Author Topic: Good interview with ugly Helen Thomas where she calls People Jews not Zionists  (Read 2064 times)

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Helen Thomas: 'Israelis Want to Take Palestinian Homes and Land and Water and Kill Their Children'

By Noel Sheppard | March 18, 2011 | 10:33
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If you thought Helen Thomas telling Jews to get the hell out of Palestine was anti-Semitic, you ain't seen nothing yet.

The disgraced former White House correspondent is Playboy magazine's interviewee in April, and some of the hate-filled nonsense she spewed to her Jewish interviewer should shame those responsible for ever putting this woman in such a powerful press position:

I knew I’d hit the third rail. You cannot say anything about Israel in this country. But I’ve lived with this cause for many years. Everybody knows my feelings that the Palestinians have been shortchanged in every way. Sure, the Israelis have a right to exist—but where they were born, not to come and take someone else’s home. I’ve had it up to here with the violations against the Palestinians. Why shouldn’t I say it? I knew exactly what I was doing—I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up. [...]

I also heard from Jimmy Carter. He called a few weeks later. Basically he was sympathetic. He talked about the Israelis in the Middle East, the violations. It was very nice of him to call, but I don’t want to get him into trouble.

Isn't that nice? A former President of the United States called to express his sympathies to a woman after she was fired for making disgusting anti-Semitic comments. Tells us a lot about Carter, doesn't it?

But hold onto your seat, for the ride's going to get much bumpier:

Well, there’s no understanding of the Palestinians at all. I mean, they’re living there and these people want to come and take their homes and land and water and kill their children and kill them. How many are still under arrest in Israel—never been charged, never been tried, never been convicted? Thousands. Why? Meanwhile, we keep giving Israel everything. Our government bribes the Israelis by saying, “Please come to the [negotiating] table and we’ll give you this and we’ll give you that.” Obama’s last offer to the Israelis was $22 billion in new fighter planes [Editor’s note: The offer was actually just under $3 billion], a veto at the UN for anything pro-Arab or pro-Palestinian and a three-month freeze on the colonization and settlers. I mean, what is this? They gave away the store, just as Reagan and every other president did. Why do you have to bribe people to do the right thing? I don’t want my government bribing anybody. I want them demanding. Stop all this aid to Israel when they’re killing people! [...]

What I meant [by my June 2004 rant] was they should stay where they are because they’re not being persecuted—not since World War II, not since 1945. If they were, we sure would hear about it.

Jews aren't being persecuted? Quite the contrary, as NewsBusters reported last September, only blacks and gays are the victims of more hate crimes in America than Jews. And, as NewsBusters reported last April, violence against Jews more than doubled in 2009 to the highest level since such incidents began to be monitored over two decades ago.

Of course, it's not at all surprising an anti-Semitic cretin like Thomas wouldn't have heard about this for America's press almost universally ignored it!

But Thomas wasn't done as she was about to get caught in her own anti-Semitism:

THOMAS: I want people to understand why the Palestinians are upset. They are incarcerated and living in an open prison. I say to the Israelis, “Get out of people’s homes!” It’s unacceptable to have soldiers knocking on a door at three in the morning and saying, “This is my home.” And forcing people out of homes they’ve lived in for centuries? What is this? How can anybody accept it? I mean, Jewish-only roads? Would anyone tolerate something like that in America? White-only roads?

PLAYBOY: You mean Israeli-only roads, not Jewish only, right? [Editor’s note: Israel closes certain roads to Palestinians, but roads are open to all Israeli citizens and to other nationals, regardless of religious background.]

THOMAS: Israeli-only roads, okay.

Nice catch there by Playboy's David Hochman. Let's continue:

THOMAS: But it’s more than semantics because the Palestinians are deprived of owning these roads. This is their land. I’m sorry, but we’re talking about foreigners who came and said, “G-d gave this land to us.” [Former Israeli prime minister ­Yitzhak] Rabin said, “Where’s the deed?” I mean, come on! Do you know that an Arab Palestinian trying to go home to see his mother has to go through 10 checkpoints and then is held there, while an American tourist can go through right like that? The Palestinian people have to carry their kids to hospitals and are not allowed to drive cars and so forth. What is this? No American Jew would tolerate that sort of treatment here against blacks or anyone else. Why do they allow it over there? And why do they send my American tax dollars to perpetuate it?

PLAYBOY: Do you acknowledge that some Palestinian behavior over the years, including hijacking and the use of suicide bombers, has been wrong and has added to the problem?

Great question. You're not going to believe her pathetic answer:

THOMAS: In an ideal world passive resistance and world disarmament would be great. Unfortunately we don’t live in that world. Of course I don’t condone any violence against anyone. But who wouldn’t fight for their country? What would any American do if their land was being taken? Remember Pearl Harbor. The Palestinian violence is to protect what little remains of Palestine. The suicide bombers act out of despair and desperation. Three generations of Palestinians have been forced out of their homes—by Israelis—and into refugee camps. And the Israelis are still bulldozing Palestinians’ homes in East Jerusalem. Remember, Menachem Begin invented terrorism as his MO—and bragged about it in his first book. That’s how Israel was created, aided and abetted by U.S. money and arms. To annex and usurp an occupied people’s country is illegal under international law. The Israelis know that, but their superior military force has always prevailed against the indigenous people.

Menachem Begin invented terrorism? What kind of nonsense is that?

And Palestinian violence, hijacking, and suicide bombers are justified "to protect what little remains of Palestine?"

This coming from a woman who later in the interview rued the decline of the antiwar movement saying, "I want the killing to stop."

Apparently not the killing of innocent women and children by Palestinians!

But there's still more:

PLAYBOY: In the wake of your anti-Israel comments, a blogger from The ­Atlantic argued there’s really no distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. He wrote, “Thomas was fired for saying that the Jews of Israel should move to Europe, where their relatives had been slaughtered in the most devastating act of genocide in history. She believes that once the Jews are evacuated from their ancestral homeland, the world’s only Jewish country should be replaced by what would be the world’s 23rd Arab country. She believes that Palestinians deserve a country of their own but that the Jews are undeserving of a nation-state in their homeland, which has had a continuous Jewish presence for 3,000 years.…”

THOMAS: [Interrupts] Did a Jew write this? [Editor’s note: The writer is Jeffrey Goldberg.]

"Did a Jew write this?" This interview is just oozing with anti-Semitism!

PLAYBOY: “…and has been the location of two previous Jewish states. This sounds like a very anti-Jewish position to me, not merely an anti-Zionist position.”

THOMAS: This is a rotten piece. I mean it’s absolutely biased and totally—who are these people? Why do they think they’re so deserving? The slaughter of Jews stopped with World War II. I had two brothers and many relatives who fought in that war against Hitler. We believed in it. Every American family was in that fight. But they were liberated since then. And yet they carry on the victimization. American people do not know that the Israeli lobbyists have intimidated them into believing every Jew is a persecuted victim forever—while they are victimizing Palestinians.

"American people do not know that the Israeli lobbyists have intimidated them into believing every Jew is a persecuted victim forever—while they are victimizing Palestinians." Wow!

Readers are advised to please fasten their seatbelts for the next lengthy anti-Semitic exchange:

PLAYBOY: In a speech in Detroit last December, you told an Arab group, “We are owned by the propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion. They put their money where their mouth is. We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.” Do you stand by that statement?

THOMAS: Yes, I do. I know it was horrendous, but I know it’s true. Tell me it’s not true and I’ll be happy to be contradicted. I’m just saying they’re using their power, and they have power in every direction.

PLAYBOY: That stereotype of Jewish control has been around for more than a century. Do you actually think there’s a secret Jewish conspiracy at work in this country?

THOMAS: Not a secret. It’s very open. What do you mean secret?

PLAYBOY: Well, for instance, explain the connection between Hollywood and what’s happening with the Palestinians.

THOMAS: Power over the White House, power over Congress.

PLAYBOY: By way of contributions?

THOMAS: Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control.

PLAYBOY: Who are you thinking about specifically? Who are the Jews with the most influence?

THOMAS: I’m not going to name names. What, am I going to name the Ponzi guy on Wall Street [Bernard Madoff] or the others? No.

PLAYBOY: Then how do you make the claim that Jews are running the country?

THOMAS: I want you to look at the Congress that just came in. Do you think [New York Democratic senator Charles] Schumer and Lehtinen—whatever her name is—in Florida [Republican representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a strong supporter of Israel] are going to be pro-Arab? No. But they’re going to be very influential. Eric Cantor, the majority leader of the Republicans, do you think he’s going to be for the Arabs? Hell no! I’m telling you, you cannot get 330 votes in Congress for anything that’s pro-Arab. Nothing.

So as long as there are Jews in Congress, no legislation will be created that is pro-Arab. And she thinks she's not anti-Semitic.

PLAYBOY: Do you begrudge people like Steven Spielberg? He created the Shoah Foundation to chronicle the life stories of Holocaust survivors. What’s your feeling about him?

THOMAS: There’s nothing wrong with remembering it, but why do we have to constantly remember? We’re not at fault. I mean, if they’re going to put a Holocaust museum in every city in Germany, that’s fine with me. But we didn’t do this to the Jews. Why do we have to keep paying the price and why do they keep oppressing the Palestinians? Do the Jews ever look at themselves? Why are they always right? Because they have been oppressed throughout history, I know. And they have this persecution. That’s true, but they shouldn’t use that to dominate.

PLAYBOY: In America you’re talking about a relatively small community. Jews make up roughly two percent of the U.S. population. On a worldwide level, the percentage is well under one percent. Those numbers don’t exactly spell domination.

THOMAS: I get where you’re leading with this. You know damn well the power they have. It isn’t the two percent. It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. You don’t deny that. You’re Jewish, aren’t you?


THOMAS: That’s what I thought.

"That’s what I thought." Wow!

And this highly anti-Semitic woman was allowed almost limitless access to U.S. presidents and their staffs for almost 50 years. Makes me shudder to think about it.

As a humorous aside, Hochman later in the interview asked Thomas what her most trusted news sources are today. Her answer was telling:

THOMAS: Nobody, really. I like the liberal press. I like E.J. Dionne Jr. in The ­Washington Post. I like Sam Donaldson. I believe he’s an honest man. I loved Walter Cronkite. I certainly loved Ed Murrow. But I don’t see replicas around.

"I like the liberal press."

Thank you for proving our point, Helen.
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    * Helen Thomas
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#1 Oh, thank G-d!

Submitted by Newsbubba on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 10:37am.

"The disgraced former White House correspondent is Playboy magazine's interviewee in April"

I was reading that first sentence and almost threw up and went blind thinking it was going to say that Helen was going to be the centerfold!

Good thing people only read Playboy for the articles.

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#2 Good morning bubba

Submitted by cocodrie on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 10:57am.
You mean she's not the centerfold? What a loss for the feminnazis. It could ahve been a step forward for them. I mean she is one of the better looking ones.


Jesus Loves You so much He died for you

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#3 Nasty image

Submitted by Ozconservative on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:18am.
But I do believe she was the centerfold for the May '42 edition of "Die Sturmer". Also she was February for their 1943 calendar "Hot Babes of the Third Reich" with Irma Grese, Leni Reifenstahl, Eva Braun and Hannah Reitsch.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

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#4 Thanks Oz...

Submitted by adamsmith on Sat, 03/19/2011 - 11:30am.
That's the hardest I've laughed in a long time....Thanks again.....

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#5 Helen Thomas in Playboy.

Submitted by Morganfrost on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:25am.
Thank G-d it was just crude, anti-Semitic bile! If it had been what you thought.... oh, it's too horrible, and my eyes are burning just from thinking about it!

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#6 Some effective antidotes

Submitted by jpwcpa on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 4:26pm.
Just picture Sarah Palin in black leather, or Michelle Malkin in a cheerleader's outfit, or S.E. Cupp in just about anything. Works for me.

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#7 I second that!!

Submitted by Ozconservative on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 8:51pm.
Beautiful, intelligent and conservative, everything Helen Thomas aint!!!
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

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#8 I don't know, her picture

Submitted by gvii on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:31am.
I don't know, her picture does have at least one useful, albeit unintentional, effect. It's absolutely guaranteed to cure any inconvenient moments of arousal. One thousand times the power of a cold shower. Unfortunately, having that image and the knowledge of the personality behind it seared into your mind may very well produce an more permanent effect..

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#9 Yes

Submitted by Ozconservative on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:48am.
But it could be used for good. Maybe men with sex addiction issues could be made to stare at a picture of Helen for 10 minutes three times a day. Maybe women with the same problem could stare at....I dunno......Mike Malloy???
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

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#10 Not Mike Malloy

Submitted by jpwcpa on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 4:16pm.

More like James Carville. And the effect would be amplified if accompanied by audio of any of his speeches.

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#11 In other words gvii there's

Submitted by Scuba Dude on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:49am.
In other words gvii there's not enough Viagra in the world.................. :-)
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." President Ronald Reagan

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#12 I guess in her book it was

Submitted by ricklail on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 10:46am.

I guess in her book it was ok for the towel heads to kill the Jewish family in the West Bank. That was cold blooded murder, not an act of war.
"The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still." A.W. Tozer

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#13 What an old tool

Submitted by Hologram5 on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 10:46am.
Yeah, the Isrealis want to kill children... Is that why a four month old Israeli child was stabbed to death in her sleep by some radical sociopath? Helen, the sometimer's has turned to alzheimer's and you are now irrelevant.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

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#14 Israeli medics save Palestinian mother and child

Submitted by TexasMom0517 on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:19pm.
While sitting shiva for the Fogel family, Israeli medics saved the life of a Palestinian woman and her unborn baby. Helen Thomas proves to me that there is real evil in the world. May G-d have mercy on her soul.
"My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total. I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution." Barbara Jordan

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#15 Don't usually ask this

Submitted by jon_torlin on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 10:47am.

I don't usually ask this about some people, but in her case....

Why isn't she dead yet?  When will her evil spirit rest(or at least GO AWAY!)?


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#16 I'm glad you don't ask that question very often...

Submitted by DumbCanuck on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:43pm.
...because it should never be asked at all. I do share your frustration, but I would like to wish Ms. Thomas an even longer life, so that hopefully while she is still with us, have every opportunity to experience redemption, because once she's gone, there's no turning back for her.



This is what passes for science these days.

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#17 Maybe....

Submitted by jon_torlin on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:28pm.

But people like her are like that to the bitter end. Just saying.  Unlike yourself, I don't hold any hope of redemption from that kind of hate-filled life.


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#18 G-d gave this land to

Submitted by ricklail on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:11pm.

G-d gave this land to us.” [Former Israeli prime minister ­Yitzhak] Rabin said, “Where’s the deed?

Try Genesis 15.  The Abrahamic Covenant is still in affect until G-d says differently.
"The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still." A.W. Tozer

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#19 Dear Newsbusters

Submitted by Ozconservative on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:10am.
Please refrain from putting up pictures of the Blair Witch without some prior warning at least. Seeing this hate-filled, nasty hag makes me want to throw up.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill

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#20 A matter of history

Submitted by dreamsincolor on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:22am.
I wrote then deleted a very crude email regarding her attractiveness to blind yaks, but I deleted it in favor of this :

The "Palestinians" problem is not the Jewish people. Simply, it is the disgusting cult they live under that teaches hate as a family value, the bizarre lie that Jewish people kill muslim babies and mix their blood as a sacrament, and on and on.

The persecution of the Jewish people as a scapegoat for every self-serving, money corruption failure of the pathetic leadership that has dominated the "Arab" lands for 60 years puts an explanation point on this woman's stupidity and bias.

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#21 She will..................

Submitted by Patriot II on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 11:52am.
One day stand before almighty G-d and answer for all her lies! And she is not a young chicken..she better get her house in order!!! imo

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#22 What's next? "So Helen, how

Submitted by Beukeboom on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:07pm.

What's next?

"So Helen, how long have you believed Jews eat babies?"

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#23 Hope Helen is reading this thread*

Submitted by cajun2 on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:10pm.

Don't care what you think Helen. Your version of victims and heroes are those that use stealth in the middle of the night to butcher babies. How sad. Then I hope this link really ticks you off

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#24 Could some one figure out

Submitted by gvii on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:20pm.

Could some one figure out where this ancient hag left her broom? I'd like nothing more than to watch her fly as far away from the rest of us as she can with her blatant and disgusting bigotry in tow.

She is a picturesque example of the double standard in the liberal camp.  While there have been some left leaning individuals who have condemned the crap she sprays every time she opens her mouth, there hasn't been anywhere near the screams of bigotry we have heard with objections from the right in regards to the questionable nature of the Pigford Settlement, or the Ground Zero mosque.  It makes no matter that she makes no attempt to put even a thin veil around her deep seated anti-semitic nature.  She puts it right out there for everyone to see.  She hates Jews, and she hates them because they are Jews.  But it's ok, because she is a liberal.  If a conservative even hints at the possibility he/she may be slightly uncomfortable with the idea of a mosque close to the epicenter of the single most devastating Islamic terrorist attack on this country, or that he/she would like to see that people are prevented from entering our country illegally on our southern border, and watch out!  The race cards are tossed out with such voracity that they fall faster than snowflakes in the thickest of blizzards.  Then again, that analogy may not impart the intended sense of grandeur I intended since the liberal's over enthusiastic use of the race card has severely cheapened it, as well as their propensity to make anything that goes against their agenda a matter of race, no matter how miniscule or utter preposterous the connection may be.

Their silence in regards to the comments of this archaic bigot is absolutely deafening.  You'd think they would at least attempt to distance themselves from the comments of this crone, if for no other reason than an attempt at not looking blatantly hypocritical.  But it's clear their morality and reason has long since withered under the mass of their ever growing egos.

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#25 Can you return to you native

Submitted by John21 on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:24pm.
Can you return to you native land in time to participate? No one but your elitist media buddies would even notice you are gone.

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#26 But Oz doesn't want that

Submitted by Beukeboom on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:31pm.
But Oz doesn't want that Munchkin back.

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#27 A cable network ought to have a daily show . . .

Submitted by Galvanic on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:29pm.
. . . wherein guests like Helen Thomas, Charlie Sheen, Anthony Wiener, Maxine Waters, Rosie O'Donnell, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, etc. are interviewed and allowed to rant -- uneditted -- for 30 minutes. Then, on the broadcast of the show, little captions or word balloons pop up with facts countering their claims.

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#28 Ugly outside

Submitted by All American on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 12:56pm.
UGLIER inside.

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#29 WWof the West

Submitted by peteydee on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:28pm.
May I just thow a bucket of water on you Helen ,and see if you melt? For an educated woman,her ignorance and hate is palpable.

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#30 Not even about a hundred years ago,,

Submitted by brutony1 on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 2:00pm.
when she was a teenager, should she ever come NEAR a centerfold! This is one FUGLY broad, inside AND out! And people wonder why theres still so much anti-Semitism allowed to be broadcast!
When will liberals WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE! -Me

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#31 She believes Sam Donaldson is an honest man

Submitted by Galvanic on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:56pm.
That puts her in a distinct minority.

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#32 I'm sorry, but I can't say 'Helen Thomas' and 'Playboy'...

Submitted by Dave. on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 1:57pm. the same sentence.   :-o

As for Thomas herself, she is a lost cause, and probably too senile to even realize it.

It’s either Obama or America. There cannot be both.

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#33 Thanks a lot Dave. I have

Submitted by ricklail on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 2:16pm.

Thanks a lot Dave. I have been on steroids for a week and they cause nightmares. I am going to have nightmares for a week thinking of HT neeeekid.
"The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still." A.W. Tozer

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#34 rick,

Submitted by Dave. on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 8:25pm.

LOL - Well, it's like the dearly departed Lewis Grizzard used to say.

Naked means you don't have any clothes on.

Nekkid means you don't have any clothes on, and you're up to something.

In Helen's case, and if I were forced, I would most definitely choose the former.

It’s either Obama or America. There cannot be both.

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#35 Helen is also getting her own column: "The Palyboy Advisor"

Submitted by SickofLibs on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 2:03pm.

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#36 Please tell me she's not the centerfold.

Submitted by Rusty Shackleford on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 2:32pm.
OK, I know I should write something about my outrage over this anti-semite's latest public tirade, but I can't help from commenting on how Playboy magazine is the absolute last place I would have ever expected an appearance by Helen Thomas

Read more:
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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The sooner Helen Thomas and Jimmy Carter leave this world,   the better.   
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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I wish i could slowly cut her and skin her alive and then curb stomp her to her death.  ;D

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Helen Thomas in Playboy magazine?!?!!?!!! Oy Gevalt has that publication gone downhill... I wonder what she will wear in her centerfold photo...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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I dont even know what this MANIAC is talking about. Obama and his ilk are 10 x the Jew haters that the Bush creeps were.

O's admin has ONE, (1) Jew, Jacob Lew in it.

He must be all knowing and all powerful.
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What a beauty!
She should model for that magazine.
I thinks the world needs to see the rest of her.


Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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She's so beautiful...