Author Topic: Omar Bakri's daugter stripper dances naked in bar  (Read 3818 times)

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Omar Bakri's daugter stripper dances naked in bar
« on: May 27, 2011, 01:48:44 PM »
Bakri paid cash for girl's boob job

Published: 27 Sep 2008
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HATE preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed paid for a boob job which launched his daughter's pole dancing career, it was revealed last night.

He forked out £4,000 in CASH for 27-year-old Yasmin Fostock's bust-boosting surgery - while living on BENEFITS in the UK.

Cheeky girl ... Yasmin does a raunchy dance
Cheeky girl ... Yasmin does a raunchy dance

The revelation will spark further public outrage against the fanatical Muslim cleric - now in Lebanon after being kicked out of Britain.

Bakri, 50, who rants about Western "depravity" and blasts women who flaunt their sexuality, secretly paid for Yasmin to increase her A cup size to a DD.

Sources close to the blonde beauty said the op set her on the path to the raunchy career which shamed her strict Muslim family.

'DDepravity' ... Bakri ranted about women but paid for boob job
'DDepravity' ... Bakri ranted about women but paid for bust

Last night a pal of single mum Yasmin, of Catford, South East London - said: "Her dad's ashamed of her behaviour but she'd have never have become a pole dancer if he hadn't paid for her bigger boobs.

"She was always self-conscious about her size and managed to convince him she should have it done.

"She played the daddy's girl and said it would make her feel more of a mother when she was breast feeding her children.

"He went along with it and even went to the top London clinic with her where he paid for the surgery in cash.

?The rest of the family were set against it, but he insisted she should have her way if it would make her a better mother.

"But it backfired disastrously because her new figure encouraged her to go out and flaunt her new body.


"She was flattered by the attention of men and her new confidence led directly to her work dancing half naked in clubs full of leering men.

"She'd never have done it if it wasn't for those boobs - which were paid for by her father. It's all his fault."

Bile-spouting Bakri, who has sparked fury with outbursts over the 9/11 and 7/7 terror atrocities, paid for the surgery five years ago.

Yasmin is also understood to have had nose enhancement work.

Exposed ... The Sun
Exposed ... The Sun

The Sun exposed her pole dancing secret yesterday.

Her pal said: "Her family have been at their wits' end over her behaviour for years, but her mother has always been in denial.

?Even now, she refuses to accept her daughter's a pole dancer and says it's all lies."

Twice-wed Yasmin, who has changed her name from Youssra, is dating a 26-year-old satellite TV installer.

She lives on income support and has her £900-a-month rent and £240- a-month council tax paid by the state.

Yesterday she flashed a defiant finger when asked about her career.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 05:45:14 AM by mord »
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Re: Omar Bakri's daugter stripper dances naked in bar
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 07:00:28 PM »
Mord, while it's always appropriate to expose the hypocrisy of these Muslims, who go on about how the West is decadent, I don't think it's appropriate to write that our members should click on the link in order to see "nice photos" of that slut.

What's so "nice" about that scantily clad whore with mega breast implants, a nose job, a dye job, ten pounds of makeup, and who knows what other kind of plastic surgery dancing in a lascivious manner?  JTF shoud *not* encourage its members to view such images, or to think of them as "nice."