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The Nazis, Muzzies and CIA long history together
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:41:33 AM »  

Nazis, CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood

Those who assert that Islam strives after a world power of predominance find themselves all too quickly confronted with the accusation of being a conspiracy theorist. However, there are truly currents in Islam that didn’t just start yesterday to strive for precisely that: a global super caliphate. One organization for whom this is without question is the Muslim Brotherhood. There is an interesting WELT-Online article about their history, even in Germany, and the reading of this information in its entirety is recommended.

How Nazis and CIA made a pact with the Muslim Brotherhood

The Who’s Who of Political Islam has gone back and forth for years in Munich. Here is where the Muslim Brotherhood has been able to plan without interruption and infiltrate other countries.

For years, Germany has been part of the closely meshed network spread over the whole world by the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood. The first contacts withe the Islamists were made by the National Socialists, and furthermore by defense head Admiral Wilhelm Canaris for them. His objective at the beginning of the forties was to support the resistance against the Britons in Arab countries with weapons and money. During the Second World War he occupied himself with aid from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, in partisan actions against the Britons. Reports are constantly surfacing in which al-Husseini (1893-1974) is to have included the founder and leader of the Muslin Brotherhood at that time, Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949) in to these plans.

The Muslim Brotherhood – here, the head leader Mohammed Badie – have good political connections in the whole world.

CIA – The whole story

In recent times, the convenient attempt has been to equate the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood with Nazi ideology. What to one is the world association of Muslims, that is the “umma,” the same was the “people’s community” to the Nazis, so it it said. As further evidence for similarities, antisemitism and the rejection of liberal finance capitalism are mentioned.

Undisputed is the fact that the National Socialists saw the Arabs as useful helpers for their objectives. In their eastern campaign, the defence forces made hundreds of thousands of Muslims prisoners of war.

The US and the Federal Republic intended also to use this resistance against the Soviets, the US journalist Ian Johnson now writes in his book “The Fourth Mosque.” For this purpose, the attempt was made to activate the old Nazi contacts. However, the Soviets would have been able to circumvent this by publishing the history of the Muslim Nazi warriors. Therefore, the CIA changed their tactics.

“The radical Muslim Brotherhood was better suited for this role: They were young, zealous, well networked in the Islamic world and well educated,” Johnson says in an interview with the “Süddeutsche Zeitung.” This has ultimately led up to a mosque being built in Munich.

The “Munich Mosque-building Initiative” was already started back in 1958. With that the General Secretary of the Islamic World Congress of the time, Said Ramadan (1926-1995), came to Munich. Shortly before that, the jurist had been promoted to the University of Cologne. Ramadan became the president of the mosque building commission. Nurredin Namangani became his representative.

Back then, only a precious few in Germany knew that the young first-class jurist was the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna. At that time, Ramadan was considered the unofficial “foreign secretary” of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Americans, furthermore, seemed to have no interest in the mosque because the money for its construction had been lacking for so long. Thus, only in 1967 did Freimann begin the construction. In the end, the mosque had been funded primarily by Libya, thus by Muammar al-Gaddafi, Johnson’s research showed.

From this point on, however, Munich was an important switching station for the Muslim Brotherhood. “The leading committee was a Who’s Who of political Islam,” Johnson said. They came from Egypt, Syria or Pakistan. The Muslim Brotherhood have been so dominant that they have been able to keep Turkish immigrants out of the organizational level.

“Mahdy Akef, who headed up the Brotherhood until 2010, was head imam from 1984 to 1987 in Freimann. The mosque was not only a secure place for retreat but also a hub where they could plan without interruption and infiltrate other countries, Johnson said.

The mosque first came into the crosshairs of the security authorities in the nineties. Thus in 1988, the al-Qaeda financier Mamduh Mahmud Salim was arrested in Munich and extradited to the US. Mahmoud Aboulina, one of the masterminds behind the bombing attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, allegedly stayed at the Munich mosque.

Since September 11, 2001, there have been raids again in Freimann. Among others, the preacher Ahmad al-Khalifa is suspected of keeping contacts with terrorists.

Munich, however, is not the only center for the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany. The “Bilal mosque” in Aachen has close ties to them as well. It is oriented in the direction of the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Altogether, the Brotherhood, according to Constitutional Protection numbers around 1300 members in Germany whose organization “Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland e.V. (Islamic Association in Germany, non-profit)” (IGD) is seen to boast the strongest membership. They maintain centers in Nuernberg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Cologne, Marburg, Braunschweig and Muenster. The IGD is reputed to coordinate their activities with more than 50 other mosque associations in Germany.

“In addition, the IGD is closely tied to the European network of the Muslim Brotherhood and member of the FIOE,” writes the Northrhine-Westphalia Constitutional Protection.

The FIOE is the “Föderation Islamischer Organisationen in Europa” (Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europej). The parent association was founded in 1989 with its headquarters in Brussels. “Another influential organization closely knit with the Muslim Brotherhood is the “Europaeische Fatwarat” (European Fatwa Council) with headquarters in Dublin presided by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most outstanding personalities in religious leadership in the sphere of the Muslim Brotherhood to be found in the Islamic movement.

Sometime ago, the head of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was brought to al-Qaradawi, which he rejected. Qaradawi’s legal opinions are in most cases not in agreement with the Western understanding of free democracy. Thus he advocates the “light discipline” of the wife by her husband. In one of his most popular TV programs in the Arab world on the al-Jazeera news channel, he justifies suicide attacks against Israel.

One of Islam’s most significant representatives in Europe is close to the Muslim Brotherhood. That is Tariq Ramadan, the son of Said Ramadan who built the Munich mosque. Tariq Ramadan is professor of Islam studies at Oxford. He actually asserts that he has nothing ideologically to do with the Muslim Brotherhood, but his speech and writings often speak the same language. His brother heads up the Islamic Center in Geneva that was also built by their father.   

Adm. Canaris was really a good guy       
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03