Author Topic: No particular point, I just feel good.........  (Read 3173 times)

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No particular point, I just feel good.........
« on: June 09, 2007, 10:16:14 AM »
There is no particular point to this thread. I just feel good. I have decided to push all the evil that we must deal with out of my brain for today. I am sitting in my back yard, drinking Stella Artois, half decaf coffee and listening to various CDs quite loudly and not caring a hoot about anything. [The current selection is a boot CD of a radio concert of Black Sabbath at Asbury Park NJ 1975]. "He was turned to steel.......". My wife just brought me a nice plate of carrot sticks[healthy,healthy...], there is alot of beautiful green foilage here, I just want to look at it all day long. I just want to let go of all violent tendencies[ha, listening to Black Sabbath!!], no really, the sun is coming out slowly, and I feel really happy to just push all negativity out of my brain, I guess I don't do this enough so it seems like a special occasion or something so I am writing about it like a fool. Joy Joy Joy!!! Love is the way!!! JTF is the best!!!! :-*   

Offline Sarah

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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2007, 03:10:16 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D
My ideal "happy" moments, where i feel fresh and ready to fight evil and do good, are quite contrastingly different to you:

1. A lot of music depresses me and blocks out "good" thoughts.
2. Coffee makes me feel stale and alcohol is out of the question and always will be- i won't drink a drop in my life.
3. My backyard or any garden with walls makes me feel compressed and isolated.

As for the sun coming out, i LAVISH the SUN and Greenary along with flowers and especially big willow trees!
My dream is to visit the grand canyon, amazon rainforest and all the vast masses of space without a person in sight. As for my realistic city joyful timings, i love sitting in the park surrounded by singing birds and laughing kids whilst reading a book. Photography exhibition also make me a new person.

There arent many parks at all in New York are there? But arizona and all the far off states have beautiful national parks and reserves.

AS FOR this thread ALLEN-T, it does have a good point, its made me happy imaging your happy surroundings and the feeling of happiness. Thanks a lot:).


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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2007, 03:32:20 PM »
;D ;D ;D
My ideal "happy" moments, where i feel fresh and ready to fight evil and do good, are quite contrastingly different to you:

1. A lot of music depresses me and blocks out "good" thoughts.
2. Coffee makes me feel stale and alcohol is out of the question and always will be- i won't drink a drop in my life.
3. My backyard or any garden with walls makes me feel compressed and isolated.

As for the sun coming out, i LAVISH the SUN and Greenary along with flowers and especially big willow trees!
My dream is to visit the grand canyon, amazon rainforest and all the vast masses of space without a person in sight. As for my realistic city joyful timings, i love sitting in the park surrounded by singing birds and laughing kids whilst reading a book. Photography exhibition also make me a new person.

There arent many parks at all in New York are there? But arizona and all the far off states have beautiful national parks and reserves.

AS FOR this thread ALLEN-T, it does have a good point, its made me happy imaging your happy surroundings and the feeling of happiness. Thanks a lot:).

There are plenty of parks in NY, Central Park in NYC is quite famous. There are alot of nice parks on Long Island, the suburbs of NY. There are some great botanical gardens, etc. No there are alot of nice places where one can go to get away from the madness in NY. As long as one has something to get their mind off of all the madness. Certain things are really making me weary lately, I am finding it harder and harder to block out things lately and just relax. I hate what is happening to this country. I have become obsessed with the Christian/Newsom murder case, yet everytime I read about it I get blinded with anger. Right as I was really starting to relax today the mail comes and the latest issue of Vanity Fair arrived. A whole freekin' issue about "AFRICA"??? >:( >:( >:(. It is possible that this issue might set a record for the most amount of bulls%it about blacks ever jammed between 2 magazine covers. Featuring guest editor Bono. Not a single article worth reading. One beast after another, page after page. "The cradle of civilization" that we all owe something to. Bono agreed to write an article about why Afro-Americans are not involved in Pan-African affairs, and it was 3 words long; Miggers is broke. VF rejected it apparently out of fear of Sharpton. I am going to sleep for awhile.     

Offline Sarah

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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2007, 03:34:03 PM »

You are surrendered to the media.

Offline nessuno

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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2007, 03:47:45 PM »
;D ;D ;D
My ideal "happy" moments, where i feel fresh and ready to fight evil and do good, are quite contrastingly different to you:

1. A lot of music depresses me and blocks out "good" thoughts.
2. Coffee makes me feel stale and alcohol is out of the question and always will be- i won't drink a drop in my life.
3. My backyard or any garden with walls makes me feel compressed and isolated.

As for the sun coming out, i LAVISH the SUN and Greenary along with flowers and especially big willow trees!
My dream is to visit the grand canyon, amazon rainforest and all the vast masses of space without a person in sight. As for my realistic city joyful timings, i love sitting in the park surrounded by singing birds and laughing kids whilst reading a book. Photography exhibition also make me a new person.

There arent many parks at all in New York are there? But arizona and all the far off states have beautiful national parks and reserves.

AS FOR this thread ALLEN-T, it does have a good point, its made me happy imaging your happy surroundings and the feeling of happiness. Thanks a lot:).

There are plenty of parks in NY, Central Park in NYC is quite famous. There are alot of nice parks on Long Island, the suburbs of NY. There are some great botanical gardens, etc. No there are alot of nice places where one can go to get away from the madness in NY. As long as one has something to get their mind off of all the madness. Certain things are really making me weary lately, I am finding it harder and harder to block out things lately and just relax. I hate what is happening to this country. I have become obsessed with the Christian/Newsom murder case, yet everytime I read about it I get blinded with anger. Right as I was really starting to relax today the mail comes and the latest issue of Vanity Fair arrived. A whole freekin' issue about "AFRICA"??? >:( >:( >:(. It is possible that this issue might set a record for the most amount of bulls%it about blacks ever jammed between 2 magazine covers. Featuring guest editor Bono. Not a single article worth reading. One beast after another, page after page. "The cradle of civilization" that we all owe something to. Bono agreed to write an article about why Afro-Americans are not involved in Pan-African affairs, and it was 3 words long; Miggers is broke. VF rejected it apparently out of fear of Sharpton. I am going to sleep for awhile.     
I used to subscribe to Vanity Fair.  I did for years.  I stopped when every issue started to contain at least one article that made my blood boil. 
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2007, 04:13:58 PM »
I used to subscribe to Vanity Fair.  I did for years.  I stopped when every issue started to contain at least one article that made my blood boil. 

Which articles were those?  Can those be equated to the far left-wing, pro-illegal alien, pro-Castro dreck that affirmative action Daily News writer Albor Ruiz writes once in a while?

Oh, and I just went to the Daily News web site, there was this editorial titled "Start over on immigration", which was a revolting fluff piece.  Just the first two sentences of that editorial, "Shame on the craven senators who torpedoed an immigration reform measure that is good for America's present and future. Good for those 12 million undocumented souls who are settled here.", confirmed exactly why I stopped reading that rag.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
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Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline nessuno

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Re: No particular point, I just feel good.........
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2007, 04:32:32 PM »
I couldn't have said it better Hail Columbia - you hit the nail on the head -  as usual!
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.