Author Topic: Qaradeawi speaks at Egyptian lovefest  (Read 1024 times)

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Qaradeawi speaks at Egyptian lovefest
« on: February 18, 2011, 10:39:34 AM »    

Terrorist supporter Qaradawi to address Tahrir Square
From OnIslam (verified by Al Arabiya in Arabic):

    As thousands of Egyptians are preparing to celebrate their successful revolution against long-standing president Hosni Mubarak on Friday, February 18, prominent Muslim scholar Yusuf Al-Qaradawi will deliver the sermon of the weekly prayers from Tahrir Square in Cairo.

    Qaradawi, the present of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) will deliver the sermon at an invitation from a coalition representing the youth of the Egyptian revolution, has learned.

    The invitation was extended in gratitude to Qaradawi’s role in mobilizing support for the Egyptian revolution.

    Thousands of Egyptians are set to gather in Tahrir Square to celebrate their success in ousting Mubarak.

Hundreds of thousands are expected at tomorrow's rally, so Qaradawi - who issues fatwas mandating suicide bombings against Jews in Israel - will have quite an audience.

Qaradawi has been banned from his native Egypt for 30 years.      He's Beloved by the peaceful students who gang raped the reporter

Some of this qurananimals remarks    

at the bottom of page

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2350 – "Sheik Al-Qaradawi Suggests that Mahmoud Abbas Should Be Stoned to Death and Is Rebuked by PA Minister of Religious Endowments"
Palestinian Authority TV -January 7, 2010  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2325 – "Islamic Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: US Responsible for Attempted Airplane Bombing; Egypt-Gaza Border Is 'Artificial'"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - January 1-3, 2010  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2300 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: Celebrating Christmas in Muslim Countries Is Prohibited; Obama Does Not Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize"
Qatar TV - December 11, 2009  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2290 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Threatens a Boycott on Switzerland if 'We Despair of Other Measures'"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - December 7, 2009  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2267 – "Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Explains His Objection to Muslim-Christian Interfaith Dialogue,"
Qatar TV - October 30, 2009  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2138 – "Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Protests: Obama Drew a Parallel between the Koran and the Bible"
Qatar TV - June 5, 2009  

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2103 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Criticizes Jordan for Hosting the Pope: He Should First Apologize for Affronting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad,"
Qatar TV - May 8, 2009

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2057 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: The Arabs Should Obtain Nuclear Weapons for Deterrence"
Qatar TV - February 20, 2009

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2005 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: Allah Imposed Hitler upon the Jews to Punish Them - 'Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers'"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - January 28-30      

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1979 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Incites against Jews, Arab Regimes, and the U.S., and Calls on Muslims to Boycott Starbucks, Marks and Spencer"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - January 9, 2009

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1922 – "British Islamist Kamal Al-Hilbawi and Liberal Nabil Yassin Debate Whether Israeli Children Constitute Legitimate Military Targets"
BBC Arabic (U.K.) - November 24, 2008

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1864 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: Muslim Nation Plagued by Tragedies, Like the Rule of the Cowardly Jews"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - September 29, 2008

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1783 – "Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan Blasts Islam, the Prophet Muhammad and Sheik Al-Qaradawi, and States: When You Criticize Their Prophet, It Is As If You Chopped Off Muslims' Noses"
Al-Hayat TV (Cyprus) - June 02, 2008

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1718 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi Accuses Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan of Cursing Allah on Al-Jazeera TV"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - March 16, 2008

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1691- "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradawi, Recently Barred from the U.K., Reiterates His Position on Suicide Bombings and Declares: Jews Are Not the Offspring of Apes and Pigs"
Al-Hiwar TV (UK) –  February 15, 2008; Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - February 18, 2008

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1592 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: Islam's 'Conquest of Rome' Will Save Europe from Its Subjugation to Materialism and Promiscuity"
Qatar TV - July 28, 2007

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1515 – "Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Praises Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi for His Support of Suicide Operations, and Says Holocaust Was Exaggerated and Is Used to Extort Germany; Zionist Holocaust Against Arabs Much Worse"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - July 16, 2007

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1429 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: 'Virginia Tech Massacre Reflects American Philosophy of Violence; The Americans Kept Quiet About It - Since Shooter Was Not a Muslim'"
Qatar TV - April 20, 2007

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1366 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qarahawi Calls Upon Iraqi Kurds to Join Sunni Fight against Shiites After Mediation Fails"
Qatar TV - January 21, 2007 - 00:02:25,

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1354 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Eulogizes Saddam Hussein, Declares: In Recent Years, Saddam Was a Changed Man, Did Charitable Work, and Helped People Build Mosques"
Qatar TV - January 5, 2007

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1324 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: If the Shi'ite Doctrine Is Preached in Egypt, There Will Be Civil Strife and Endless Massacres"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - August 31, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1308 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi on the Risks of Female Masturbation"
Qatar TV - October 28, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1249 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: The Jews of Today Bear Responsibility for Their Forefathers' Crime against Jesus"
Qatar TV - August 26, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1170 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: Homosexuals Should Be Punished Like Fornicators But Their Harm Is Less When Not Done in Public"
Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - June 5, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1115 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Criticizes Fatah and Calls to Donate Money to the Hamas Government"
Qatar TV - April 21, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1074 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi's Conditions for Muslim Men Who Want to Marry Christian and Jewish Women in the West"
Qatar TV - March 12, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1052 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: Our War with the Jews Is in the Name of Islam"
Qatar TV - February 25, 2006

MEMRI TV Clip No. 1026 – "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Responds to Prophet Muhammad Cartoons: Whoever Is Angered and Does Not Rage in Anger Is a moron; We Are Not a Nation of Jackasses"
Qatar TV - February 3, 2006

APPENDIX II: MEMRI Special Dispatches, Special Reports, and Inquiry & Analysis Reports

Special Dispatch – No. 2709, December 21, 2009
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi on Christmas Celebrations in Muslim Countries: 'I Wanted To Warn My People That This Is Prohibited, Shameful, And Inappropriate… Ignorance Of What Islam Obliges Us To Do...;' '[Can] Muslims in Europe and America... Celebrate Ramadan... in the City Centers[?]'
Special Dispatch – No. 2689, December 11, 2009
Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi on Al-Jazeera Threatens a Boycott on Switzerland If 'We Despair of Other Measures'
Special Dispatch – No. 2662, November 19, 2009
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi Explains His Objections to Muslim-Christian Interfaith Dialogue

Special Dispatch – No. 2554, September 22, 2009
Fatwa by Sheikh Al-Qaradawi: Iraqis Must Not Become U.S. Citizens

Special Dispatch – No. 2401, June 14, 2009
In Friday Sermon, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi Responds to Obama's Cairo Speech

Special Dispatch – No. 2365, May 20, 2009
Al-Qaradawi, Al-Sudayyis, Other Prominent Arab Islamic Scholars: Kashmiri Movement Is Jihad

Special Dispatch - No. 2298, March 26, 2009
"Sheikh Al-Qaradawi Sermon on Qatar TV: The Arabs Must Obtain, But Not Use, Weapons of Mass Destruction- Nuclear, Chemical, And Biological - 'In Order to Strike Terror In The Hearts of Our Enemies'"

Special Dispatch - No. 2224, February 3, 2009
"Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi: Allah Imposed Hitler On the Jews to Punish Them – 'Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers'"

Special Dispatch - No. 1876, March 20, 2008
"Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Accuses Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan of 'Cursing Allah' on Al-Jazeera TV"

Special Dispatch Series No. 1876, March 20, 2008
"Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Accuses Arab-American Psychiatrist Wafa Sultan of 'Cursing Allah' on Al-Jazeera TV,"

Special Dispatch No. 1824, January 24, 2008
"Egyptian Businessman Yasser Salem Followed Al-Qaradawi Fatwa, Sponsored Algerians to Go Fight Coalition Forces in Iraq,"

Special Dispatch No. 1672, August 2, 2007
"Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Praises Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi for His Support of Suicide Operations, States: Holocaust Exaggerated, Being Used to Extort Germany, and Zionist Holocaust Against Arabs Much Worse,"

Special Dispatch No. 1427, January 17, 2007
"Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi Eulogizes Saddam Hussein in Friday Sermon on Qatar TV,"

Inquiry & Analysis No. 311, December 27, 2006
"Debate over the Status of Shi'ites in Egypt,"

Inquiry & Analysis No. 291 - "Pleasure Marriages in Sunni and Shi'ite Islam," August 31, 2006,

Inquiry & Analysis No. 277 - "Arab Media Reactions to Iran's Nuclear Project," May 23, 2006,

Special Dispatch No. 1146 , April 25, 2006
"Poetry of Resistance at Damascus Rally Calls Bush Accursed Satan; Hamas Leader Mash'al Attacks Abu Mazen & Praises Sheikh Al-Qaradawi; PA FM Al-Zahhar Calls for Right of Return to Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, & Everywhere,"

Special Dispatch No. 1102, February 28, 2006
"Leading Islamist Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi: We Are Fighting in the Name of Islam… This Jihad is an Individual Duty of the Entire Muslim Nation… They Fight Us With the Torah… We Should Fight Them With the Koran,"

Special Dispatch No. 1089, February 9, 2006
"Sheikh Al-Qaradawi Responds to Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad: Whoever is Angered and Does Not Rage in Anger is a moron - We are Not a Nation of Jackasses,"


*Mr. Stalinsky is the Executive Director of the Middle East Media Research Institute.

[1], January 5, 2005.

[2] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Comments in Townterview With Al-Jazeera, February 15, 2010,

[3] Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar), January 9, 2009; See Appendix 1: MEMRI Research on Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi.

[4] "Qatar Foundation, Northwestern will Establish Branch in Doha," US Fed News. November 7, 2007.

[5] Qatar Foundation.

[6] For example, see "Education City," Qatar Foundation.

[7] "Gala event marks the official launch of Al Jazeera Children's Channel," Qatar Foundation News. July 25, 2006.

[8] Hanley, Delinda C. "Qatar's Education City is Building Bridges to a Better Future," The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. August 2007.

[9] "Forum on Quranic Garden Opens" The Peninsula¸ March 3, 2009

[10] Qatar Foundation.



[13] hhtp://

[14] Lewin, Tamar. "In Oil-Rich Mideast, Shades of the Ivy League," The New York Times, February 11, 2008.

[15] "Sheikh Yousseff Al-Qaradawi Scholoarships," Times Higher Education,


[17] Carnegie Mellon Qatar Campus 2007-2008 information sheet. Carnegie Mellon's Scholarships: "Admitted students who are citizens of Qatar are normally awarded full-tuition scholarships from the Supreme Education Council or sponsored by Qatari corporations such as Kahramaa, QNB, Qatar Airways, Qatar Petroleum, or QatarGas." (Non-Qatari students are directed to the QF's scholarship/financial aid above.) Carnegie Mellon's Financial Aid webpage

[18] "In Qatar, Carnegie Mellon U. Opens a Showplace,"; April 10, 2009;

[19] Message from the Dean to Prospective Students, Northwestern University at Qatar website,

[20] "NU-Q trip funded by Qatar Foundation," Daily Northwestern, April 9, 2009

[21] According to Dr. James A Calvin, Interim Vice President for Research and Professor of Statistics at Texas A&M University, who spoke on Capitol Hill on July 28, 2008, Texas A&M-Qatar's efforts are supported by private funding and underwritten by the Qatar Foundation, receiving approximately $12 million in grants from the Qatar National Research Foundation. He added that no taxpayer or tuition money is used to support the Qatar campus of his university, which offers four undergraduate programs. "Non-Government Organizations and Universities and International Studies." Capitol Hill Hearing Testimony – Committee on House Science and Technology, statement of Dr. James A. Calvin, PH.D., Interim Vice President for Research, Professor of Statistics, Texas A&M University, July 15, 2008.

[22] "Fees, funds for Qatar campus not so different from our own," The Battalion, April 24, 2009 .

[23] Georgetown List of Aid: Ministry or Other Scholarship which bills the student's sponsor (Qatari students); work-study (Qatari/Non-Qatari); QF Merit Scholarships "a limited number of these scholarships have been provided through the generosity of the Qatar Foundation. Recipients of this scholarship will have the appropriate amounts automatically credited toward their bills (Qatari/Non-Qatari)"; QF Loan (aka Hamad bin Khalifa Financial Aid Program) in which "the Qatar Foundation provides financial aid in the form of payments for a specified amount of tuition and other expenses on behalf of selected financial aid applicants while attending the universities in Education City" (Qatari/Non-Qatari). Georgetown University at Qatar Financial Aid webpage.

[24] Georgetown University: School of Foreign Service in Qatar Media Advisory,

[25] "Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCU-Q)," Qatar Foundation website,

[26] "Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar," Qatar Foundation website,

[27] "Education City is home to branch campuses of Georgetown University, Northwestern University, Texas A&M University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Weill Cornell College. RAND-Qatar Policy Institute, Sidra Medical & Research Centre and Qatar Science and Technology Park are also located in Education City. A convention centre and the Al-Shaqab Equestrian Centre are under construction." Carnegie Mellon Qatar Campus 2007-2008 information sheet.

[28] RAND-Qatar Policy Institute website,

[29] "Qatar Foundation," Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website,

[30] The Peninsula, January 20, 2010.

[31] Gulf Times, November 24, 2008. The Community college steering committee has the following as members: Miles Lovelace (director, ABP, QF), Khalid al-Ali (director, Foundation Programme, QU), Abdulla al-Sahlawi (manager, corporate training, QP), Mohamed al-Mannai (acting director, Higher Education Institute, SEC), Richard Leete (director, Social Affairs Department, General Secretariat for Development Planning), Harald Jorch (president, College of the North Atlantic-Qatar) and Abdulmajid Abdulghani (director, Research, Policy & Strategic Planning, SEC).

[32] "Scholarships and Sponsorships." Georgetown University Financial Aid webpage

[33] "Qatar Foundation launches fund to support students," The Peninsula, August 13, 2008. The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development provides financial aid in the form of payments for a specified amount of tuition and other expenses on behalf of selected financial aid applicants while attending the universities in Qatar Foundation's Education City, in exchange for either: (1) a period of post-graduate paid service at an organization in Qatar as designated by the Qatar Foundation; or (2) reimbursement to the Qatar Foundation for the full amount of financial aid received. Student Affairs: Financial Aid on Qatar Foundation website

[34] Gulf Times, January 7, 2010.

[35] According to Islam Online, Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi was born in Egypt in 1926, and now resides in Qatar. In 1953, he graduated from Al-Azhar University. The following year he headed the College for Imams in Egypt's Ministry of Awqaf. Afterwards, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi worked for the Department of Islamic Culture at Al-Azhar University, and in 1961 moved to Qatar to head the Religious Institute in Doha. In 1973 he established the Department of Islamic Research at the University of Qatar, and in 1989 founded the Research Centre of Sunna and the Sirah (biography) of the Prophet at the University of Qatar. In 1997, Al-Qaradawi established the European Council on Fatwa and Research, which is registered in Dublin, Ireland, and he has remained active in Muslim causes in Europe.

[36] 'The World's Top 20 Public Intellectuals.' Foreign Policy, July/August 2008. Accessed July 17, 2008,

[37] Professor Sherman Jackson, a professor of Arabic and Islamic studies, a member of the U.S.-Muslim World Advisory Committee of the U.S. Institute of Peace and cofounder of the American Learning Institute for Muslims (ALIM); "Sherman Jackson." The Washington Post,

[38] Dr. Mohamad Fathy Saoud was appointed President of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) in November 2007. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2003 and previously served as Higher Education Advisor from 1997-2007 where he participated in the planning and development of Education City, one of the largest projects of the Foundation. "Dr. Mohamad Fathy Saoud, Ph.D." Sidra. 2008.

[39] Dr. Ezzedin Ibrahim, previously chancellor of Al-Ain University in Abu Dhabi, UAE and is currently the cultural advisor to the Presidential Court, "Interview with Ezzeddin Ibrahim." Middle East Policy.  December 2001.

[40] Professor Emeritus Abdelhafez Helmy Mohamed an expert on medieval Islamic science. Research Centrefor Islamic History, Art and Culture.

[41] Dr. Mohamed Haytham al-Khayat, Director of the Arab Program at the World Health Organization; "Conference of Network of Arabization of Medical Sciences resumes discussions." Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). June 8, 2008.

[42] Aisha al-Mannai, Dean of the Faculty of Shariah at Qatar University; "QU in Qatar's Life" Qatar University website. April 18, 2007. .

[43] Dr. T.J. Winter, a scholar of Al-Azhar, translator, previously an editor for the Quillian Press and general editor of the Islamic Texts Society's Ghazali Series, and currently a lecturer at the Divinity School at University of Cambridge; "Abdul-Hakim Murad (T.J. Winter)." Online Islamic Store. ; "Bio on Abdal Hakim Murad."

[44] "Islamic Studies faculty to open in September at Education City." The Peninsula. April 15, 2007.

[45] Ibid.

[46] University of Oxford Press Release,

[47] "Hh The Emir and Hr Sheikha Mozah Attends Graduation Ceremony," Qatar News Agency, May 6, 2008.

[48] "Hh The Emir and Hr Sheikha Mozah Attends Graduation Ceremony," Qatar News Agency, May 6, 2008.

[49] James, Bonnie. "A milestone for Education City," Gulf Times, May 7, 2008.

[50] "Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi Scholarships," Times Higher Education.

[51] Qatari Television (Qatar), November 1, 2002.

[52] Gulf Times, November 3, 2009.

[53] Gulf Times, February 15, 2010.


[55] Gulf Times September 12, 2009.

[56] Al-Raya, Qatar, September 8, 2009.

[57], September 17, 2009.

[58], February 7, 2008.

[59] The Guardian, (U.K.), September 4, 2005,, U.K. government documents leaked to the media showed that Mockbul Ali, Islamic Affairs advisor to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, had written a report urging the government to allow Sheikh Al-Qaradawi to enter the U.K., and stressing that all the material against Sheikh Al-Qaradawi was produced by MEMRI and should therefore be disregarded. The government dismissed his recommendation and rejected Al-Qaradawi's visa request. Also see Steven Stalinsky's Special Report - No. 30, "Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi in London to Establish 'The International Council of Muslim Clerics,'

[60] MEMRI TV Clip # 1592 – "Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Islam's "Conquest of Rome" Will Save Europe from Its Subjugation to Materialism and Promiscuity," .

[61] "Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers." MEMRI TV Clip No. 2005 - Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler upon the Jews to Punish Them - "Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers,"

[62] "To conclude my speech, I’d like to say that the only thing I hope for is that as my life approaches its end, Allah will give me an opportunity to go to the land of Jihad and resistance, even if in a wheelchair. I will shoot Allah’s enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you." MEMRI TV Clip No. 2005 - Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: Allah Imposed Hitler upon the Jews to Punish Them - "Allah Willing, the Next Time Will Be at the Hand of the Believers," .

[63] Dagbladet (Norway) February 16, 2009; Aftenpost (Norway) February 16, 2009; Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) February 16, 2009.

[64] "Summer Intensive: Middle East Journalism Bootcamp." American University in Cairo website

[65] Samha, Lubna. "US students get new perspective on Mideast." The Peninsula, June 24, 2008.

[66] Munger, Lisa. "Controversial Sheikh Says The West Has Moral Crises."

[67] Munger, Lisa. "Controversial Sheikh Says The West Has Moral Crises."

[68] AUC-QU Bootcamp

[69] Munger, Lisa. "Controversial Sheikh Says The West Has Moral Crises."

[70] It is unclear how many lectures Sheikh Al-Qaradawi gave to U.S. students.

[71] Samha, Lubna. "Lack of democracy holding back Arabs, says Islamic scholar." The Peninsula, June 16, 2008.


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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03