Author Topic: Another Obama opponent headed for jail?  (Read 555 times)

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Another Obama opponent headed for jail?
« on: March 16, 2011, 07:40:52 AM »

As did most of us, I first heard of Theresa Cao when she made her now famous (some say infamous) statement in the House of Representatives' chamber on 6 January 2011 during a formal reading of the US Constitution. As Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) read the Constitutional requirements for a United States president, Theresa called out from the gallery "except Obama, except Obama, help us, Jesus! My name is Theresa." Unlike what had occurred previously with the Marxist-Leninist Left-wing group Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan merely being escorted out of the chamber when they severely disrupted sessions in the House of Representatives, Theresa Cao was arrested (for her one sentence statement — and no, she wasn't "chanting" as one of the leftist news services has written. In other words, leftists can protest in Congressional chamber all they want but, one conservative (and Christian?) person who dares to question the illegal president will be arrested.

Note: This IS one of the signs of a dictatorship, folks. And please bear in mind that decorated Medical Doctor and [now] former LTC Terry Lakin was placed into and still remains in prison for questioning Obama's eligibility and, therefore, the legality of his commands.

Theresa has already been forced to appear in court for her transgression (aka "Free Speech") of questioning Obama's eligibility and has, apparently, been told to accept a plea-bargain punishment...or else. She has already had her first appearance in court, has been charged with [disruption of Congress] "unlawful conduct" (free speech is no longer allowed under the increasingly lawless Obama regime) and her next appearance is scheduled for 15 March 2011. Note: Maj. General Paul E. Vallely (Ret) recently called Theresa "a brave woman. A true patriot."

We are urging Americans to appear on the sidewalk, Tuesday 15 March, in front of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Criminal Division, 500 Indiana Ave. N.W. in Washington, D.C. by at least 8:30-9:00 a.m. to support Theresa, enter the courtroom and to bear witness to what occurs. This a fight for us all and Theresa implores you to be there.

Through a series of events, Theresa contacted me and the following is a brief interview of this courageous lady.

The Interview

Sher: Theresa, it's been good getting to know you over the past few days. What you are now fighting is a government regime that appears to become more dictatorial every day. Although multiple US Constitutional issues are in motion, this seems to predominantly be an issue of First Amendment Free Speech rights. I understand that after your first court appearance your court-appointed attorney April Downs told you to take a plea deal. Can you tell the readers how Ms. Downs presented it to you?

Theresa: On February 8, 2011, when Judge Marisa Demeo, appointed April L. Downs as my court appointed Public Defender, she suggested I pursue a "Stet" Docket. I, at that time, indicated to her that I would like to pursue my case based on my Constitutional rights. It turns out that a "Stet" Docket and the "FTO" (AKA First Time Offender) were new Plea Deals from the Prosecutor's Office — offered on March 7, 2011 at my 10:30am appointment with Attorney Downs.

In essence, Attorney Downs stated in both instances, that these Plea Deals would not implicate my case as "Guilty" but would be considered "Not Guilty"; but it would include 40 hours of community service, and 6-9-12 months of probation, with my promise of "Good Behavior." Last but, not least I would NOT be able to speak about my Constitutional rights; specifically, the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Amendment rights, aka. the Bill of Rights.

Attorney Downs, wanted me to believe that the "FTO" was different from the "Stet" Docket. I had to connect the dots, so to speak, after the fact; after my appointment with her on March 7, 2011. Thus there is a question of fraud and collusion with the Prosecutor and the Judge, to threaten to "Shut [me] Up" and thereby not pursue my Constitutional rights — the Supreme Law of the Land — and not just in theory, but as the basis of our Republic form of Government.

This specific example of corruption and fraud, being one of a few other examples that implicates Attorney Downs, is an integral part of the corrupted judicial system. I shall offer other examples of Attorney Down's collusion with the anti-Constitutional system, below.

Sher: Considering the fact that Marxist Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan have disrupted the US House of Representatives on multiple occasions — with only escorts out of the building — how shocked were you that you seemed to be targeted and singled out for arrest?

Theresa: Here are the other examples of Attorney Down's collusion with the anti-Constitutional system. I asked Attorney Down's specifically to research what has taken place with Code Pink at our initial meeting on February 8, 2011, giving her over one month to find out information for me. But, she did not do her job. Her response to my following up with her on this detail was "ho humming" and beating around the bush — until she said something to the effect that she didn't recall that question. Then she later remembered that I did ask her and responded asking how can she find out any information, if there were no arrests made?! She did not do her job...period. So, to date, I still have to do some research on this specific issue.

I will be pursuing this matter of "Arrest," in both my "Motion to Dismiss" as well as preparing for my Court Trial — should that be the direction of my Criminal Misdemeanor case.

Sher: You said you plan to go to trial but, that the judicial system is warning you to take their plea deal — which strongly appears to be a direct infringement upon your free speech. How do you plan to proceed?

Theresa: Plan One: I plan to file a "Motion to Dismiss" based on my Constitutional rights, on Monday, March 14, 2011, the day before my court hearing date scheduled for the following day, March 15, 2011.

The reason for this late date for filing the "Motion to Dismiss" was due to the fact that Attorney April L. Downs, the Public Defender assigned to me by Obama's court appointed Judge Marisa Demeo, stated that I could not file the stated Motion, prior to my court hearing.

One of two of my advisers/sources, Margy and Jack Flynn, from the website, although not attorneys per se, but who are students of the Constitution of the United States, have advised me that I can file for the Motion prior to the court date. It should be noted that my advisers did bring to my attention [to the fact] that I could file the Motion prior to my court hearing, which was prior to my meeting with Attorney Downs earlier this week on March 7, 2011. The Flynn's have been key instruments in assisting me with learning about my inherent, God-given Constitutional rights.

My other sources/advisers, come from the website Pamela & Will Gaston, who penned the book "Sui Juris: The Truth in Record A Process For the People to Access the Court," is an essential resource, for all American Citizens who are currently involved in the corrupted U.S. Court system, to stand upon their unalienable, God-given, Constitutional rights.

Pamela & Will Gaston have paid a very high price (which Pamela paid with her life, while serving prison time), paving the way, to teach us, how to defend ourselves, without the corrupted attorneys, who supposedly are on our side; the entire judicial system is pursuing enacting Shariah law in place of the Constitution of the U.S., which is current news as of two weeks ago. And since December 2008, the Treasury Dept. of the U.S. has taught Shariah Law 101 and installed Shariah Laws into our Constitutional system.

Please tell your family and friends, and all American Citizens everywhere of these two noted above sources of mine, by which we can win, case by case, against this prevailing wicked and corrupt system. We must be brave and courageous! We can no longer be subservient to the New World Order system! We must stand and defend our own cases, without so-called attorneys, if they will not defend the Supreme Law of the Land!

"We the People" must actively defend our Constitutional rights and not back down to the corrupted system that utilizes the "Attorneys-Judge-Bar Association's" corrupted, anti-Constitutional system to "terrorize" defendants into taking a "Plea Deal;" so that we do not pursue our cases based on the Supreme Law of the Land — the Constitution of the United States. "Plea Deals," forces the American people, to admit "Guilt," thus succumb to the pretentious, anti-Constitutional rights; when in fact the judicial system has infringed upon our unalienable, God-given Constitutional rights.

Plan Two: Dismiss Attorney April L. Downs, from my case because she has not done her homework for my case, has misled me concerning my options (given by the Prosecutors office) and is still indicating that I should take the FTO [First Time Offender] offer. Other details, also, lead me to believe that she does not want to defend me based on my Constitutional rights; even though she says I still have the final choice by Tuesday, March 15, 2011, to decide the direction of the case.

I may request that Judge Marisa Demeo assign me another court-appointed Public Defender due to the negligence of Attorney April L. Downs. I am not definite on this matter; I may just want to have a trial scheduled.

Plan Three: If Judge Marisa Demeo refuses to abide by the Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights, by not dismissing my Criminal Misdemeanor Charge/Case, then I will ask for a Trial by Jury based on Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Amendment.

Sher: Thanks so much, Theresa, and I'm hoping for as many people as possible show up at the courthouse to support you this tomorrow.

Again, the address is Superior Court of the District of Columbia Criminal Division, 500 Indiana Ave. N.W. in Washington, D.C. and we recommend showing up Tuesday 15 March no later than 8:30-9:00 a.m.