Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
NATO agression on Lybya
serbian army:!
The earth are groaning under bombs of NATO,
Black hawks are flying in the sky.
Sirt is as Stalingrad:
The explosions are above the city,
And there are the words: «Not one step back»
Kaddafi deserved a great glory,
He will be always alive.
He gave the last fight
Against shameless mafia of the world.
The civilization was killed,
Barbarians are dancing after they were washed themselves in blood
Murderers became mad because of the oil!
Obama, you should repent! You should feel fear, Sarkozi!
The aggressors could be happy because of the Victory,
But it`s Pyrrhic victory.
The arsonists will get evil as a reckoning.
Yankee are damned for this war.
Khan Krum:
Gaddhafi and the rebels are evil!
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