Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Vatikan - Palestinians

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 :o  The Pope sent out the top pigeon of his spy 'flock'.  Things are getting serious.


--- Quote from: crnitrn on February 26, 2011, 09:43:48 AM ---Pope is the Satan's follower, like you that or not!
You can Think anything that you  want, i said the true and i also said there is a exceptions in the Catholic world ! there is a good Catholics,especially among those who do not recognize the Pope !
however this question is not set by me !

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Oh, well.  If it's the true, it's the true...but it sounds like a lot of B.S. to me.
Still,  I'm too busy to think about the true.  You know.  Working to raise 'payola' to sin is hard work.  Still, it's fun running up credit and cavorting around.   ::)


--- Quote from: Slobodan on February 15, 2011, 08:47:29 AM ---Ватикан је највећи српски непријатељ.

The Vatican is the biggest enemy of the Serbs.

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The Vatican is the biggest enemy of humanity.Even my catholic friends can't stand the pope and his puppets (the cardinals).


--- Quote from: crnitrn on February 22, 2011, 06:36:46 PM ---Serbs are not Catholic , we are ORTHODOX Christians and our biggest enemy is pope and his followers !!! And we are not some sect !! It is insulting! If you want to talk about serbs and they religion ,I suggest you to do learn something about us!

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I believe he didn't mean to insult you.In Judaism,the proper term for the different denominations is sects.

The Vatican is totally left wing Fabian Socialist, its totally under the control of the Masonic Lodges. All that got exposed years ago through David Yallops investigation which can be read in his book called "In Gods name." There was a big scandal with the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, that involved the vatican, the Masonic Lodges have also taken over the Jewish Establishment so they can make the Jewish Establishment retarded and left wing.

Just read the history of Annie Besant, she is a Prophet to the Fabian Socialists and Marxists, and she also was a developer of many Masonic Lodges in England, and she was also a leader in the Theosophical Society (A Masonic organization). Its no coincidence Annie Besant was a leader in the Fabian Socialist institution, aswell as being a leader in a prominent Masonic group called the Theosophical Society. The left spreads two ways, through overt left wing marxist groups, however it also spreads through Masonic Lodges by stealth, so politicians running in right wing parties will carry a left wing agenda into their administration. If a politician has links to Freemasonry, but has no history of being involved in a Marxist organization, then the public will vote him in thinking he is right wing, as he has no links or history with leftist groups. However his indoctrination into the left happened in the Masonic Lodges. Masonic Lodges are all over Israel and in most Western countries, so its clearly obvious why Israel and the West contantly implement left wing policies.

Everyone voted Ariel Sharon into office thinking he was right wing, then he pulls out of Gush Kutif and shows his true left wing marxist colors.

Unfortunately the vatican has been taken over and the Popes decisions and policies are not Biblical but rather in accordance with the left wing agenda.


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