Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

NATO agression on Lybya

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Here is one more article in the ocean of filth by controlled western media. If he is alive, Goebbels would be proud on western journalism:;_ylt=Aio2jhQIRGCVx79DIyJo.Y4jtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTJybnBlbWR0BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwNDA1L2V1X3NlcmJpYV9nYWRoYWZpX2ZhY2Vib29rBGNwb3MDMQRwb3MDMgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNzZXJibmF0aW9uYWw-

Look at this, again we are "nazis"....hahahaha....

"The same aggressors who were murdering us, now are relentlessly attacking the Libyan people," said the extremist Nasi organization — an affiliate of the Russian group with the same name — which is behind social media support campaign for Gadhafi.

This manipualtion is very interesting, like always. They lie their own population that UN approved the fascist aggression. "No- fly zone" has nothing to do with bombing. But, who cares...If a fascist newspaper said so, it must be the truth. Everything, including lies and brainwashing for supporting radical islamic "civilians", as always:

Backers on Facebook have compared the Libya bombing campaign — authorized by a U.N. Security Council resolution to protect Libyan civilians — to the 78 days of NATO airstrikes against Serbia.


Interesting comment from Steve:

BTW Nasi Organization translated is "Our" Organization, I think the article misleadingly tries to make it resemble Nazi in the context that it's used... More media with a spin, imagine that...


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