Author Topic: Potential Obama OMB Appointee has Socialist Party Ties  (Read 497 times)

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Potential Obama OMB Appointee has Socialist Party Ties
« on: March 19, 2011, 09:28:46 AM »

Trevor Loudon of New Zeal is keeping at watchful eye on all of the socialists who aspire to a career with Barack Obama.

This little number is Heather Higginbottom who withered rather quickly under questioning from Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alab.) as she strives for confirmation to a deputy position at Office of Management and Budget.  Listen to the video first and then read what Trevor has dug up on her.  Let’s hope Sen. Sessions reads this and asks…….a lot more questions, enough to jettison her.

Perhaps Senator Sessions should ask Heather Higginbottom to explain this  photo, taken from here

Heather Higginbottom, podium. Left to right William Julius Wilson, Dottie Stevens, Jack Clark, Bob Haynes. D.S.A. logo on wall center right

    “The photo above shows Heather Higginbottom, while serving as a legislative assistant  to Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, addressing an October 30, 2001, Boston Democratic Socialists of America organized forum “Welfare, Children and Families: The Impact of Welfare Reform”, with William Julius Wilson, Dottie Stevens, Jack Clark and Bob Haynes.

    William Julius Wilson and Jack Clark were confirmed D.S.A. Marxists. Bob Haynes is a long time Boston D.S.A. affiliate – at least.

    Incidentally William Julian Wilson spoke at another D.S.A. forum,   on February 25 1996, in Ida Noyes Hall at the University of Chicago.

    Entitled “Employment and Survival in Urban America”, the meeting was sponsored by the University of Chicago  D.S.A. Youth Section, Chicago D.S.A. and the University Democrats.

    The panelists were all known socialist affiliates: Toni Preckwinkle, Alderman of Chicago’s 4th Ward, Barack Obama, candidate for the 13th Illinois Senate District, Professor William Julius Wilson, Center for the Study of Urban Inequality at the University of Chicago, Professor Michael Dawson, University of Chicago, and Professor Joseph Schwartz, Temple University and a member of D.S.A.’s National Political Committee.

    Speaking at one D.S.A. sponsored event does not necessarily make  a person a Marxist, but it should be enough to raise questions about  one’s suitability for a very high level government position.

    Despite its relatively innocuous name,  Democratic Socialists of America  is a  radical Marxist organization that believes, according to Democratic Left, Spring 2007, page 9

    Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production.

    DSAers work closely with the Communist Party USA and the pro North Korean/Cuban Workers World Party. One former D.S.A. leader, Kurt Stand is still serving seventeen  and a half years in jail,  for spying for the former German Democratic Republic and the Soviet Union.

    Should  Heather Higginbottom be asked to explain her Democratic Socialists of America connection?

    Was addressing this D.S.A. forum a one off youthful indiscretion, or part of a longer term socialist commitment?

    American taxpayers deserve to know the answer. I hope Senator Sessions will oblige them.”

And thank you Trevor for this valuable information, as always. Busy as he is in Christchurch, NZ with the terrible earthquake, he still does yeoman’s duty outing the commies in our midst.