Author Topic: Very interesting article about Jewish student leader at Boston college  (Read 882 times)

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I never thought i'd find someone who spelling ,punctuation and composition would be worse then mine :::D    

There’s an old joke that goes like this: Two Jews are facing a firing squad. The officer in charge of their execution asks if they have a last request. One Jew says to the other “I think I’d like a blindfold.” The other Jew says “Let’s not make trouble.”

That Jew turns out to be Rachelle Rubin, president of the Boston University chapter of Students for Israel. Rachelle read a Frontpage Magazine article which recounts the rejection of the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s ad refuting the genocidal lies spread by the Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinian leaders who want to “push the Jews into the sea” (these are their precise words). After reading the article Rachelle felt concerned enough to write a letter to the Freedom Center — urging us not to “push the issue” lest we “offend” BU’s Arab population (which has not said a word in defense of the Jews or in opposition to the lies).

The ad which the David Horowitz Freedom Center attempted to place in the Boston University campus paper, the Daily Free Press, was based on the Center’s campaign to put up a “Palestinian Wall of Lies” on university campuses to combat the “Israel Apartheid Walls” which Muslim Brotherhood front groups are erecting on college campuses this week to delegitimize the state of Israel, and soften it up for jihadist armies of Hamas and Hizbollah massed on its borders.

The Center’s “wall” and its ad refute the ten core lies on which the attacks on Israel mounted by Islamic jihadists and the radical left are based. For example, the lie that Israel is “occupied Palestine.” Israel in fact occupies a tiny sliver of the ruins of the Turkish empire (the Turks are neither Arabs nor Palestinians). Eighty percent of the so-called Palestine Mandate (which refers to a region not a political or ethnic entity) was ceded to Jordan, which is ruled by a Hashemite minority that no one mistakes for Palestinians. Seventy-percent of the population of Jordan are Arabs from the Palestine mandate but no one is calling for the self-determination of these people or the destruction of the Jordanian state, because the agenda of the Islamists is to purge the Jews from the Middle East.

The “Palestinian Wall of Lies” ad was an attempt to confront Boston University’s Israel Apartheid Week, which featured the erection of an “Apartheid Wall,” a speech by Diana Buttu, a former legal adviser to the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization, and an event with Noam Lekach and Elinor Amit from a group called “Anarchists Against the Wall” which protests Israel’s security fence and what they term “land theft, violence, separation and occupation” – all favored propaganda terms of the left to support the claims of the terrorists of Hezbollah and Hamas. The removal of Israel’s “apartheid wall” would simply give free reign to Palestinian suicide bombers to kill more Jews.

The Free Press refused to print the ad, claiming that the content “may be offensive to our readers belonging to certain religious or ethnic groups.”  When the Freedom Center asked the Free Press editors to cite which specific passages were offensive, and offered to modify the ad, the paper refused to give specifics.

The Freedom Center documented this refusal in its article “Censorship at the Boston University Daily Free Press,” which appeared in Frontpage Magazine. Rachelle Rubin read the article and wrote to David Horowitz. This is their complete correspondence:

[Editor's note: The typos in Rachelle Rubin's email -- including the misspelling of David's name -- have been left uncorrected.]

Dear Mr. Horrowitz,

I was just made aware of the article in frontmag about The Daily Free Press not publishing your ad. While I do understand your frustration, I ask you please not to push this issue. First and foremost, the majority of SJP memebers are not Muslim, many are Jewish and many are anarchists. BU has a large Arab population, which has NOT been mobalized, and we most definitly do not want to do antyhing to offend them- there is no reason for us to try and incite, the same way that there is no reason for them to get involved. In addition, yesterday was a great day for us. At the moment the pro-Israel students are feeling proud and feel the support of the Boston University campus, we dont not need enemies we do not have. Boston University IS a place of understanding and coextiance and we are doing everything in our power to keep it that way- we WILL NOT stoop to SJP. This is a student issue and we are trying to handle it that way. And finally, to press this issue would deter future Jewish and pro-Israel students from attending our campus. We have been pro-active, and stand positively, strongly, and proudly and would like THAT to be the way the outside Jewish and pro-Israel world see our campus, becuase it is the truth

Boston University Students for Israel appreciates all the support from the outside community, and hope that in the future we can work closely with your organization, but request that in the future- we, or Rabbi Polak be consulted, as together we would like to represent the pro-Israel debate on our campus.

Again I would like to thank you for your support,
Rachelle Rubin
Boston University Students for Israel, President
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D

Dear Rachelle,

Thank you for your letter which explains why Jewish students and supporters of Israel on the Boston University campus are not supporting the Freedom Center’s efforts to tell the truth about the Middle East on your campus.

I fail to see, however, what the presence of Jews and anarchists in a group (Students for Justice in Palestine) whose goal is the destruction of the Jewish state and whose allies include genocidal Muslim parties who want to exterminate the Jews, has to do with anything, let alone the preservation of a state of understanding. Are you saying that the presence of Jews in an organization that hates Israel and makes common cause with people who have sworn to kill Jews makes these goals ok? If not, why should a Jew or anyone concerned about human rights attempt to gag those who are standing up for them?  How can not fighting for what is right, let alone  for yourself, be a course you would advocate for Jews or anyone else?

Would you tell the African Americans on your campus to shut up in the face of racist attacks? Would you tell them they were worsening the situation by defending themselves? Are you concerned that the student body at BU is so morally deaf that they will interpret your right to defend yourself as a Jew proof of your guilt for whatever crimes the left says Jews have committed? Surely you cannot have so little faith in your fellow students, or regard for your people and yourself.

Students for Justice in Palestine is spreading genocidal lies about Israel and the Jews on campuses across the nation and you apparently are afraid to call them to account. You want to ignore them as though their lies supported by generous funds from student governments, and media coverage from the student press, not to mention the lectures and speeches of faculty anti-Semites, don’t have a life of their own.

Is the Freedom Center’s attempt to identify lies whose purpose is to delegitimize the Jewish state what you mean by stooping to the level of Students for Justice in Palestine? Are you equating telling lies with telling the truth? Your campus is already so far gone in the direction of legitimizing the genocidal campaign against the Jews that your student paper regards the truth as “offensive” and with that excuse has censored our ad, “Palestinian Wall of Lies.”

If Boston University is a place of “understanding and coexistence” please explain to me why a simple statement of the facts in the Middle East — which is what our advertisement contained — has been banned from your paper? And explain to me how you feel understood and welcome on a campus which permits hateful attacks on Jews and the Jewish state which it would never permit against any other ethnic state or group.

I find it amazing that you would argue that by telling truth and thus “provoking” the reaction of hate-groups like Students for Justice Palestine the Freedom Center would be discouraging Jewish students from attending BU. Is this not a classic case of blaming the victim (assuming your fears are justified)? If Jewish students are discouraged from attending Boston University it will not be because Jews stand up for their rights. It will be because of the anti-Semites and Jew-haters on your campus and because of your failure to confront them forcefully, courageously and, above all, truthfully.

I hope you will re-think your position and agree to put up a “Palestinian Wall of Lies” until the anti-Semites on your campus agree to take down the Israel Apartheid Wall and agree to coexist in peace.


David Horowitz
President, David Horowitz Freedom Center.

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This student should be told this
      Lincoln's request for McClellan, where he said, "Dear General McClellan, if you're not going to use the army, may I borrow it for a while?"
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 11:25:07 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Manch

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how typical of nauseating, self-hating weakling American Jews.  :yuck:
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline mord

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how typical of nauseating, self-hating weakling American Jews.  :yuck:
So true
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline TheCoon

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how typical of nauseating, self-hating weakling American Jews.  :yuck:

And she's the "pro-Israel leader" on campus... Imagine how bad the anti-Israel members are. They probably are card-carrying hamas agents.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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That would be Boston University not Boston College.   Different schools.

This rubin character astounds me.  Why would pro israel students not want to come to BU because of the presence on campus of a pro israel ad?

Offline TheCoon

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That would be Boston University not Boston College.   Different schools.

This rubin character astounds me.  Why would pro israel students not want to come to BU because of the presence on campus of a pro israel ad?

They want to be pro-Israel, just not so pro-Israel that it offends people who are anti-Israel!  :::D
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline mord

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That would be Boston University not Boston College.   Different schools.

This rubin character astounds me.  Why would pro israel students not want to come to BU because of the presence on campus of a pro israel ad?
True Boston U., however i think she should be in some remedial courses in York College
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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True Boston U., however i think she should be in some remedial courses in York College

You should edit the title.

Btw, boston college is a higher ranked (and better) school than bu just for the record, despite the names.