Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Rofl whats with this guy he claims to be a Serbian Muslim

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--- Quote from: mord on February 07, 2011, 09:21:11 AM ---

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Maybe it's Novakovic. He also lives in Germany and always claimed muslims can be Serbian brothers.
In any case, both are terribly wrong.


--- Quote from: voo-yo on February 07, 2011, 09:43:26 AM ---Maybe it's Novakovic. He also lives in Germany and always claimed muslims can be Serbian brothers.
In any case, both are terribly wrong.

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true he had a muslim girlfriend?

Yes,  if somebody is Serbs Muslim that means that he is proud to be serb, you see all Bosnian Muslim are serbs but almost no one admit that, they say we are turks or Bosnjak but not serb they kill for that. So voo-yo you are protestant is that mean that you are not serbian ?? by works a man is recognized!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on February 08, 2011, 12:16:13 PM ---Yes,  if somebody is Serbs Muslim that means that he is proud to be serb, you see all Bosnian Muslim are serbs but almost no one admit that, they say we are turks or Bosnjak but not serb they kill for that. So voo-yo you are protestant is that mean that you are not serbian ?? by works a man is recognized!

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I don't know if I understood what you said, but I'll try to answer.
Muslims in Bosnia and Serbia are those who betrayed their people and sided with the occupiers (Turks). They didn't convert to Islam because they liked that religion, but they did it to change their position in society. With conversion to Islam, they entered the Turkish nation and became 1. class citizens while Serbs where dhimmis. They betrayed their people and became loyal to Turkey and the Muslim world first and foremost. That is why they cannot ever be considered Serbs, their loyalty lies elsewhere. Even today, muslims from Bosnia and Serbia wave Turkish flags, not Bosnian.
Did you say I'm protestant? I'm not, but protestant who is loyal to Serbian people is a Serb.
I went through all of this with SRP (Novakovic), you can read earlier threads.


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