhood <>

    * The Muslim Brotherhood published a statement <> by Code Pink issued in May to promote Code Pink’s trip to Gaza that month. In December, the Muslim Brotherhood published an open letter <> to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak by Code Pink and the Gaza Freedom March decrying the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow the group passage into Gaza.
    * Jodie Evans and Code Pink attempted to destabilize the Egyptian government by provoking a crisis <> last month over the government’s refusal to allow all 1362 ‘Gaza Freedom’ marchers to enter Gaza through Egypt.
    * It would appear that Jodie Evans and Code Pink found an ally in Egypt in their opposition to the Mubarak government. This is how Jodie Evans repays the kindness showed by First Lady Suzanne Mubarak who came to Code Pink’s aid after Jodie Evans sent her a letter asking for help delivering the ‘humanitarian aid’ to Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Code Pink Letter to First Lady Suzanne Mubarak <>

    * At this year’s end, we have organized a march of nearly 1,400 international citizens to come together and march with the families of Gaza on the anniversary of the terrible 22-day Israeli invasion. We know you share our painful feelings about the human rights violations in Gaza — violations which must be all the more painful for their proximity to you. We appeal to your compassion for those women, men and children and the conditions in which they live. The delegates on this march are bringing winter jackets for children, as well as children’s medicines and school supplies.
    * We once again ask you to intervene on our behalf. Please help us travel to Gaza from December 29-January 2 to deliver much-needed aid and to march hand-in-hand for justice and human rights for all.

Code Pink – Ayers, Dohrn, Evans pics from Egypt <>

Code Pink Release posted on Muslim Brotherhood Website <>
Large Delegation, Mostly Americans Launch Campain Urging Obama To Visit Gaza From Egypt

IHH Was Not Acting Alone – The Role of the Global Muslim Brotherhood Network

    * The Gaza flotilla incident brought into sharp focus an even more significant longterm development: the growing relationship between the Erdogan government and the Global Muslim Brotherhood, which has given rise to some of the most notorious Islamist terrorist groups – from al-Qaeda to Hamas.
    * Since 2006, Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim Brotherhood, while the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip acted as the main axis for this activity. The AKP allowed key elements of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and above all the International Union of Muslim Scholars, led by Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi, to operate freely on Turkish territory, with its active support, as witnessed by the large number of conferences held recently in Istanbul and sponsored and/or attended by Global Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
    * However, as this report demonstrates, the IHH was not acting alone but rather was an integral part of a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network comprised of seven NGOs with strong links to each other, to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and to the Turkish political establishment.
    * The Turkish/MB network has been supported by nearly the whole of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, whose affiliates, from a number of Middle Eastern countries, provided passengers for the Mavi Marmara. In addition, the Global Muslim Brotherhood frequently held press conferences and demonstrations to demonize Israel, initiated legal actions against Israeli leaders, and delivered aid to those in conflict with Israel. The Turkish/MB network played a major role in supporting the Gaza flotilla prior to its launching through statements and press conferences, and one of its most important leaders, MAZLUMDER Chairman Ahmet Unsal, was on board the flotilla. In the aftermath of the flotilla, the Turkish/MB network continued its support in more official statements, and at a post-flotilla event in Kuwait, Turkish/MB network leader Gazi Misirli revealed that MUSIAD had played a major role in funding the flotilla by “coordinating” donations. In addition, the Turkish/MB network was in ongoing contact with Hamas leaders

Wade Rathke <>

    * On his blog, Rathke wrote about Egypt:  “But in the meantime keep your running shoes handy and in good repair. The streets are on fire and we need to keep our feet in shape so the dogs can keep barking.”
    * Rathke is the founder of ACORN International

Wade Rathke & Drummond Pike <>

    * Both men are on the board of directors of the Organizers Forum
    * The mission of the Organizers Forum is: to strengthen grassroots organizations by increasing capacity and stability of these democratic structures, to link organizing networks, and to improve on the skills and strategies employed by both community and labor organizers.
    * The Organizers Forum plans to host its fall 2011 International Dialogue in Egypt where they will meet with labor and community organizers and other activists in Cairo
    * There are exciting changes and developments that are currently taking place in Egypt with elections coming soon to determine leadership transitions in what has been an autocratic regime, now challenged by the Muslim Brotherhood and succession and democracy issues

Muslim Brotherhood

    * Accordingly, the Brotherhood seeks to establish an Islamic Caliphate spanning the entire Muslim world. It also aspires to make Islamic (Shari’a) law the sole basis of jurisprudence and governance. Toward this purpose — encapsulated in the Brotherhood’s militant credo: “God is our objective, the Koran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations” — the Brotherhood since its founding has supported the use of armed struggle, or jihad.
    * The Brotherhood supports the waging of jihad against non-Muslim “infidels,” and has expressed support for terrorism against Israel, whose legitimacy the Brotherhood does not recognize, and against the West, particularly the United States
    * Outlawed in Egypt in 1954, the Brotherhood temporarily receded as a political force. It re-emerged under Anwar Sadat, a sympathizer of the group. Taking advantage of the Brotherhood’s militant aversion to secularism, Sadat sponsored it against his communist and socialist political opposition. Later, however, the Brotherhood joined the political Left in opposing Sadat’s peace treaty with Israel, believing the normalization of relations with Israel to be a betrayal of Islam.
    * Outside the Middle East, the Brotherhood has expanded its operations to the United States. Muslim activists affiliated with the Brotherhood have founded the Muslim Students’ Association <> , the North American Islamic Trust, the Islamic Society of North America <> , the American Muslim Council <> , and the International Institute of Islamic Thought <> . The Brotherhood also reportedly exercises a strong influence in Muslim communities throughout Europe. <>
The Brotherhood listed some 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” seeking to realize the same goal. These included:

    * American Trust Publications
    * Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers <>
    * Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America <>
    * Audio-Visual Center <>
    * Baitul Mal, Inc.
    * Foundation for International Development
    * International Institute of Islamic Thought <>
    * Islamic Association for Palestine <>  (parent group of the Council on American-Islamic Relations <> )
    * Islamic Book Service <>
    * Islamic Centers Division
    * Islamic Circle of North America <>
    * Islamic Education Department
    * Islamic Housing Cooperative
    * Islamic Information Center
    * Islamic Medical Association of North America <>
    * Islamic Society of North America <> (ISNA)
    * ISNA Fiqh Committee
    * ISNA Political Awareness Committee
    * Islamic Teaching Center <>
    * Malaysian Islamic Study Group
    * Mercy International Association
    * Muslim Arab Youth Association <>
    * Muslim Businessmen Association
    * Muslim Communities Association
    * Muslim Students Association <>
    * Muslim Youth of North America <>
    * North American Islamic Trust <>
    * Occupied Land Fund (later known as the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development <> )
    * United Association for Studies and Research <>

Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) <>

    * The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), once considered the largest Muslim charity in the U.S., has been shut down by the government for funding Hamas <> .
    * On May 27, 2009, a federal judge in Dallas handed down sentences ranging from 15 to 65 years in prison to five of the charity’s founders and former fundraisers. The federal government proved to the jury that the defendants funneled over $12 million to Hamas after the U.S. government had designated it a foreign terrorist organization in 1995.
    * The Justice Department contended that HLF provided more than $12 million to individuals and organizations linked to Hamas between 1995 and 2001. In addition, the group reportedly raised a total of $57 million since its incorporation in 1992, but only reported $36.2 million to the IRS.
    * A first trial ended in a mistrial in October 2007 when the jury failed to come to a unanimous decision on most counts.


    * Ramadan is a citizen of Switzerland
    * Ramadan’s grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood
    * Ramadan has been banned from entering France
    * Ramadan was banned from entering the US in 2004 due to accusations of supporting the militant Palestinian group Hamas.
    * Labels US security policy as “draconian” and “hostile to freedom”
    * Declares there is a “double standard” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    * Often criticized as a “charlatan” who says one thing to European audiences and something else to Muslims
    * Time magazine named Tariq Ramadan one of the 100 innovators of the 21st century <>

    * In the summer of 2004, Mr. Ramadan, a Swiss citizen, was preparing to travel to the United States to become a tenured professor of religion, conflict and peace-building at the University of Notre Dame <>  when the Bush administration revoked his visa <> .
    * The government cited a provision of the Patriot Act <>  that allows the barring of foreigners who “use a position of prominence within any country to endorse or espouse terrorist activity.” Officials eventually pointed to Mr. Ramadan’s donations of about $1,300 from 1998 to 2002 to a Swiss-based charity that the Treasury Department later categorized as a terrorist organization because it gave money to Hamas <> , the militant Palestinian <> group.
    * Mr. Ramadan, now a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Oxford, contended he was unaware of any links between the charity and Hamas or terrorist activities. The professor, who had visited the United States dozens of times, said he believed that the organization was involved in legitimate charitable activities.
    * The civil liberties union challenged the exclusion in a lawsuit filed on behalf of Mr. Ramadan and three organizations that had invited him to speak: the American Association of University Professors, the American Academy of Religion and PEN American Center. His lawyers argued that the exclusion was an illegal form of censorship, motivated by the professor’s political views and criticism of American policy.
    * But he has also antagonized a wide range of critics, who have accused him of being a radical in a moderate’s clothing, and of speaking in contradictions. Some have tried to draw direct links between his teachings and the Islamic radicalism espoused by his grandfather, Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, a sometimes-violent political group in Egypt. But Mr. Ramadan, who has rejected violence in the service of Islam, accuses his critics of not reading him carefully enough — or not reading him at all.

Peace Professor Singled Out Jews of France,  NY Sun,  January 7, 2004

    * On November 14, 2003, the French newspaper Le Parisien published an article quoting a former French intelligence officer and investigator for the families of the victims of the September 11 World Trade Center bombing, Jean Charles-Brisard, that Mr. Ramadan was suspected by European intelligence agencies of meeting Al Qaeda deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri in 1991.
    * Mr. Ramadan in October published an article on an Islamic Web site,, singling out some of France’s Jewish intellectuals for supporting the war in Iraq and thus, he said, placing the allegiances of their religion ahead of their obligation as scholars.
    * In it he wrote that the analysis of French Jewish intellectuals was “increasingly oriented toward a community-based concern that tends to relativize the defense of universal principles like equality and justice.”

Tariq Ramadan: some call him “the most dangerous man in Europe”, others “the Martin Luther of Islam”. Just how sinister is he?
(New Statesman, June 1, 2004)

    * Most loaded of all was Ramadan’s use of the term “communitarian politics” as a charge against the liberal intelligentsia. In French, it carries with it not only an attack on the intellectual integrity of individuals, but also a challenge to the fundamental principles of the Republic.
    * Ramadan was, in other words, not only accusing Jewish intellectuals of Jewish self-interest but also, in an echo of the Dreyfus affair, of deliberately acting against the interests of the state. This is precisely why the level-headed and highly respected Kouchner called him “a most dangerous man”.
    * Ramadan’s response to his critics is that he does not want to be drawn into “a discourse of hate”. He adds that all Muslims must know how to rise above such predictable enemies. “There are certain insults which are unworthy and which we do not have to answer,” he say

Court rules Swiss authorities wrong to fire Muslim teacher who defended stoning for adultery
(AP, April 3, 2004)

    * Tariq’s brother, Hani Ramadan, was suspended from duty in October 2002 after he wrote an article on Muslim Shariat law for the French newspaper Le Monde. Besides defending stoning for adulterers, he also said AIDS was a form of divine retribution against sinners <>

    * I cited quotations from al-Banna expressing pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic views; I quoted Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a follower of al-Banna who is a hugely popular TV preacher on Al Jazeera, expressing similar views. And I asked Ramadan why he had never acknowledged, let alone condemned, these things…
    * But he refused to acknowledge that his grandfather and the Muslim Brotherhood in its origins were characterized by anti-Semitic or totalitarian views. It seemed clear that there was a limit to what he would allow himself to say or think, and that I had found it. <>

    * Detractors claim that Ramadan’s messages are filled with a double language. His followers, they say, can decipher his words as a call to furtively spread fundamentalist Islam in society under the cover of modernism and integration.
    * Critics have denounced as anti-Semitic Ramadan’s recent critique of “Jewish French intellectual” reaction to the intifadeh. They were appalled when he suggested last year a “moratorium” on the stoning of adulterers in order to consider the legitimacy of the act.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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Re: Leftist code pink advertisment of Eng muslim brotherhood site
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 06:04:44 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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Re: Leftist code pink advertisment of Eng muslim brotherhood site
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 07:14:11 AM »

Join Us!

January 30 - February 6, 2011
As we approach the two year anniversary of the Israeli invasion of Gaza,  join CODEPINK on a delegation to examine how the people of Gaza have fared in the past two years and how the restrictions on trade and travel continue to impact their lives. We will meet with UN representatives, NGOs, students, government officials, human rights monitors and businesspeople.

We will enter Gaza via the Egyptian crossing at Rafah, departing from Cairo the morning of January 30 and returning to Cairo the evening of February 6. Payment of $1,000 includes transportation from Cairo to Gaza and within Gaza, program, translation, 2 meals/day, Gaza accommodations, donations to local organizations. Payment does not include flight to and from Cairo, Cairo hotel or visa fees.

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Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Code Pink Directly Involved With Cairo Protests


Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Code Pink Directly Involved With Cairo Protests –

by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King

Tighe Barry, left, and Medea Benjamin of Code Pink protest in Washington, D.C.

On the heels of a Big Government article asking whether the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-Mubarak organizations in Egypt have been learning their tactics from Obama allies Bill Ayers and Code Pink (as a result of connections made in Egypt one year ago) comes news that Code Pink is in Cairo and is involved in the protests.

An audio file of a phone call by leftist activist David Swanson that day to Code Pink agitator Tighe Barry in Cairo was posted late Friday.

Barry, in Egypt once again coordinating Code Pink’s latest group trip to Hamas-controlled Gaza, spoke with Swanson about his involvement in the protests.

Barry said he’s been in Egypt all week and has been out protesting between arranging permits from the Egyptian government to travel to the Gaza border crossing at Rafah.

Barry said the government had given him a permit to travel to Rafah and he hoped to depart on Sunday, but noted that may not happen given the continuing protests. There are reports of rioting and killings of Egyptian police in Rafah, as well as reports of the border crossing security being compromised.

Barry said he was detained on Friday for about an hour by Egyptian police while participating in a protest at Tahrir Square (Liberation Square) in Cairo. Barry said a camera was taken from him by police even though he waved a press pass and his American passport at them.

Pretending to be a journalist, either with phony or stolen credentials, is a trick Code Pink uses to fool security at events. It appears the Egyptians weren’t fooled by Barry’s act.

Barry spoke of particpating in “peacefully” breaking through a police line on Tuesday. He said on Friday the tactics changed to violent attempts to break police lines.

Barry made excuses for the violence of the Egyptian protesters, saying the Egyptians told him violence by the police made peaceful protest impossible.

Barry is smart enough to not speak on an open phone line about what he has been doing behind the scenes, but he does say that he has “lots of Egyptian friends” and that he hid out at one of those friend’s flat after being turned loose by the police Friday. He does not mention who else from Code Pink is with him in Cairo.

Barry downplayed the involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying the protests have not been “Muslim” nor “anti-American.” The Muslim Brotherhood is banned in Egypt, so openly working with the Code Pink ally would likely be grounds for getting thrown out of Egypt.

Code Pink solicited participation in this year’s Hamas-aid on its Web site, charging $1000 for a week in Gaza, air fare and hotel in Cairo not included:

    As we approach the two year anniversary of the Israeli invasion of Gaza, join CODEPINK on a delegation to examine how the people of Gaza have fared in the past two years and how the restrictions on trade and travel continue to impact their lives. We will meet with UN representatives, NGOs, students, government officials, human rights monitors and businesspeople.

    We will enter Gaza via the Egyptian crossing at Rafah, departing from Cairo the morning of January 30 and returning to Cairo the evening of February 6. Payment of $1,000 includes transportation from Cairo to Gaza and within Gaza, program, translation, 2 meals/day, Gaza accommodations, donations to local organizations. Payment does not include flight to and from Cairo, Cairo hotel or visa fees.

On a separate page, Code Pink describes its efforts as providing “space for Obama” to play a “positive role” in Gaza:

    On a recent trip to Gaza, the glimmer of hope we found among people in Gaza was the Obama administration. Many were upset that Obama did not speak out during the invasion and that peace envoy George Mitchell, on his first trip to the Middle East, did not visit Gaza or even Syria. But they felt that Mitchell was a good choice and Obama, if given the space by the American people, could play a positive role. Who can provide that space for Obama? Who can respond to the call for justice from the Palestinian people? Who can counter AIPAC, the powerful lobby that supports Israeli aggression? An organized, mobilized, coordinated grassroots movement is the critical counterforce— and we need you to stand with us and do your part for peace!

In fact, Code Pink has acted as a go-between with Hamas and Obama, delivering a letter from Hamas to Obama and was received at the White House after a trip to Gaza.

This trip by Code Pink marks at least their fifth to Egypt and Gaza in the past two years. Such frequent trips build networks and the opportunity for teaching tactics.

Code Pink has traveled the world, working with terrorist groups and anti-American governments to undermine America, free Iraq, Israel, Egypt and other governments allied against Code Pink’s Marxist, jihadist friends.

Code Pink does not protest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when they visit in Tehran as his guest, nor do they protest Hugo Chavez when they visit him in Caracas. And Code Pink certainly doesn’t protest Hamas when they deliver aid to their terrorist ally in Gaza.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03