"4 International"

they also align with ISLAM.
The Fourth International (FI) (1938–1963) is the
communist international organisation consisting of followers of Leon Trotsky (Trotskyists), with the declared dedicated goal of helping the working class bring about
socialism. IE: DEATH TO ALL DISSENTERS.http://www.socialistaction.org/fi.htmthe Fourth International
Introduction: The Fourth International, also known as the World Party of Socialist Revolution, was founded in 1938 by Leon Trotsky and other revolutionaries trying to defend the revolutionary heart and soul of Marxism against Stalinism. Today it is a world-wide network of revolutionary socialist groups in over 40 countries.
Socialist Action is barred by reactionary U.S. legislation from formal membership in the Fourth International. However, we maintain fraternal relations with the FI and its sections, and consider ourselves a sympathizing section. We participate in FI World Congresses and other meetings, and work closely with our FI comrades around the world on a number of projects. Within the FI we fight to defend its original revolutionary, Trotskyist program. We urge, and support the building of sections of the Fourth International in every country. We urge our readers and supporters in other countries to get involved in the Fourth Internationalist group in their country.
For a thorough history of the Fourth International check out Pierre Frank's The Long March of the Trotskyists.
Groups Associated With the FI:
- Algeria - Socialist Workers Party
- Australia - Socialist Democracy
- Austria - Socialist Alternative
- Belgium (French) - Revolutionary Communist League
- Belgium (Flemish) - Socialist Workers Party
- Bolivia – Revolutionary Workers Party - Combat
- Brazil - Enlace current of PSOL
- Canada - Socialist Action
- Canada - Fourth International Caucus of the New Socialist Group
- Chile - Revolutionary Socialist Tendency
- China/Hong Kong - October Review Group
- Columbia- Present for Socialism
- Congo - Section of the Fourth International
- Corsica - Movement of the National Left (a current within)
- Denmark - Socialist Workers Party
- Ecuador - Socialist Democracy Current
- Egypt - Section of the Fourth International
- France - New Anticapitalist Party (a current within)
- Germany - Revolutionary Socialist League
- Germany - International Socialist Left
- Great Britain - Socialist Resistance
- Greece - Organization of Communist Internationalists of Greece-Spartacus
- Guadeloupe & Martinique - Socialist Revolution Group
- Iceland - Left-Green Movement (a current within)
- India - Radical Socialist
- Ireland - Socialist Democracy
- Italy - Critical Left
- Japan - Revolutionary Communist League
- Lebanon - Revolutionary Communist Group
- Luxemburg - The Left (a current within)
- Mexico - Socialist Unity League
- Mexico - Socialist Convergence
- Mexico - Revolutionary Workers Party
- Morocco - Militant
- Netherlands - Socialist Alternative Politics
- Norway - Internationalist League of Norway
- Pakistan - Labor Party Pakistan
- Palestine/Israel - Alternative Information Center
- Paraguay - Section of USFI (inside Socialist Popular Convergence Party)
- Philippines - Revolutionary Workers Party - Mindanao
- Portugal - Revolutionary Socialist Political Association
- Puerto Rico - Political Education Workshop
- Quebec - Socialist Left
- Reunion - Movement for a Reunionese Alternative to the Neoliberal Order
- Russia - Socialist League/Forward
- Senegal - African Party of Democracy & Socialism (a current within)
- South Africa - Workers Organization for Socialist Action
- Spain - Alternative Current
- Spain/Catalonia - Global Revolt
- Spain/Basque Country – Zutik/Stand Up
- Sri Lanka - New Sama Samaja Party
- Sweden - Socialist Party
- Switzerland - Solidarity
- Switzerland - Anti-Capitalist Left
- Switzerland - Movement for Socialism
- Syria - Anti-Globalization Activists of Syria (a current within)
- Tunisia - Revolutionary Communist Organization
- Turkey - New Way
- Ukraine - Section of the Fourth International
- Uruguay - Socialist Workers' Party
- USA - Socialist Action
- USA - Fourth International Caucus of Solidarity
Fourth International Publications:
- International Viewpoint (English language magazine)
- Inprekorr (German language magazine)
- Inprecor (French language magazine)
- Inprecor América Latina (Spanish & Portuguese language magazine)
- International Institute for Research & Education Notebooks
FI Resolutions & Documents:
- Socialist Action's Contribution to the 16th World Congress
- 2010 Resolution on Climate Change
- International Solidarity With the Peoples of Iran
- Solidarity With Haiti
- On the Situation in Sri Lanka
- Solidarity With the Peoples of the Peruvian Forests
- Against the Columbian government’s military intervention in Ecuador
- On the Tamil National Question
- Resolution on Brazil - February 2006
- Resolution on Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Resolution on Gay/Lesbian Liberation
- Resolution on Women's Liberation
- Resolution on the Ecological Crisis
- International Committee Reports
- International Bureau Statements
- Statutes of the Fourth International
- The Transitional Program
World Congresses of the FI:
- Founding Conference of the Fourth International
- First (Emergency) Conference of the Fourth International
- Second World Congress Documents
- Third World Congress Documents
- The First “Reunification” Congress of the United Secretariat (Seventh World Congress)
- The Second Congress of the United Secretariat (Eight World Congress)
- The Third Congress of the United Secretariat (Ninth World Congress)
- 12th World Congress - 1985
- 13th World Congress - 1991
- 14th World Congress - 1995
- 15th World Congress - 2003
- 16th World Congress - 2010
History of the Fourth International:
- Founding Congress of the Fourth International (1938)
- Toward a History of the Fourth International
- Yugoslavia & the Tito-Stalin Split
- The Split Between the International Committee and the International Secretariat
- The Leninist Trotskyist and the International Majority tendencies within the FI