Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
NATO agression on Lybya
Rusija daje neku mlaku izjavu ako je protiv sto nije dala veto u savetu bezbednosti! Ruski lideri su veliki licemeri i ne mogu da ih smisim, jer su se prodali!!!!!!!!!!
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi promised "a long-drawn war" Sunday after an international coalition hammered the nation's air defense as part of an operation to enforce a no-fly zone.
Gadhafi said the strikes were a confrontation between the Libyan people and "the new Nazis."
I absolutely agree with Gadhafi. Today leading NATO countries are the biggest fascist and nazi countries in the world. GB,FRA,USA have adopted nazi and fascist ideology and practice...
All evil empires had its time limit and the end - Egyptian, Medo-Persian, Babylonian, Roman, the Third Reich, Soviet Union, and today US-EU global fascist empire.
Fascist air base in Aviano, Italy. In 1999 this base was used for aggression on Serbia and Montenegro. Today it's the same.
Japan also supported the aggression. They were always siding with evil and fascists. I thought they have smarter things to do, like taking care for the punishment from Creator, but instead they continue to support destruction and death.
If Japan was punished like this, I can't imagine what is going to happen in EU or USA.
--- Quote from: Zelhar on March 20, 2011, 04:32:41 PM ---I wish the "noble" Libyan people manu casualties from NATO and from their own hands. The more, the better !
Now I am also against this western intervention in Libya not because I like Qadaffi or the Libyans yemach schmam, but because clearly any replacement would be worse then him. Libya under Qaddafi is a weak state without WMD program or serious terrorist affiliation (although he was involved in both things in the past).
--- End quote ---
But you can't be a nazi, you are a jew. ???
Go watch your Forth Reich television!
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