Author Topic: FREE SPEECH BATTLES RAGE IN EUROPE  (Read 342 times)

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« on: February 15, 2011, 08:44:31 PM »

The political elites of Europe continue to vigorously pursue prosecution of Islamic blasphemy laws in a civilizational suicide mission. Many dear friends and colleagues are under attack from the courts, the media, and the "rule of law" for speaking candidly and openly about Islam. Prosecution of the crime of heresy is submission to Islamic law.

What is interesting is that these outrageous capitulations to the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth come at a time when the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany are finally saying that multiculturalism has failed. Here is an update on the battles being waged on the Euro-front.

Holland: The Dutch criminal court has set a new date for the unending persecution of Geert Wilders.

The trial of PVV leader Geert Wilders on discrimination and inciting hatred charges will resume on March 14 when his lawyer Bram Moszkowicz will restate his opening remarks to the Amsterdam court, news agency ANP reports.

During the original trial, prosecutors called for Wilders to be acquitted, but groups who forced the prosecution in the first place are pressing for the new trial to continue.

The court is expected to decide whether the case should continue or be abandoned on March 30, says ANP.

Austria: Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff acquitted of incitement to violence, guilty of lesser charge "slandering the religious beliefs of a legally recognized religion", fined € 480.

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, who had made at a seminar of the Freedom Education Institute (FBI) Islam-critical statements and commented disparagingly of the Prophet Mohammed, has been discussed at the Vienna State criminal court for disparaging religious doctrines guilty. Judge Bettina Neubauer inflicted upon the woman an unconditional fine of 480 €.

Of charges of incitement, the lecturer was acquitted. The verdict is not final, defender Michael Rami reported immediately to appeal. And the prosecutor appealed against the decision of the Court of Appeals.

Denmark: Lars Hedegaard found not guilty ...... well, not so much.

Hedegaard was acquitted by the court with a....caveat. He was acquitted because he didn’t expect the interview to be made public. If he had known that the unedited taped interview was going to be disseminated to the public at large, he would still be facing some sort of a sentence.

Lars Hedegaard acquitted in racism  31. January 2011

President of the Free Press Society, Lars Hedegaard, in the Court of Frederiksberg acquitted of racist statements.The background is a good 35 minutes long interview to the site which Hedegaard gave in December 2009.

Here, said Hedegaard, among other things, that “girls in Muslim families are raped by their uncles, their cousins or their dad.” The Court believes that Heath’s statements are insulting, but he was dismissed because he did not know that the interview that took place during a juleforkost, would be published.

Regretted statements

Lars Hedegaard has previously expressed regret if his statements gave the impression that he would accuse all Muslims of abusing their children.

The day after the interview he stressed that his opinions were about Islam and not Muslims.

The prosecutor would have Lars Hedegaard fined penalty because the 68-year-old journalist has not previously been convicted of violating racism paragraph.

The priest Jesper Langballe was last year fined 5000 dollars for publicly backing up Hedegaards opinions.

Denmark: Quisling Kurt Westergaard sues and gets "political judgement 100,000 Danish crowns" imposed on SIOE and Anders Gravers

Political Judgement SIOE

On 15th February 2008 SIOE held a demonstration in Aalborg to defend free speech in Denmark and the rest of Europe here and here.
This demonstration was also intended to show solidarity with the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard who was under police protection at the time due to death threats from Muslims across the world following the publication of his Mohammed turban-bomb cartoon.

This internationally famous cartoon may be seen all over the internet and has been seen in various places for various reasons, including demonstrations. It really became public property, morally speaking and is still an icon for free speech.

However, Kurt Westergaard took exception to SIOE using his cartoon, even when the demonstration concerned was in support of him and free speech in general. Therefore, SIOE was taken to court to prevent the use of the cartoon. The court case was a farce as the prosecution did not understand the difference between SIOE and SIAD, and this was made perfectly clear by SIOE representatives.

The court ruled that Kurt Westergaard’s Mohammed cartoon may not be used by SIOE and SID for any political purposes including demonstrations.

Although we considered that SIOE and SIAD and especially Anders Gravers were being unreasonably targeted by the Danish establishment and Kurt Westergaard, SIOE respected the court’s decision and revised its theme by also criticising Kurt Westergaard for, what SIOE considered, his own stopping of free speech.

Placards were made consisting of only a pair of eyes drawn on small pieces of card, with cloth pinned around them in the style of a burkha. This was to represent the “burkharisation of free speech”. A muzzle could have been used, but the demonstration was about how Islamisation is preventing free speech against Islam, so a burkha was the ideal representation.

The placards were shown to the police supervising the demonstration and permission was given to use them. At no time did SIOE intend to show contempt for the court ruling.

A photo was taken at the time and may be seen here

Ask yourself, does that placard Anders Gravers is showing to the police the Mohammed cartoon? The police didn’t think so, simply because it wasn’t the cartoon.

None the less, Anders Gravers was sued by Kurt Westergaard for breach of copyright and after a lengthy, stressful period of waiting SIOE, SIAD and Anders Gravers personally were found guilty of abusing Kurt Westergaard’s miserable cartoon.

A large fine of 100,000 Danish crowns was imposed on SIOE and Anders Gravers was also fined heavily.

Sentencing was, among other things published on TV2Nord, d. 17.ds. kl.19: 30

Readers of this site have repeatedly been able to read about the case and how it developed development and thus have become aware of an unflattering side of Kurt Westergaard’s personality – not least in relation to the worldwide publication that his drawing has generated and the character’s own words “The drawing has a life of its own!“

The police decision on whether the posters showed Muhammad drawing or not was crucial for the implementation of the legally notified demonstration. Police approved the posters as “Muhammed free” since the posters showed only the Muslim headscarf. Witnesses heard the decision at the time.

The verdict is deeply dispiriting for the reason that it once again exposes the Danish judiciary as being well and truly sunk into the bilge of political correctness. It was proved that no breach of copyright ws made by the organisers of the demonstration..

The verdict confirms that Denmark is not only in a political emergency in terms of its safety, but also in a political emergency regarding its legal system. This verdict was a political decision and has no foundation in law. This what Denmark has come to, but she is not alone. Europe and indeed the West is seeing its hard fought impartial and independent jurisprudence succumb to politicisation.

It is now an uphill battle to pull our country clear of the swamp. Both the case and the fight are morally won. We will never surrender Denmark to her violent enemies.

Anders Gravers prevented by Dutch authorities to come to Holland October 2010