There are no words to express my sincere appreciation for how this forum has welcomed me. I hope and desire to make more vids and slide shows that bring to light the desires of JTF and what it represents. I firmly believe in the near future, this group will be a force to be reckoned with.
We can all make a difference, but we can't be silent. We all must speak out against the islamic threat. Be it on this forum, or Youtube, and even at work, or in the line at Walmart. G-d , in his infinite wisdom gave us vocal cords and a mind. Let us not let those gifts go to waste.
I do believe in the great people of Israel and America. It is not our leaders that make our Lands great, IT IS US. And when finally we grow in numbers, and the day comes that our voices rise up and shake the very foundations of our Governments , will they understand,
Israel and America are not for sale !!! 

Just my opinion.