Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

NATO agression on Lybya

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NATO claims there was a malfunction on airplane. They really think people are retarded.

Libya got S-300 anti air systems from Russia. It was a top secret. One of our man in Libyan Army entered the camp were those systems where stationed and he was almost shot because of that. They thought he was a spy.

Now Libya will fully provide "no-fly zone". Lol...

I highly doubt Libya has the S-300 but even if it has one or a few then it must have been completely suppressed if not destroyed. This could be a malfunction or a shot down but either way the attrition rate is very law and clearly NATO airforce has complete domination of Libyan sky and the Libyan army is completely incapable to maneuver on ground.

This is a video of Benghazi rebels taking heart out of the man, cutting his legs, hands and head off, and playing with it  in front of cheering public - one month ago (before Gadhafi started even fighting with them)! This is who America is defending! Armed Al-Qaeda! Not innocent civilians!
Just like supporting mislims in Bosnia, Albanians on Kosovo and Metohiya, ustasha regime in Croatia.


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