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NATO agression on Lybya
MORE OBAMA WAR CRIMES...Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike!!!!
Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday. It was unclear what the target of the strike was, though Libyan officials said it was Muammar Gaddafi himself, who was giving a live television address at the time... The missile completely destroyed an adjoining office in the compound that houses the government's commission for children. The force of the blast blew in windows and doors in the parent-funded school for children with Down's Syndrome and officials said...
A NATO missile struck a house in Tripoli where Moammar Gadhafi and his wife were staying on Saturday, missing the Libyan leader but killing his youngest son and three grandchildren, a government spokesman said. (May 1)
The sad fact is that at the end of the day nothing in the least will improve in Libya... NATO should have left the animals to slaughter themselves.
Looking at all the steel in the concrete walls of the home it seems the house was built to sustain a moderate attack... It must have been a good sized bomb to do that sort of damage.
One of Gaddhafi's granddaughters killed in bombings.
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