Author Topic: Look at this article in a so called Jewish newspaper kick Jews out of Chevron  (Read 396 times)

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and look at the nazi talkbacks                         

You’ve probably read about the situation in the West Bank city of Hebron, where some 800 Jewish settlers live in the midst of 170,000 Palestinians. But being there is something else. Being there can make you sick to your stomach; being there you can’t help thinking of the “A-word.”

A few weeks ago, I spent an afternoon in places you won’t find on most synagogue tours, and there is no other word to describe what I saw. In the settlement of Kiryat Arba, Hagit Ofran, director of Peace Now’s Settlement Watch project, told our delegation from Americans for Peace Now, “From here, only Israelis can enter Hebron by car; Palestinians have to go on foot.” I thought she was joking. She wasn’t.

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Since the 1970s, radical settlers have been reclaiming properties in Hebron that were owned by Jews prior to the establishment of the state in 1948. Today, there are signs everywhere proclaiming the settlers’ G-d-given right to the city, citing the words of the Torah (“The children have returned to their own border.” Jeremiah 31:17) and recalling the 1929 massacre of 66 Jews by their Arab neighbors.

I saw no mention of the 1994 massacre that took place at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Tomb of the Patriarchs, where Baruch Goldstein, an American-born Israeli doctor, opened fire on Muslim worshippers, killing 29 and wounding 125. When the streets of Hebron erupted with rage, the Israel Defense Forces imposed a curfew on the Palestinians, confining them to their homes for all but a few hours a day to buy food.

First we’re massacred, then we’re punished, was the incensed Palestinian response. Why not put the Jewish extremists under curfew? Why does the burden of Jewish security always fall on us?

With each new outburst of violence, the Israeli army imposed more restrictions on the Palestinians. The Hebron Protocol of 1997, a diplomatic accord reached by Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization with the help of the Clinton administration, formally divided the city. Palestinians were given responsibility for the lion’s share of greater Hebron, called Area H-1, while Area H-2 — the 18% of the city in which the settlers had inserted themselves — remained under Israeli military control.

The vast market that had served the city and surrounding villages fell in H-2. It was shut down by the Israeli army, and separation measures were imposed to protect the settlers against attack and further reduce friction between Arabs and Jews. Palestinians’ access to the center of town was severely restricted, their shops closed, a few stores taken over by settlers, most boarded up.

Now, after 14 years, the main street looks like a ghost town, its crumbling buildings scarred with Hebrew graffiti: “Jews Only Buy From Jews.” “No Arabs, No Mice.” “Death to the Arabs!” and worse. My stomach heaved at the hate-filled words but even more so at the sight of the street split by a physical divider, one side for Palestinians, the other for Jews — the larger side for Jews — with Israeli soldiers on guard over the scene. Ofran said some Palestinians, because they cannot use the streets, must reach their homes via their neighbors’ rooftops.

In 10 breathless minutes, Issa Amro, a Palestinian human rights activist we met, drew a chilling portrait of Israeli occupation of H-2 and its 18 checkpoints. Though born in Hebron, he is not allowed on some of the streets. Though he practices nonviolence, he is subject to military law, while even the most violent and radical settlers live under civil law. He told us of how Palestinians can be detained without trial for days, Israelis for only 24 hours. Palestinians have to fence their windows to ward off settlers’ rocks; the army fails to protect their homes. He recounted how two years ago a woman gave birth at a checkpoint because Palestinian ambulances need special authorization to cross between the two sectors. Dozens of roads have been blocked with cement barriers to prevent Palestinians from moving freely.

If one opens one’s eyes to the truth, the unmentionable becomes unavoidable — “A” for arrogance, and yes, for apartheid. It hurts me just to write that word.

As a life-long, Israel-loving, peace-seeking Zionist, I disdained the hyperbolic label and the facile, incendiary parallels to pre-Mandela South Africa that, for years, have been propagated by Jimmy Carter and some pundits on the left. I’ve made at least two dozen trips to Israel since 1976 and, though strongly critical of its government’s policies toward Palestinians within and outside the Green Line — whether under Labor, Likud or Kadima leadership — I never felt that extreme indictment was warranted by the facts on the ground. Then again, until last month, I had never been to Hebron.

Justice-loving Jews cannot keep denying what is happening under Israeli auspices in Hebron; we can never say we didn’t know.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a founding editor of Ms. Magazine and the author of nine books, is a past president of Americans for Peace Now.

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tillkan's avatar - Go to profile

tillkan 61p · 21 hours ago
It took you a visit to Hebron to figure this out? What, roads built just for Jews didn't ring a bell? Live bullets at nonviolent demonstrations didn't ring a bell? Settlements dumping raw sewage on Palestinian towns didn't ring a bell?
2 replies · active 1 hour ago
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Gwen's avatar

Gwen · 2 hours ago
Settlements are the problem. The other parts are for safety.
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@jilliancyork · 1 hour ago
Live bullets at nonviolent demonstrations are just for safety?
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Hanna Gold's avatar

Hanna Gold · 20 hours ago
My stomach heaves as I read this ridiculous article. A bleeding heart goes to Hebron and is led around on an "emotional blackmail" tour by pro-Arab organizations, and we are supposed to find the propaganda "enlightening"? Please.

The tragic Fogel family, are only one family in a long line of Jewish victims who suffered many decades before Baruch Goldstein existed. Also, did they tell her about the Arab baby who was born a few days ago with help from a Settler medical team?

The current campaign on by these "peace loving Arabs" to deny the Jewish history of Hebron, a kind of "Cultural Holocaust" Is not even mentioned in this nauseating article. How stomach-turning is that?
2 replies · active 5 hours ago
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Louis's avatar

Louis · 11 hours ago
Maybe just maybe the oppressive realities of Occupation are seeping into the consciousness of US Jewish communities. It is not about Israel anymore it is far beyond... The same Indictment that Pogrebin declares regarding Hebron is applicable to so many other places under Israeli control where if you are Palestinian your rights are measurably less. Your access to justice is roadblocked and your ability to breathe the clear air of freedom is polluted. It can be Hebron, Sheikh Jerrah and Silwan (and more) in East Jerusalem, it can be Lod... Lifta, the list goes on the indictment is similar... US Jewry must awaken to this and decide: Democratic Israel or not. If not what good is AIPAC and the other acronyms?
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IsraeliJew's avatar

IsraeliJew · 5 hours ago
When you ascribe more value to one life than another you turn you back on your faith.
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Frank Connelly's avatar

Frank Connelly · 19 hours ago
Those who never tire of siting the deaths of innocent jews, whether settlers, such as the Fogel family, or those who succumbed to Nazism should remember Ernst vom Rath. It was his murder in Paris in 1938 which was used as the pretext to incite violence against Jews throughout Europe. Religious and Racially motivated collective punishment is believed to be abhorrent in one case, and quite justified in another. No nation on earth has a more vested interest in undoing the harm that has been done to the Palestinian people under occupation than does Israel.
0 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
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Bea Knox's avatar

Bea Knox · 19 hours ago
"As a life-long, Israel-loving, peace-seeking Zionist, I disdained the hyperbolic label and the facile, incendiary parallels to pre-Mandela South Africa that, for years, have been propagated by Jimmy Carter and some pundits on the left."

Well, Letty, you've just made yourself an honorary member of that hateful, despicable club. (In my view, you are about as honorable as Judge Goldstone, another "peace-seeking Zionist.," who bought into the lies of the "peace-loving Palestinians" of Gaza and condemned Israel in the eyes of the world for protecting its own citizens.)

Did you happen to read today's news? Rockets raining down again on Beersheva, Ashdod, Ashkelon? Another bombing in Jerusalem? Now that you've crossed over, are you going to sing the tune of the mainstream media and blame Israel for those incidents too? Might as well join the chorus and lay blame on the Fogel family for their existence, thereby deserving the savage terror attack that butchered a 3 month old baby and stabbed a 3 year old in the heart. (What's next - an article in Ms. blaming rape victim for their misfortune?)

Did you, by any chance, happen to ask your "Palestinian human rights activist" guide if Jews have free and equal access to all parts of the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a cornerstone of our Jewish faith? Why JEWS are barred from one of our holiest site? Similarly, if a Jew visits the Temple Mount, it can only be under the scrutiny of the Waqf, where we are barred from praying, swaying or even giving the appearance of moving our lips. In the Jewish city of Jerusalem, JEWS are NOT ALLOWED to pray freely.

Sadly, however, you don't seem to be sickened by any of these incidents. You say you are an "Israel-loving Zionist.." Where is your Jewish soul? If you had a modicum of Jewish education, you would know that Hebron is one of the four holy cities of Israel, and that there has always been a Jewish presence there, long before that "a-word" ever came into existence.

It's justice loving Jews like you who choose to champion the cause of lies.

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« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 06:03:36 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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