Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Vatikan - Palestinians

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--- Quote from: cjd on February 26, 2011, 10:57:08 AM --- :o Satan's Pope ... Na, we don't like that.... :::D  One thing I have noticed over the years its never the Roman Catholics that have a problem with the Orthodox its always the Orthodox [censored] and moaning about the RCC... If you some of you didn't piss and moan we would not even know your splinter group of churches existed.... You really should consider getting a pope of your own to get thing organized  :laugh: If you see some pigeons hanging around you from now on they most likely are being sent by "Satan's Pope" to keep an eye on things... If you honestly believe all the nasty cr-p you write you will have no problem believing that ;D    My apologies in advance to some of our more reasonable Orthodox people.

--- End quote ---
Poor little Pope! These crazy Orthodox it so threatening? Well they are not normal!
deny this and we can speak !
- Crusades as an excuse for the devastation, the destruction of Orthodox countries, Palestine and the holy city of                          Jerusalem!  Killing raping and theft!
- Forced Christianization of people  by Roman Catholic Church!
- Killing out  and persecution of many Jews, Serbs,   and other nation not suitable for the Christianization by Roman Catholic Church!
- Killing out  and persecution of Protestants,
- Inquisition !!!
- Jesuits (strongest and bloodiest secret society)
- Support and helping out  to Hitler comes to power, hiding of  Nazi criminals
- Proclamation of Saint Aloysius Stepinac,
  He has organized and personally participated in killing of  Jews and Serbs, as they did many of his and other Catholic  priests and monks throughout the world! For example, like the nuns who led a camp for Serbian and Jewish children "Jastrebarsko", and how they were tortured and killed there!
- Vatican's Bank, biggest and richest bank in the world without control and revision, Mafia do money laundering with this bank!
- atonement for forgiveness of sins from priest. (Only G-d can forgive!!!)
- Adoration of the Virgin Mary (idolatry)
- Pope calls himself Holy Father (profanity)!Pope calls himself G-d's  son deputy! Chief Minister! By what right? Prue profanity!

And now, by special request song for cjd and bullcat3!

 I'm so bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!


--- Quote from: crnitrn on February 26, 2011, 01:39:58 PM ---Poor little Pope! These crazy Orthodox it so threatening? Well they are not normal!
deny this and we can speak !
- Crusades as an excuse for the devastation, the destruction of Orthodox countries, Palestine and the holy city of                          Jerusalem!  Killing raping and theft!
- Forced Christianization of people  by Roman Catholic Church!
- Killing out  and persecution of many Jews, Serbs,   and other nation not suitable for the Christianization by Roman Catholic Church!
- Killing out  and persecution of Protestants,
- Inquisition !!!
- Jesuits (strongest and bloodiest secret society)
- Support and helping out  to Hitler comes to power, hiding of  Nazi criminals
- Proclamation of Saint Aloysius Stepinac,
  He has organized and personally participated in killing of  Jews and Serbs, as they did many of his and other Catholic  priests and monks throughout the world! For example, like the nuns who led a camp for Serbian and Jewish children "Jastrebarsko", and how they were tortured and killed there!
- Vatican's Bank, biggest and richest bank in the world without control and revision, Mafia do money laundering with this bank!
- atonement for forgiveness of sins from priest. (Only G-d can forgive!!!)
- Adoration of the Virgin Mary (idolatry)
- Pope calls himself Holy Father (profanity)!Pope calls himself G-d's  son deputy! Chief Minister! By what right? Prue profanity!

--- End quote ---

You are correct. The Vatican is so corrupt its unbelievable, they are definitely an illuminati masonic organization. The Pope does not represent G-d at all, he represents evil


--- Quote from: JimmyGentile on February 26, 2011, 12:41:57 PM ---The Vatican is totally left wing Fabian Socialist, its totally under the control of the Masonic Lodges. All that got exposed years ago through David Yallops investigation which can be read in his book called "In Gods name." There was a big scandal with the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy, that involved the vatican, the Masonic Lodges have also taken over the Jewish Establishment so they can make the Jewish Establishment retarded and left wing.

Just read the history of Annie Besant, she is a Prophet to the Fabian Socialists and Marxists, and she also was a developer of many Masonic Lodges in England, and she was also a leader in the Theosophical Society (A Masonic organization). Its no coincidence Annie Besant was a leader in the Fabian Socialist institution, aswell as being a leader in a prominent Masonic group called the Theosophical Society. The left spreads two ways, through overt left wing marxist groups, however it also spreads through Masonic Lodges by stealth, so politicians running in right wing parties will carry a left wing agenda into their administration. If a politician has links to Freemasonry, but has no history of being involved in a Marxist organization, then the public will vote him in thinking he is right wing, as he has no links or history with leftist groups. However his indoctrination into the left happened in the Masonic Lodges. Masonic Lodges are all over Israel and in most Western countries, so its clearly obvious why Israel and the West contantly implement left wing policies.

Everyone voted Ariel Sharon into office thinking he was right wing, then he pulls out of Gush Kutif and shows his true left wing marxist colors.

Unfortunately the vatican has been taken over and the Popes decisions and policies are not Biblical but rather in accordance with the left wing agenda.

--- End quote ---

Vatican has nothing to do with the Bible, there is nothing biblical! Did you know that for Vatican Bible is not most important theological book, no Bible is on second but more often on the third or even lower! Did you know that Vatican forbids to some priests to have  and read the Bible!Did you know that Vatican was persecuted those who were printed Bible!

Yeah I know they burned William Tyndale to death for publishing the Bible and translating it into English. They have been persecuting protestants and Jews for years, they are just doing it more covertly now.


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