Author Topic: We Must Have Mercy On The Remnant Left In Japan, But Pls Look-Zech Chapt 12  (Read 4756 times)

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Offline Saxon Marauder

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Your opinion is interesting but not the Jewish one... Amalekites are not friends to Jews, their very nature is that they hate Jews, Judaism, and Hashem himself. They want to attack the Jews to prove that the Jews are not Hashems chosen people.

I do not think that using Amalek as an example is a good thing. Torah is clear that we must ERADICATE Amalek from the world. I sure hope I don't know any Amalekites..

Despite the fact that Abraham asked Hashem to spare Sdom, only because there may have been 50,40,30,20,10 righteous people in the town. Abraham did not want to spare the wicked of Sdom, only the righteous, but because of the merit of the righteous the city may have been spared. But Hashem made his glory known when he smote Sdom...

I know the goal of Amalek, but I was trying to stress that Gd will look favorably even upon the most vile of people if he or she truly repents of wickedness and seeks to make amends with the people that have been harmed. I was using an extreme case to stress a point: Gd's mercy. For many, Gd's justice and righteous anger are His only qualities, yet He is also a Gd of mercy as well.  :)
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline Saxon Marauder

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I know the goal of Amalek, but I was trying to stress that Gd will look favorably even upon the most vile of people if he or she truly repents of wickedness and seeks to make amends with the people that have been harmed. I was using an extreme case to stress a point: Gd's mercy. For many, Gd's justice and righteous anger are His only qualities, yet He is also a Gd of mercy as well.  :)

I will quote myself herein and just add that we believe in a Gd who balances justice with mercy, no? Only a false god like the demonic Allah, aka Baal, will use violence when diplomacy and forgiveness are to be preferred.  :)

Yes, I know, my opinion is not Jewish, but Jews aren't the only ones who have things to say about Gd. Many Gentiles do as well, even if our opinions ultimately lie within the Jewish frame of reference.  :)
Cædmon's Hymn:

Now we must honour the Guardian of Heaven,
the might of the Architect, and His purpose,
the work of the Father of Glory-as He, the Eternal Lord, established the beginning of wonders. He, the Holy Creator, first created heaven as a roof
for the children of men. Then the Guardian of Mankind the Eternal Lord, the Lord Almighty
afterwards appointed the middle earth, the lands, for men.

Offline syyuge

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What a justice...

They demanded a "No Fly Zone" in Libya and it has been provided around Fukushima!
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Please explain your understanding of when we can rejoice against our enemies... Do you believe that the sages had nothing to say about it? Or do you want to disregard what the sages have said?

Here are the Pasuks from Mishlei:

It is incredibly condescending of you to assume that the differing opinion from yours is some kind of wanton trashing of chazal, God forbid.

But beyond that, I have a hard time understanding what it is you are trying to say.  You mention the sages but then you quote me verses from mishlei which were not written by the sages but they are part of the Tanakh!

It sounds to me like you have been misled by some PC rabbis and you are gung-ho about the way they speak about chazal but haven't bothered to actually assess whether or not their words really fit with what chazal said and with Torah sources.  Quoting me a line from mishlei does not accomplish such an analysis!

Please provide a link which explains the position you take on these pasuks.. If you would like to continue this discussion...

I can provide several but you are sort of missing the point.  Why not analyze the points I'm making and consider the logic I'm presenting (and the challenges to the other point of view) and determine whether what I say makes sense or sounds plausible.   Why does it have to be a "battle of links" and copy-pasting?   If I cite you a rabbi who agrees with me it is ok but if not then I'm definitely wrong?     This is not an exercise in authority figure brandishing, this is supposed to be a discussion where we use our brains to decide and understand

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Your opinion is interesting but not the Jewish one... Amalekites are not friends to Jews, their very nature is that they hate Jews, Judaism, and Hashem himself. They want to attack the Jews to prove that the Jews are not Hashems chosen people.

Lol you tell him what he said is not the Jewish view but what he said fits perfectly with something you just copied and pasted here!  So perhaps you disagree afterall with the rabbi you just quoted from chareidi.shemayisrael and the manner in which YOU presented it here (please don't pretend you didn't add interoretation even without saying anything because the implication of your posting it is very clear from the context of the discussion  ?

You are suggesting that statement of shmuel speaks about any evil person, even our enemy nations - so why exclude amalek?

Given your assumption then why would amalek not also be forgiven?

Perhaps you misunderstood not only shmuel but also Rabbi altusky
Can't you see that Rabbi Altusky is speaking about an individual Jew (even a wicked one which he refers to as rosho) when he mentions it is someone with many averos but few mitzvas.  What you cited lends support to me and to Chaim, NOT to your view.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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You obviously did not read the material which discusses, in depth, the reasons why some rejoicing is permitted. Basically, as I have repeated time and again, there is an obligation to rejoice when the hand of Hashem is revealed {as it was at the Yam}...

Now you are being orwellian and distorting language.
Either we are forbidden to rejoice or we are not.  You say NOW that some rejoicing is permitted but that admits my position is correct.  All along I have been trying to say rejoicing is permitted the only caveat is not to go over the top with it.  At the outset you tried to claim we cannot rejoice.  Why not just admit you changed your mind instead of pretending to still argue while you have adopted a new position?