Yes, the people who believe they can create Israel in other places are wrong. I still think it's alright to for these people to live outside of Israel for financial reasons.

They should be learning a trade to survive instead of intending to live on the dole as kollel families.
Most Lakewood families have spent significant time there but a lot of them move back to chutz laretz because they just can't make it there financially.
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, this phenomenon is simply that after getting married, the "bochur" intends to learn for a few years in Eretz Yisrael while being supported by his father-in-law/father/mother/mother-in-law etc (whoever else will help), and then come back to reality where they have to make a living and so they return to the US because that is where the best salary can be found, that is where "their communities" are, and there is absolutely no premium on LIVING and SETTLING the land of Israel, it's simply a place to learn for a period of time until the money runs out for them. Of course it's going to be tough to survive economically if they intend the husband to only sit and learn! But in israel, the haredi and yeshivish culture is very strongly opposed to haredi men working.
I had one guy (a bochur, I believe he was at the Mir's american program if I remember correctly) tell me he couldn't stand being in Israel because they didn't have his type of cream cheese that he got back in the USA. He was so annoyed about the cream cheese, it was all that he could say about Israel.
The 3 car phenomenon is also true, but ask yourself really, how many of religious Jews in America go to Israel because of real ideological adherence to G-d's commandments to live there, and then cant make it because of money and come back. There are real cases like that, but if you ask me, most of the religious Jews, especially lakewood types, never intended to stay there, and never thought there was anything appealing about Israel except that the yeshiva is better and they can learn better for a few years there, then come back. The culture is that people pick and choose where to live based on how comfortable they will feel - and US trumps Israel for comforts almost every time.