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Sebian singer anti Jewish video with article

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what is she saying i don't speak Serbian          ,7340,L-4035674,00.html                     


--- Quote from: mord on March 01, 2011, 07:28:28 AM ---what is she saying i don't speak Serbian          ,7340,L-4035674,00.html                     

--- End quote ---
This Maya is a stupid cow, illiterate slut! 
She is so  far from being popular! she does not know to distinguish between an elephant
and fish! let alone know what is a Jew!
And the reality show "Dvor" (Palace) is usually rubbish were is  coming
only punks! And this television station that broadcast it (PINK TV) is
worst existing TV stations in Serbia, together with B92.
And then you have politicians and other journalists who can not wait these things to magnify. To make an elephant from mosquito!

Only retarded idiots watch this.

I've heard(not in this video) she said something like "disliking the Jews" becasue ,as she said, "the Jews bombed us", probably meaning on the most influential people in USA and NATO who had Jewish background. I think she said something like that...I don't watch that television and their reality destructive shows.
But in this article, the video has nothing to do with the Jews.

Also, I can't see any kind of growing antisemitism in Serbia.
The text says:
Ambassador Arthur Koll said Monday he is "appalled" by the incident. "Lately an increase of anti-Semitic incidents has been recorded in Serbia, this being the latest and most visible one," he said.

What incidents? I live here and didn't notice any kind of incidents.


--- Quote from: Kerber on March 01, 2011, 04:22:21 PM ---I've heard(not in this video) she said something like "disliking the Jews" becasue ,as she said, "the Jews bombed us", probably meaning on the most influential people in USA and NATO who had Jewish background. I think she said something like that...I don't watch that television and their reality destructive shows.
But in this article, the video has nothing to do with the Jews.

Also, I can't see any kind of growing antisemitism in Serbia.
The text says:
Ambassador Arthur Koll said Monday he is "appalled" by the incident. "Lately an increase of anti-Semitic incidents has been recorded in Serbia, this being the latest and most visible one," he said.

What incidents? I live here and didn't notice any kind of incidents.

--- End quote ---

Зашто им објашњаваш? Да ли ми треба после сваке изјаве неког плаћеног идиота да им доказујемо да нисмо против њих?! Па докле бре више. Ма терај их у пичку материну!


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