Exposing refusal to criticize ron when necessary is 'a urinating contest'? It is simply an objective observation that most forummembers suck up to ron and I find that disgusting.
When did I "refuse to criticize Ron?"
Really, point me to an example.

And I thought you were directing your comment to me. Now it's about the whole forum? So this is another one of your critiques of all the JTFers? Can I ask what is precisely the relevance of your gripes with JTFers to the subject of EDL calling us terrorists? Are you basically trying to say you don't like the movement , you just like Chaim, therefore the EDL was right to call us terrorists and we should all shut up about it? What exactly prompts you to start listing out all your qualms with JTF in this thread? Does JTF have to be perfect to defend itself against attacks by others? Explain your logic.
'You will be against me'. And then what? What would that imply? Are you going to make deaththreats like ron?
Nope, nothing implied by it at all. You have a way with twisting my words, though.
I don't needs anyones respect.
Uhh, right. That's why you listed out your JTF activism achievements when I criticized your attitude toward EDL and criticism of EDL? Because you don't need respect, yeah sure.
It is simply idiocy to deny all the good the EDL has done so far simply because
I didn't deny anything they've done. What I have said is that they are politically correct trash who misrepresented themselves up until this point but now have shown their rotten character by refusing to work with JTF. It doesn't change anything they've done before, nor did I ever claim it does.
and some persons call JTF terrorists.
Not just "some." It's the leadership.
To add up to that, your criticism towards the EDL is much more passionate than you would ever criticise the leftwing organisations that have been labelling JTF as terrorists for years now.
That's simply not true. Where do you get this from? I have trashed the evil Jewish establishment organizations on here countless times. So, basically, you made that up.
I did not tell anyone they shouldn't criticize EDL. You're twisting truth again which is evil.
This makes no sense. The EDL is not bad, they are just inexperienced,
There is no need for any hospitality towards the EDL
You said this in response to my post where I criticized them. Now who is "twisting the truth" Robert? Don't make this personal with your accusations of so-called "evil."
You claim you never told anyone not to criticize EDL. But howcome when I did criticize them for calling us terrorists, you then went on a rant about how much you hate "lazy shmucks" of JTF, you justified the EDL by saying they do lots of protests and only some of them are bad, and of course the quotes I just cited where you actually said there is "no need for
hostility towards the EDL." Then when I attacked this logic, you listed out all your activist accolades, as if your logic is sound by default because you did a lot for JTF, and your views are immune to criticism because of that too, and last but not least, you try to discredit me because I didn't constantly berate your personal enemy Ron and because I'm a so-called "internet warrior." Yeah that really sounds like you are open to criticism of EDL!