General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello fellow Americans. I'm new to your forum.
Hello. I found your site on YouTube. I hope you don't mind my joining. I am not Jewish.
I am a 26 year old who lives in Texas, and I am in the medical field.
The reason I joined your site is because of my concern about Islam in America and electing Obama to the presidency. It is so hard to find someone who agrees with my views. I was delighted to find you.
I have read extensively on the evil ideology of Islam- and on Obama.
I hope you don't mind putting up with me. (I am so passionate about my belief in the evils of Islam and Obama that I tend to rant and rave) is how savages look, Completely devoid of compassion, Sympathy or respect. Morally bankrupt monsters killing and destroying every thing in their path.
Public execution of women:
Wife Beating in Islam - Only a rod will help!
Female cirumcision (scraping off external organs)is practiced in the Islam religion.
Why women shouldn't be allowed to drive
"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran ... should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth. Everthing we need to know is in the Koran. We don't need to look somewhere else."
Omar M. Ahmad, chairman of CAIR, the mainsteam Muslim advocacy group.
This should be required to be broadcast on TV regularly:
I learned everything I need to know about Islam on Sepember 11th.
--- Quote from: Cyberella on June 05, 2007, 06:42:14 PM ---Hello. I found your site on YouTube. I hope you don't mind my joining. I am not Jewish.
I am a 26 year old who lives in Texas, and I am in the medical field.
The reason I joined your site is because of my concern about Islam in America and electing Obama to the presidency. It is so hard to find someone who agrees with my views. I was delighted to find you.
I hope you don't mind putting up with me. I have read extensively on Islam and Obama. (I am so passionate about my belief in the evils of Islam and Obama that I tend to rant and rave)
--- End quote ---
Welcome Cyberella!
Thank you!!!
Hail Columbia:
Welcome to the board. We at JTF encourage Gentiles to join our movement, and I see that we are making advances on the YouTube front.
Welcome to the forum Cyberella.
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